
From owning my own mobile phone at age 11, I got used to charging my phone, as we all are accustomed to doing. As a tech enthusiast, I was an early adopter of many new technologies. Suddenly, charging my watch became commonplace. My first car was, and still is, my trusty and fully electric Nissan Leaf (yes, I passed my driving test at age 27), so charging my car took some getting used to but was probably easier for me than for others. Charging my shoes, however, is another level of pretentiously futuristic.

f光盘拥有我自己的手机在11岁时,我习惯了充电我的电话,大家都习惯做的事情。 作为技术爱好者,我是许多新技术的早期采用者。 突然, 给我的手表充电变得司空见惯。 我的第一辆车曾经是,现在仍然是我值得信赖的纯电动Nissan Leaf(是的,我在27岁时通过了驾驶考试),因此为汽车充电需要一些时间来适应,但对我来说可能比其他人更容易。 但是, 给鞋子充电是另一种自命不凡的未来。

When the Nike Adapt BB shoes were announced last year, the news filled the tech news websites I frequent. All the tech YouTubers had their say on the Bluetooth-connected self-lacing trainers — and I was hooked on the idea. I’ve recently come to seek out ubiquitous technology that blends itself seamlessly into the background, quietly doing something unexpected. These shoes would make a nice addition to my setup, though they proved very difficult to get one’s hands on.

去年宣布耐克Adapt BB鞋时,这一消息充斥了我经常光顾的科技新闻网站。 YouTube技术人员在连接蓝牙的自动鞋带训练器上都有发言权,而我对此非常着迷。 最近,我来寻找无所不在的技术,将其无缝融合到后台,悄悄地做一些意想不到的事情。 这些鞋对我的设置很有帮助,尽管事实证明,很难穿上它。

A year on, I stumbled across the Nike Adapt BB 2.0, the second revision of their original consumer-grade self-lacing shoe, and I was reminded of the desire I had a year prior. So, I looked on eBay and found a pair of 2.0s in the even rarer UK size 10 variety — opened, but unworn.

一年过去了,我偶然发现了耐克Adapt BB 2.0,这是他们最初的消费级自动系带鞋的第二版,让我想起了一年前的愿望。 因此,我查看了eBay,发现了一个在稀有的英国10号品种中的一对2.0,它们开了,但没用。

That wasn’t going to be the case for much longer.


Note the red ‘R’ so you can tell which shoe is which | Image by Author
注意红色的“ R”,这样您就可以知道哪只鞋是哪只鞋。 图片作者

评价 (The Review)

I bought these shoes to wear, and wear them I did. After a month, here’s what I think of them.

我买了这双鞋穿了,然后穿了。 一个月后,这就是我对它们的看法。

“Hey Siri, tighten my shoes”


I must preface this section by pointing out that these shoes are clearly meant for basketball players (hence the BB) or other people more active than me. In fact, the effect that the self-lacing aspect has on the relative motion between the foot and the shoe has been researched¹. I don’t play basketball, a fact to which all 5'5" of me can attest, nor am I particularly active, though I’m working on fixing that. Therefore, this review is from the perspective of a person who’s into tech enough to own a pair of shoes whose laces can be tightened by Siri.

我必须在本节的开头指出,这些鞋显然是为篮球运动员(因此成为BB)或比我更活跃的人们使用的。 实际上,已经研究了自鞋带方面对脚与鞋之间的相对运动的影响¹。 我不打篮球,尽管我正在努力解决这个问题,但我所有5'5“的人都无法证明这一点。因此,本文是从对技术感兴趣的人的角度出发的足以拥有一双可以被Siri收紧的鞋。

Seriously, saying “Hey Siri, tighten my shoes” into an Apple Watch does just that. “Hey Siri, loosen my shoes” does the opposite and “Hey Siri, release my shoes” lets me take them off.

认真地说,在Apple Watch中说“嘿Siri,系紧我的鞋子”就可以了。 相反,“嘿Siri,松开我的鞋子”,“嘿Siri,松开我的鞋子”让我脱鞋。



The unboxing experience | Image by Author
拆箱体验| 图片作者

Unboxing the shoes (pictured above), I was greeted with each one wrapped in paper, some paperwork to explain how to get them up and running, a wireless charging mat wide enough to charge both shoes at once as well as a USB type C cable and charger.

拆开鞋子的包装(如上图所示),我被包裹在纸上的每个纸袋所吸引,一些文书工作解释了如何安装和运行它们,一个足够宽的无线充电垫可以一次为这双鞋子充电,并配有USB C型电缆和充电器。

The setup process was fairly quick and easy, consisting mainly of downloading the Adapt app, pairing each shoe to my phone via Bluetooth and then inserting my feet to begin calibration. That’s right, the shoes calibrate themselves to your feet when you set them up for the first time. The app even asked if I wore insoles so it could take them into account, which is great, as I do.

设置过程非常简单快捷,主要包括下载Adapt应用,通过蓝牙将每只鞋子与我的手机配对,然后将脚插入以开始校准。 没错,当您第一次设置鞋子时,鞋子会自行校准。 该应用程序甚至询问我是否穿了鞋垫,以便可以将它们考虑在内,这和我一样很棒。

The self-lacing E.A.R.L. mechanism | Image by Author
自锁式EARL机制| 图片作者

The Electro Adaptive Reactive Lacing system (shown above), affectionately abbreviated to E.A.R.L. by Nike, is what sets these shoes apart from your standard trainer. The ability not only to self-lace, but to change the fit mid-wear (hence the name Adapt) means that comfort is a swipe on your phone, or a button press on the shoe, away. For example, if walking the dog at a leisurely pace, I might choose to set a relaxed, loosened fit, around 10 on Nike’s tightness scale. However, when driving (where shoes slipping around on the heel isn’t great), I’ll quickly set them to 45, the tightness recommended by the app’s calibration system.

