Test Mode Test IEEE 802.3 Reference
Test Mode-1 Peak Droof Template
Test Mode-2
Test Mode-3
Master Jitter
Slave Jitter
Test Mode-4 Distortion
MDI Return Loss
MDI Common Mode Voltage


1.1、TM1:Transmit Waveform Test

{{+2 followed by 127 0 symbols}, {–2 followed by 127 0 symbols},{+1 followed by 127 0 symbols}, {–1 followed by 127 0 symbols}, {128 +2 symbols, 128 –2 symbols, 128 +2 symbols, 128 –2 symbols}, {1024 0 symbols}}

IEEE 802.3示意图:

分段 信号 说明
[A,B) +2 followed by 127 0 symbols

A点:0.75*1 + 0.25*0 = 0.75V

A点下一个symbol:0.75*0 + 0.25*1 = 0.25V

128个symbol = 1.024 us

[B,C) –2 followed by 127 0 symbols

B点:0.75*(-1) + 0.25*0 = -0.75V

B点下一个symbol:0.75*0 + 0.25*(-1) = -0.25V

128个symbol = 1.024 us

[C,D) +1 followed by 127 0 symbols

C点:0.75*0.5 + 0.25*0 = 0.375V

C点下一个symbol:0.75*0 + 0.25*0.5 = 0.125V

128个symbol = 1.024 us

[D,E) –1 followed by 127 0 symbols

D点:0.75*(-0.5) + 0.25*0 = -0.375V

D点下一个symbol:0.75*0 + 0.25*(-0.5) = -0.125V

128个symbol = 1.024 us

[E,F) 128 +2 symbols

理论上E~F点都是0.75*1+ 0.25*1 = 1V


128个symbol = 1.024 us

[F,H) 128 –2 symbols

理论上F~G点都是0.75*(-1)+ 0.25*(-1) = -1V


128个symbol = 1.024 us

[H,K) 128 +2 symbols 同[E,F)
[K,M) 128 –2 symbols 同[F,H)
[M,A) 1024 0 symbols

0.75*0+ 0.25*0 = 0V

1024个symbol = 8.192 us

备注:1 symbol = 2bit, 1 symbol = 125 MHz = 8ns

实际测试图(与IEEE 802.3有很大不同):

Point A Peak Output Volatge:

Difference A,B Peak Output Volatge:

  • 错误认知(被放大两倍):       
  • 正确认知(目前示波器采用):    

1.2、TM2/3:Transmit jitter test in MASTER/SLAVE mode

Data symbol sequence {+2, –2} repeatedly,Period = 2 symbol = 62.5 MHz = 16ns


1.2、TM4:Transmitter Distortion Test

The sequence of symbols generated by the following scrambler generator polynomial, bit generation, and level mappings: 
Peak Distortion is determined by comparing the received sequence with the ideal waveform。

Ideal Waveform:

The 1000BASE-T transmitter distortion test checks the accuracy of all 17 analog signal levels transmitted over the CAT5 media and ensures those levels are sufficiently accurate in the middle of the unit interval (UI,1/125MHz) .

That check guarantees a receiver that is correctly locked in the middle of the UI can recover the analog level corresponding to a specific symbol sent from its link partner’s transmitter.

The distortion test does not aim to evaluate overall signal shape, which is primarily checked by the template tests in Test Mode 1.

1.2.1、Transmitter Distortion计算方法

  • Distortion影响performance,the distortion around the middle of the eye is critical to message bit error rate.
  • TM4 Distortion和performance没有绝对关系。

现在,A PHY is considered to pass this test if the peak distortion is below 10 mV for at least 60% of the UI within the eye opening.这个要求过于严格,且对于performance考核没必要。

早期,All Gigabit PHYs in the Ethernet industry have been designed and tested with the 1000BASE-T distortion test using the original best-phase approach(相当于0.5UI处的distortion).

Note:60% of the UI是任意的区间,而不一定是0~60%这个区间。

1.2.2、影响Transmitter Distortion的因素

  • 幅值Swing:越小越好,但是不符合标准,属于投机取巧的作弊行为
  • 摆率Slew Rate:可能是稍微陡峭一点比较好

physical layer compliance testing 1000base t ethernet | Tektronix


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