mulesoft 核心知识点Summary

  • 1. Introducing application networks and API-led connectivity
  • 2. Introducing Anypoint Platform
  • 3. Designing APIs
  • 4. Building APIs
  • 5. Deploying and managing APIs
  • 6. Accessing and modifing Mule events
  • 7. Stucturing Mule applications
  • 8. Consuming web services
  • 9. Controlling event flow
  • 10. Handling errors
  • 11. Writing DataWeave transformations
  • 12. Triggering flows
  • 13. Processing records

1. Introducing application networks and API-led connectivity

  • Companies today need to rapidly adopt and develop new tecnologies in order to stay relevant to customers & keep competitive
  • IT needs to be able to repidly integrate resources and make them available for consumption
    • An API-led connectivity approach can help achieve this
  • To drive API-led connectivity, create a C4E (Center for Enablement)
    • A cross-functional team to ensure assets across the organization are productized, published, and widely consumed
  • An application network is a network of applications, data, and devices connected with APIs to make them pluggable and to create reusable services
  • A web service is a method of communication that allows two software systems to exchange data over the internet
  • An API is an application programming interface that provides into for how to communicate with a software component
  • The term API is ofter used to refer to any part of a RESTful web service
    • The web service API(definition or specification file)
    • The web service interface implementing the API
    • The web service implementation itself
    • A proxy for the web service to control access to it
  • RESTful web services use standard HTTP protocal and are easy to use
    • The HTTP request method indicates which operation should be performed on the object identified by the URL

2. Introducing Anypoint Platform

  • Anypoint Platform is a unified, hybrid integration platform that creates a seamless application network of apps, data, and devices with API-led connectivity
  • Use Anypoint Exchange as a central repository for assets so they can be discovered and reused
    • Populate it with everything you need to build your integration projects
  • Use Flow Designer to build integration applications
    • These are Mule 4 applications that are deployed to a Mule runtime
  • Mule runtimes can be MuleSoft-hosted in the cloud(CloudHub) or customer-hosted in the cloud or on-prem
  • DataWeave 2.0 is the expression language for Mule to access, query, and transform Mule 4 event data

3. Designing APIs

  • RAML is a non-proprietary, standards-based API description language spec that is simple, succinct, and intuitive to use
    • Data structure hierarchy is specified by indentation, not markup characters
  • Use API Designer to write API specifications with RAML
  • Documentation is auto-generated from a RAML file and displayed in an API console
  • A mocking service can be used in API console to test an API and return the example data specified in RAML
  • Make an API discoveralbe by adding it to your private Exchange
  • API portals are automatically created for the APIs with
    • Auto-generated API documentation
    • An API console that provides a way to consume and test an API
    • An automatically generated API endpoint that uses a mocking service to allow the API to be tested without having to implement it
  • API portals can be shared with both internal and external users
    • Selectively share APIs in your org’s private Exchange with other internal developers
    • Share APIs with external developers by creating and customizing a public portal from Exchange and specifying what APIs you would like to include in it

4. Building APIs

  • Anypoint Studio can be used to build Mule applications for integrations and API implementations
    • Two-way editing between graphical and XML views
    • An embedded Mule runtime for testing applications
  • Mule applications accept and process events through a series of event processors plygged together in a flow
    • Use the HTTP Listener as an inbound endpoint to trigger a flow with an HTTP reques
    • Use the Set Payload transformer to set the payload
    • Use the Database connector to connect to JDBC databases
    • Use DataWeave and the Transform Message component to transform message from one data type and structure to another
  • Create RESTful interfaces for applications
    • Manually by creating flows with listeners for each resource/method pairing
    • Automatically using Anypoint Studio and APIkit
  • Connect web service interfaces to implementations using the Flow Reference component to pass messages to other flows
  • Synchronize changes to API specifications between Anypoint Studio and Anypoint Platform using API Sync

5. Deploying and managing APIs

  • Deploy appliations to MuleSoft-hosted or customer-hosted Mule runtimes
  • CloudHub is the platform as a Service(Pass) component of Anypoint Platform
    • Hosted Mule runtimes(workers) on AWS
  • An API proxy is an application that controls access to a web service, restricting access and usage through the use of an API gateway
  • The API Gateway runtime controls access to APIs by enforcing policies
    • Is part of the Mule runtime but requires a separate license
  • Use API Manage to
    • Create and deploy API proxies
    • Define SLA tiers and apply runtime policies
      Anypoint Platform has out-of-the box policies for rate-limiting, throttling, security enforcement, and more
      SLA tiers defines # of requests that can be made per time to an API
    • Approve, reject, or revoke access to APIs by clients
    • Promote managed APIs between environments
    • Review API analytics

6. Accessing and modifing Mule events

  • The best way to view event data is to add breakpoints to a flow and use the Mule Debugger
  • Use the Logger component to display data in the console
  • Use the Set Payload transformer to set the payload
  • Use the properties view to set response data for an HTTP Listener and request data for an HTTP Request operation
  • Use the DataWeave language to write inline expressions in #[ ]
  • Use the Set Variable transformer to create variables

