
Your gas light comes on right after you pass your favorite gas station on the way home. That’s okay, you’ll fill up in the morning, right? Except you know you’re going to forget. If you’re using Dash with an OBD-II adapter, you can set a reminder so you know when you need to fill up.

在回家的路上经过您最喜欢的加油站后,您的煤气灯便会亮起。 没关系,您早上会加油吧? 除非您知道您会忘记。 如果您将Dash与OBD-II适配器配合使用 ,则可以设置提醒,以便知道何时需要填充。

For this, we’re going to use a service called IFTTT (If This Then That). If you haven’t used IFTTT before, check out our guide to getting started for info on how to create an account and connect apps. Then, come back here to create the necessary recipe.

为此,我们将使用一个称为IFTTT的服务(如果做到了,那么就做到了)。 如果您以前从未使用过IFTTT, 请查看我们的入门指南,以获取有关如何创建帐户和连接应用程序的信息。 然后,回到这里创建必要的配方。

We’ll be using the Dash IFTTT channel to detect when your car is low on fuel. You can use several channels to create a reminder for you, including Todoist, iOS Reminders, Google Calendar, and more. We’ll demonstrate with Todoist, but you can adapt the recipe for any service you want to get a reminder however you prefer. Activate the Dash channel and your preferred to-do list or reminder app before we get ready.

我们将使用Dash IFTTT频道来检测您的汽车何时燃料不足。 您可以使用多种渠道为您创建提醒,包括Todoist , iOS Reminders , Google Calendar 等等 。 我们将与Todoist一起进行演示,但是您可以根据自己的喜好调整配方,以适应需要提醒的任何服务。 在我们准备就绪之前,请激活Dash频道和您首选的待办事项列表或提醒应用。

To get started, head to IFTTT’s home page and log in. Then, click your profile picture


Next, click “New Applet.”


Click the word “this” highlighted in blue.

单击以蓝色突出显示的单词“ this”。

Search for “Dash” or find it in the grid of products below. Click on it when you find it.

搜索“破折号”或在下面的产品网格中找到它。 找到它后单击它。

In the list of triggers, find “Low fuel level” and click on it.


This trigger activates when your gas tank drops below a certain percentage. Since most gas tanks don’t show a numerical value, you might have to do a little guess work depending on when you want to be notified. Your car’s empty light will probably turn on somewhere around 10-15%, though you may want to start at 25% and work your way down if you need to. You don’t want to get a notification when it’s too late.

当您的油箱降到一定百分比以下时,将触发此触发器。 由于大多数储气罐均未显示数值,因此您可能需要做些猜测工作,具体取决于您希望何时得到通知。 您的汽车的空灯可能会点亮约10-15%的某个地方,尽管您可能希望以25%的速度开始,并在需要时逐渐降低。 您不想太晚收到通知。

Next, it’s time to create your reminder. As we mentioned earlier, you can use whatever reminder or to-do list app you want. We’ll use Todoist. Click the blue “that” button.

接下来,是时候创建提醒了。 如前所述,您可以使用所需的任何提醒或待办事项应用程序。 我们将使用Todoist。 单击蓝色的“那个”按钮。

Search for your to-do list or reminder app (in this case, Todoist) or find it in the list below.


Click “Create task” in the list of triggers below.


You can customize several options for the task Todoist will create, but two of the most important ones are found at the bottom. Here, you can set a due date and priority. Set Priority to level one so Todoist knows to bump that to the top of your list. For the due date, Todoist supports a wide array of natural language dates. So, for example, you can set the due date to “tomorrow at 7AM” if you always want to be reminded before work, or “2 hours from now” if you want to give yourself more flexibility. When you’re done customizing your reminder, click “Create action.”

您可以为Todoist将创建的任务自定义多个选项,但是最重要的两个选项位于底部。 在这里,您可以设置截止日期和优先级。 将“优先级”设置为第一级,这样Todoist就会知道将其排在列表顶部。 对于到期日,Todoist支持多种自然语言日期 。 因此,例如,您可以将截止日期设置为“明天早上7点”,如果您总是想在下班前得到提醒,或者将“截止日期从现在开始2小时”,如果您想给自己更多的灵活性。 完成提醒的自定义设置后,请点击“创建操作”。

When you’re finished, give your applet a name and click the big blue Finish button at the bottom of the page.


This applet will run as long as your Dash is connected to your car with an OBD-II adapter. You can even use Dash to find the cheapest gas station nearby to save yourself some cash on your way to work.

只要您的Dash通过OBD-II适配器连接到汽车,该小程序就会运行。 您甚至可以使用Dash在附近找到最便宜的加油站,以节省上班时间的现金。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/304705/how-to-get-an-automatic-reminder-to-fill-up-your-cars-gas-tank-when-its-low/



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