
Twitter threads are the worst. Don’t make them.

Twitter线程是最糟糕的。 不要做。

…is advice I myself don’t listen to. Neither do you. There’s nothing you can say in a Twitter thread that can’t be said better in a blog post, but something about getting feedback for individual sentences is intoxicating, and just too compelling for us to not do it.

……这是我本人不听的建议。 你也没有您无法在Twitter话题中说出什么,在博客文章中不能说得更好,但是有关获取单个句子的反馈的内容令人陶醉,并且太令人信服了,我们不愿意这样做。

This is great for the person creating the tweet storm, but Twitter is a terrible user interface for actually reading long strings of text. Which is where Spooler comes in.

这对于创建推文风暴的人来说非常有用,但是Twitter是一个糟糕的用户界面,它实际上只能读取长字符串。 后台打印程序进来的地方。

This tool parses any Twitter thread and puts it together into something resembling a blog post. No RT and Like buttons, no replies from randos, no dateline; just the text you want to read, along with any images or videos included in the thread.

该工具解析任何Twitter线程,并将其组合成类似于博客文章的内容。 没有RT和点赞按钮,没有randos的回复,没有日期线; 只是您要阅读的文字,以及该主题中包含的所有图像或视频。

Using the tool is simple. First, find a thread you want to turn into a post.

使用该工具很简单。 首先,找到您要转为帖子的主题。

Find the last post in the thread, then copy the URL by right-clicking the date, then clicking “Copy Link” (or whatever specific wording your browser of choice uses.)


Next, head to Spooler. If it’s your first time using the site, you’ll have to log in using your Twitter account. Once that’s done you can paste your URL.

接下来,前往Spooler 。 如果这是您第一次使用该网站,则必须使用您的Twitter帐户登录。 完成后,您可以粘贴您的URL。

The tool will take a while to parse things, particularly for very long threads. This has to do with Twitter’s API limits, but eventually you will see the Tweets turned into a collection of text.

该工具将花费一些时间来解析内容,尤其是对于很长的线程。 这与Twitter的API限制有关,但是最终您会看到Tweets变成了文本集合。

This is a lot easier to read, and can be a godsend for long threads. It’s particularly useful if you want to quote a long thread in something you’re writing, because it saves you from having to copy-paste from a bunch of different tweets.

这很容易阅读,可以成为长线程的天赐之物。 如果您想在编写的内容中引用长线程,则此功能特别有用,因为它使您不必从多个不同的tweet中复制粘贴。

Even better: if a given thread includes images, or links to YouTube videos, all of that will be embedded.


You can even link to the threads you’ve blog-ified, though users need to log into the service in order to see the result. And there are a few downsides, like needing to scroll to the bottom of a thread in order to convert it. You can read the reasons for these and other decision in this blog post about Spooler’s creation, if you’re interested.

您甚至可以链接到博客定义的线程,尽管用户需要登录该服务才能查看结果。 还有一些缺点,例如需要滚动到线程底部才能进行转换。 如果您有兴趣,可以在这篇关于Spooler创建的博客文章中阅读做出这些决定的原因以及其他决定。

If there’s a thread people keep telling you to read, but you can’t be bothered to sort through all the tweets, this is a pretty good tool for the job. It be nice if people would start posting their extended thoughts to blogs again, instead of tweeting them out en masse, this is a decent stopgap solution until that happens (it won’t.)

如果有人不断告诉您要阅读,但您不必费心整理所有推文,这是完成这项工作的不错工具。 如果人们再次开始将自己的扩展想法再次发布到博客上,而不是将其全部发布到微博上,这是一个不错的权宜之计,直到这种情况发生(这不会发生)。

Photo Credit: Jamie





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