7. Stucturing Mule applications

  • Separate functionality into multiple applications to allow managing and monitoring of them as separate entities
  • Mule applications are Maven projects
    • A projects’s POM is used by Maven to build, report upon, and document a project
    • Maven builds an artifact(a Mule deployable archive JAR) from multiple
      dependencies(module JARs)
  • Separate application functionality into multiple configuration files for easier development and maintenance
    • Encapsulate golbal elements into their own separate configuration file
  • Share resources between applications by creating a shared domain
  • Define application properties in a YAML file and reference them as ${prop}
  • Application metadata is stored in application-types.xml
  • Create applications composed of multiple flows and subflows for better readability, maintenance, and reusability
  • Use a Flow Reference to call flows synchronously
  • Use the VM connector to pass event between flows using asynchronous queues

8. Consuming web services

  • To consume a web service, first look to see if it has a connecor in Anypoint Exchange
    • Easiest way to consume a web service
    • Connectors for APIs specifications added to Exchange are generated automatically by REST Connect
  • Use the HTTP Request operation to consume any REST web service
    • With or without URI parameters and query parameters
    • With or without a RAML definition
  • Use the Web Service Consumer connector to consume any SOAP web service
  • Use the Transform message component to pass arguments to SOAP web service

9. Controlling event flow

  • Use different routers and validators to control event flow
  • Use the Choice router to send an event to one route based on conditional logic
  • Use the Scatter-Gather router to send an event concurrently to multiple routes
    • A collection of all results is returned
    • Use DataWeave to flatten the collection
  • Use the Validation module to specify whether an event can proessed in a flow

10. Handling errors

  • An application can have system or messageing errors
  • System errors are thrown at the system level and involve no event
    • Occur during application start-up or when a connection to an external system fails
    • Non-configurable, but logs the error and for connections, executes any reconnection strategy
  • Messaging errors are thrown when a proble occurs within a flow
    • Normal flow execution stops and the event is passed to an error handler(if one is defined)
    • By default, unhandled errors are logged and propagated
    • HTTP Listeners return success or error responses depending upon how the error is handled
    • Subflows cannot have their own error handlers
  • Messaging errors can be handled ata various levels
    • For an application, by defining an error handler outside any flow and the configuring the application to use it as the default error handler
    • For a flow, by adding error scopes to the error handling section
    • For one or more processors, by encapsulating them in a Try scope that has its own error handling section
  • Each error handler can have one or more error scopes
    • Each specifies for what error type or condition for which it should be executed
  • An error is handled by the first error scope with a matching condtion
    • On Error Propagate rethrows the error up the execution chain
    • On Error Continue handles the error and then continues execution of the parent flow

11. Writing DataWeave transformations

  • DataWeave code can be inline, in a DWL file, or in a module of functions
  • The data model for a transformation can consist of three different types of data:objects, arrays,and simple literals
  • Many formates can be used as input and output including JSON, Java, XML, CSV, Excel, Flat File, Cobol Copybook, Fixed Width, and more
  • The DataWeave application/dw fomat can be used to test expression to ensure there are no scripting errors
  • Use the map function to apply a transformation function(a lambda) to each item in an array
  • A lambda is an anonymous function not bound to an identifier
  • When mapping array elements(JSON or JAVA) to XML, wrap the map function in {(…)}
  • DataWeave is a functional programming language where variables behave just like functions
  • Define global variables in the header with var
    • Assign them a constant or a lambda expression
    • Use fun directive to access lambdas assigned to variables as traditional functions
  • Define local variables in the body with do{}
    • The scope of the do statement defines the boundaries of local variables
  • Functions are packaged in modules
    • Functions in the Core module are imported automatically into DataWeave scripts
    • Use the import header directive to import functions in all other modules
  • Functions with 2 parameters can be called with 2 different syntas
  • Use the metadata format schema property to format #'s and dates
  • Use the type header directive to specify custom data types
  • Transform objects to POJOs using: as Object {class: “com.myPOJO”}
  • Use lookup() to get data by calling other flows

12. Triggering flows

  • Use watermarks to synchronize data across data stores
    • Use either manual or the automatic watermarking available for som connectors
  • Use the family of File, FTP, FTPS, and SFTP connectors to work with files and floders
  • Use the On Neew or Updated File listener to trigger flows when files are added, created, or updated
    • Use the connector’s automatic watermarking to determine if a file is new based on a creation or modification timestamp
  • Use the On Table Row listener when new records are added to a database table
    • Use the connector’s automatic watermarking to determine if the record is new
  • Use the Scheduler component to schedule flows to run at a certain time or frequency
    • Use a watermark to keep a persistent variable between scheduling events
  • Use the Object Store connector to persist and share a watermark(or other data) across flow executions
  • Use the JMS connector to publish and consume messages
    • Connect to any JMS messaging service that implements the JMS spec

13. Processing records

  • Use the For Each scope to process individual collection elements sequentially and return the original payload
  • Use the Batch Job scope(EE only) for complex batch jobs
    • Created especially for processing data sets
    • Splits messages into individual records and performs actions upon each record
    • Can have multiple batch steps and these can have filters
    • Record-level data is persisted across steps using variables
    • Can handle record level failures so the job is not aborted
    • The batch job returns an object with thw results of the job for insight into which records were processed or failed

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