Nike亲切地缩写为EARL的Electro Adaptive Reactive Lacing系统(如上所示)使这些鞋与您的标准运动鞋有所不同。 这种功能不仅可以自我系鞋带,而且还可以改变合身的中层穿着(因此改名为Adapt),这意味着舒适感可以在手机上轻扫一下,或者在鞋子上按一下按钮。 例如,如果以悠闲的速度walking狗,我可能会选择设置宽松,宽松的贴合度,以耐克的紧度等级为10。 但是,在开车时(鞋子在脚跟上打滑的感觉不太好),我会Swift将其设置为45,这是应用程序的校准系统建议的密封性。

优点 (The Pros)

I love these shoes. They’re comfortable, more comfortable in fact than any shoe I’ve owned. That might be due to the tailored fit the E.A.R.L. system gives, or it might just be that I’ve never paid over £20 for a pair of trainers before — I live quite close to a Sports Direct.

喜欢这些鞋子。 它们舒适,实际上比我拥有的任何鞋子都舒适。 这可能是由于EARL系统提供的量身定制的,或者可能是因为我之前从未为一对教练支付过20英镑的费用-我住得很近于Sports Direct。

The novelty has not yet worn off. It greatly pleases the techie in me to know that my shoes can do what they can do, even if it’s not apparent to everyone else (and I wouldn’t necessarily want it to be). I am reminded of my excited inner child whenever I unlock my phone and see the Adapt app on my home screen. They’re also a great talking point among friends.

新颖性尚未消失。 令我内心的技术人员感到非常高兴的是,即使我的鞋子对其他人都不是很明显(我也不一定希望这样做),但我的鞋子可以做他们可以做的事情。 每当我解锁手机并在主屏幕上看到Adapt应用时,我都会想起我内心激动的孩子。 他们也是朋友之间的好话题。

Lastly, and thankfully this doesn’t affect me personally, they would cater very well to someone with difficulties tying their laces for dexterity reasons. Granted, slip-ons would be as easy to put on, but they wouldn’t offer the locked-in, secure feeling these shoes provide.

最后,值得庆幸的是,这对我个人没有影响,他们会很好地迎合因灵巧原因而无法系鞋带的人。 诚然,穿便鞋很容易穿上,但它们不会提供这些鞋所提供的固定,安全的感觉。

缺点 (The Cons)

Though I love them, they of course have their downsides. The self-lacing mechanism is quite loud, and though it’s hard to hear them when out and about, they signal when I am going out or getting home to the whole household. Usually a laugh or two follows, so at least they have entertainment value.

虽然我爱他们,但他们当然也有缺点。 自我约束的机制非常响亮,尽管外出或外出时很难听到它们的声音,但它们会在我外出或回到家中时发出信号 通常会笑一两声,因此至少它们具有娱乐性。

The fact that I either have to take out my phone or use the side buttons on the shoes to take them off is not always as fun as the first time. Sometimes, when you get in, you just want to kick off your shoes and relax, and the mechanism slightly elongates this process. Not by enough to stop me from wearing them, mind you.

我要么必须拿出手机,要么使用鞋子上的侧面按钮将它们取下,这一事实并不总是像第一次那样有趣。 有时候,当您进入时,您只想踢起鞋子放松一下,而机制会稍微延长这一过程。 请注意,这还不足以阻止我佩戴它们。

The biggest drawback of these trainers is the price, as they retail for £399, though I paid less than this on eBay. Yes, owning interesting tech is expensive, and it wouldn’t be so bad if these shoes weren’t entirely and unashamedly pointless. The real drawback is that they have added very little value to everyday life besides the novelty, even if that’s a hard truth to admit for a techie like me. I could easily have spent less on a pair of shoes that are probably just as comfortable, that are easier to take off and that induce less anxiety that they’ll break.

这些教练的最大缺点是价格,因为它们的零售价为399英镑,尽管我在eBay上付的钱比这少。 是的,拥有有趣的技术很昂贵,而且如果这些鞋子不是完全毫无羞耻地毫无意义,那也不会太糟糕。 真正的缺点是,除了新颖性之外,它们对日常生活几乎没有增加任何价值,即使对于像我这样的技术人员来说这是一个很难接受的事实。 我本可以轻松地花更少的钱买一双既舒适又舒适的鞋子,这样的鞋子更容易脱掉,并减少了他们折断的焦虑。

最后的想法 (Final Thoughts)

The novelty of these shoes is outstanding and the comfort they provide is impressive. They’re a great conversation starter among tech-minded people, and they make you feel like you’re back from the future. They also disturb everyone, including the dog, when they come on and off, the lights on the side make you look like you’re 5 years old and they cost a fortune.

这些鞋子的新颖性非常出色,并且提供的舒适感令人印象深刻。 他们是具有技术意识的人们之间很好的对话起点,并且使您感到自己从未来回来。 当它们上下时,它们还会打扰所有人,包括狗,侧面的灯使您看起来像您5岁,而且他们为此付出了一笔财富。

Some regret, but not really | Image by Author
有些遗憾,但不是真的 图片作者

Bottom line: unless the tech will help you, don’t buy them.

底线:除非技术能为您提供帮助, 否则请不要购买它们。

They are fun though.


翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/walking-a-mile-in-self-lacing-shoes-8eebf094cc3b




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