隐藏标签页 chrome

Justin Duino
贾斯汀·杜伊诺(Justin Duino)

Google’s Tab Groups feature is available in Chrome 83, releasing on May 19, 2020. Google is slowly rolling out the feature along with the ability to collapse groups of tabs to help organize your Windows 10, Mac, Linux, or Chrome OS browser window.

Google的“标签组”功能可在2020年5月19日发布的Chrome 83中使用。Google正在逐步推出该功能,并具有折叠标签组的功能,以帮助组织Windows 10,Mac,Linux或Chrome OS浏览器窗口。

At the time of writing, the Tab Group feature is available on Chrome Beta and Canary. It must be enabled using Chrome Flags. But after months of testing, Google is slowly rolling the feature out to the stable build of Chrome for everyone to use.

在撰写本文时, Chrome Beta和Canary可以使用“标签组”功能。 必须使用Chrome Flags启用它。 但是经过数月的测试, Google逐渐将其功能推广到稳定的Chrome版本中,以供所有人使用。

If the update hasn’t reached your computer yet, you will need to download one of Google’s less-than-stable builds of Chrome and manually enable the Tab Groups feature before you can collapse and hide tabs. Jump down to the “Create A New Tab Group” section if the feature is live on your machine.

如果更新尚未发布到您的计算机上,则您需要下载Google不稳定的Chrome版本之一,并手动启用“标签组”功能,然后才能折叠和隐藏标签。 如果您的计算机上存在该功能,则跳至“创建新标签页组”部分。

启用选项卡组和折叠功能 (Enable the Tab Groups and Collapse Features)

Before we begin, a word of caution. Chrome flags are unfinished features and tend to be buggy. As the Tab Groups feature is rolling out to the stable build of Chrome in the coming weeks, you should be fine.

在开始之前,请注意。 Chrome标记是未完成的功能,并且往往有问题。 随着“标签组”功能在接下来的几周内将逐步推出稳定的Chrome版本,您应该会很好。

Open Chrome Beta or Canary on your computer and type chrome://flags into the address bar.

在计算机上打开Chrome Beta或Canary,然后在地址栏中输入chrome://flags

Next, search for “Tab Groups” using the search box. Click on the drop-down box next to “Tab Groups” and “Tab Groups Collapse” and set both to “Enabled.”

接下来,使用搜索框搜索“标签组”。 单击“选项卡组”和“选项卡组折叠”旁边的下拉框,然后将两者都设置为“启用”。

You will now need to restart Chrome to finish the feature’s installation. Click on the blue “Relaunch” button found at the bottom of your browser window.

现在,您需要重新启动Chrome才能完成功能的安装。 单击浏览器窗口底部的蓝色“重新启动”按钮。

创建一个新的标签组 (Create a New Tab Group)

With the Tab Group feature now enabled on your instance of Chrome (whether the function was automatically or manually turned), it’s time to create a group.


Begin by opening one or two tabs. Next, right-click on the first tab that you want to add to the group. Select the “Add Tab To New Group” option from the menu that appears.

首先打开一个或两个标签。 接下来,右键单击要添加到组中的第一个选项卡。 从出现的菜单中选择“向新组添加标签”选项。

Your first Chrome Tab Group has been created. Right-click on the group’s icon to customize its name and color.

您的第一个Chrome标签组已创建。 右键单击组的图标以自定义其名称和颜色。

Before you can minimize tab groups, you’re going to need to add more tabs to it. To do this, right-click on a tab, hover over “Add Tab To Group,” then select the group you want to use.

在最小化选项卡组之前,您需要向其添加更多选项卡。 为此,右键单击选项卡,将鼠标悬停在“将选项卡添加到组”上,然后选择要使用的组。

Alternatively, you can quickly add a tab to a group by clicking and dragging it into the Chrome group.


折叠和隐藏选项卡组 (Collapse and Hide Tab Groups)

Collapsing tab groups is as easy as clicking on the group’s name or icon. A short animation will show all of the tabs minimize and hide in a block smaller than the size of one tab.

折叠选项卡组就像单击该组的名称或图标一样简单。 一个简短的动画将显示所有选项卡最小化并隐藏在小于一个选项卡大小的块中。

When you need to open one of the collapsed tabs, click on the group’s name or icon to expose all of the hidden tabs. Each tap will expand to the right of the group.

当您需要打开一个折叠选项卡时,请单击组的名称或图标以显示所有隐藏的选项卡。 每个点击将扩展到组的右侧。

从网上论坛中删除标签 (Remove Tabs from Groups)

Deleting an individual tab from a group can be done by right-clicking on the tab, then selecting the “Remove From Group” button.


You have two options to choose from if you want to get rid of the entire group: “Ungroup” and “Close Group.” The first option deletes the group but leaves all of the tabs open, while the latter removes the group and closes each tab.

如果要摆脱整个群组,可以有两个选择:“取消群组”和“关闭群组”。 第一个选项删除该组,但保留所有选项卡打开,而后一个选项删除该组,并关闭每个选项卡。

Right-click on the group’s name or icon, then select the option that works best for you.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/673731/how-to-collapse-and-hide-tab-groups-in-google-chrome/

隐藏标签页 chrome

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