
Taxi or travel apps always need to show the direction of travel on the map. In this quick tutorial, I will show you how to set up, show, and test the directional marker on the maps.

出租车或旅行应用程序始终需要在地图上显示旅行方向。 在本快速教程中,我将向您展示如何在地图上设置,显示和测试方向标记。

Completed tutorial on Github here.


So, at first, we need these keys in info.plist file. These settings will allow us to use user location detection from our app.

因此,首先,我们需要在info.plist文件中使用这些键。 这些设置将使我们能够使用应用程序中的用户位置检测。

<key>NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription</key><string>Your location is required for taxi correct work</string><key>NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription</key><string>Your location is required for taxi correct work</string><key>NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription</key><string>Your location is required for taxi correct work</string>

Second, we need to import the CoreLocation framework in our controller and create CLLocationManager. After that, we need to set up this manager like below.

其次,我们需要在控制器中导入CoreLocation框架并创建CLLocationManager 。 之后,我们需要像下面这样设置此经理。

As a location delegate, our ViewController needs to conform to CLLocationManagerDelegate.


As we can see, here we have a point variable — it is the latitude and longitude of our device. Also, we have location.course property. This is a course of location in degrees to true North. The range of this property is 0.0 –359.9 degrees, 0 being true North. (It can return -1 if the device is motionless).

可以看到,这里有一个point变量-它是设备的经度和纬度。 此外,我们还有location.course属性。 这是相对于真实北向的定位路线。 此属性的范围是0.0 –359.9度,0是真北。 (如果设备静止不动,则返回-1)。

Right now our app receives device location and direction. And with this data, we can build a custom marker on any map for showing users direction.

现在,我们的应用会接收设备的位置和方向。 借助这些数据,我们可以在任何地图上构建自定义标记以显示用户方向。

测试中 (Testing)

it was unclear how to test it without real travel. But Apple did this for us, and Xcode has built-in travel simulation. You just need to run Simulator and choose Features -> Location -> Freeway Drive.

目前尚不清楚如何在没有实际旅行的情况下进行测试。 但是Apple为我们做到了这一点,Xcode具有内置的旅行模拟功能。 您只需要运行模拟器并选择功能->位置->高速公路驱动器。

Google Maps部分 (Google Maps Part)

Installation guide you can find here in the official documentation. You need to get Google API Key here. After that — you can set this key in the AppDelegate class. (Make sure to replace “YOUR_API_KEY” on your real Google API Key.

您可以在官方文档中找到安装指南。 您需要在此处获取Google API密钥。 之后,您可以在AppDelegate类中设置此键。 (请确保在真实的Google API密钥上替换“YOUR_API_KEY”

And as you can see, we just need to create our custom marker and turn it on angle provided by CoreLocation. But before that, we need to transform angle from degrees to radians. We don’t need to redraw marker, we just need to change the position of it. And that it.

正如您所看到的,我们只需要创建自定义标记并将其打开CoreLocation提供的角度即可。 但是在此之前,我们需要将角度从度转换为弧度。 我们不需要重绘标记,我们只需要更改其位置即可。 就是这样。

结果 (Result)

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