
背景 (Background)

A while back I wrote an article called Simple Games which described how to create several "old school" games like Tic-Tac-Toe, Hangman and Blackjack, the latter of which used a set of graphical playing cards. The article has been well-received so I thought I'd write this article that also uses the graphical card deck.

不久前,我写了一篇名为《 简单游戏》的文章,描述了如何创建多个“老派”游戏,例如井字游戏,Hang子手和大酒杯,后者使用了一组图形扑克牌。 这篇文章广受好评,因此我想写这篇也使用图形卡套的文章。

卡座 (The Card Deck)

The card deck which is, or at least used to be, supplied by Microsoft is named VBcards.ocx. In the rest of this article I will refer to it as "the deck". It contains images of the normal 52 playing cards plus several other images that are useful in card games. If you have it on your computer then great. If not then I've attached it here so you can download it. After downloading you'll need to change the extension to "ocx".

由Microsoft提供或至少以前由Microsoft提供的卡座称为VBcards.ocx。 在本文的其余部分中,我将其称为“平台”。 它包含正常52张纸牌的图像以及其他在纸牌游戏中有用的图像。 如果您将其安装在计算机上,那就太好了。 如果没有,那么我将其附加在这里,以便您下载。 下载后,您需要将扩展​​名更改为“ ocx”。



玩游戏 (Playing the Game)

Both versions of the game work the same and the pictures that follow come from the Visual Basic Classic (VB6) Version.

这两个版本的游戏工作相同,并且后续图片来自Visual Basic经典(VB6)版本。

“交易”按钮 (The 'Deal' Button)

Here is what the game looks like after clicking the 'Deal' button. A new, random, set of 5 cards are generated each time it's clicked.

这是单击“交易”按钮后游戏的外观。 每次单击都会生成一组随机的5张新卡片。

“绘制”按钮 ('Draw' Button)

After the cards are dealt you are given the chance to replace one or more cards in the hope of improving your hand. You indicate which cards you want to replace (usually called "throw away" in poker) by clicking on one or more cards and the 'Draw' button becomes available. In the hand shown, adventurous people might throw away the two kings in hopes of getting a flush or straight flush, but most people would correctly throw away the clubs. After doing that the display looks like this:

发牌后,您将有机会更换一张或多张卡,以期改善牌局。 通过单击一张或多张纸牌,您可以指定要替换的纸牌(在扑克中通常称为“扔掉”),并且“抽奖”按钮可用。 在所示手中,冒险的人可能会抛弃两位国王,以期获得同花顺或同花顺,但大多数人会正确地抛弃球杆。 完成后,显示如下:

If you change your mind about one or more cards you can click it/them and the old card will reappear. When you click the 'Draw' button the missing cards are replaced and as in the real game you don't get another chance.

如果您对一张或多张卡片改变主意,则可以单击它/它们,然后旧卡片会重新出现。 当您单击“抽奖”按钮时,丢失的纸牌将被替换,就像在真实游戏中一样,您不会再有机会了。

“发卡”按钮 ('Cards Dealt' Button)

When clicked, a message will be displayed that in the case of our original hand, will say "Two of Clubs, Five of Clubs, King of Diamonds, Three of Clubs and King of Spades".


“评估手”按钮 ('Evaluate Hand' Button)

When you click this button a message will be displayed that, in the case of our original hand, will say "A pair of Kings".


“其他卡”按钮 ('Other Cards' Button)

As I mentioned above, the deck comes with more than just the 52 normal card faces. While it has nothing to do with Poker, I added this button so that you can see what else comes in the deck. Here's what you'll see after clicking it:

正如我上面提到的,卡座不仅具有52张普通卡面。 尽管与扑克无关,但我添加了此按钮,以便您可以看到甲板上还有其他内容。 单击后将显示以下内容:

You may notice that I used 'Card 55' in the 'Draw Cards' paragraph.

您可能会注意到,我在“抽奖卡”段落中使用了“ Card 55”。

关于甲板 (About the deck)

The deck comes with 69 images which consist of the 52 normal card faces and the 17 other images shown in the previous paragraph.


When writing code that involves the deck, the cards are referred to by a number from 1 to 69. Note that somewhat strangely, the cards are not in the normal spades, hearts, diamond, clubs order but rather spades, diamonds, clubs, hearts order:


  • 1 - 13 are the Spades黑桃1-13
  • 14 - 26 are the Diamonds14-26是钻石
  • 27 - 39 are the Clubs27-39是俱乐部
  • 40 - 52 are the Hearts40-52是心灵

Numbers 1, 14, 27 and 40 are the aces. 2, 15, 28, 41 are the twos, and the rest progress in numerical order to the kings.

数字1、14、27和40是A。 2、15、28、41是二,其余的按数字顺序排列到国王。

用甲板编程 (Programming with the Deck)

To use the deck in a program you need to add a Reference to it and the default name for the deck is Deck1.


抽卡 (Drawing a Card)

I'm using "drawing" in the poker sense and to do so you just add a line of code like the following:


Deck1.ChangeCard = GetACard

In the code that I've supplied, GetACard is a function that returns an unused, random, number between 1 and 52. ChangeCard is a method supplied in the deck that IMO would be better named ChangeCardTo because it changes the image to be the one associated with the supplied number.

在我提供的代码中, GetACard是一个返回未使用的,介于1到52之间的随机数字的函数。ChangeCard是甲板上提供的一种方法,IMO最好将其命名为ChangeCardTo,因为它将图像更改为一个与提供的号码相关联。

评估一手牌和其他代码 (Evaluating a Hand and Other Code)

The code behind the 'Evaluate Hand' button uses a group of functions named isPair, isTwoPair, isTrips, etc. all the way up to isRoyalFlush which examine the current hand and return True or False. The Dealt and Rank functions combine to generate the message from the 'Cards Dealt' button.

“评估手”按钮后面的代码使用一组名为isPairisTwoPairisTrips等函数,一直到isRoyalFlush为止 ,该函数检查当前手并返回True或False。 的处理好的函数组合以生成从“卡处理好的”按钮信息。

One more important piece of code is contained in the Click event of the 'Deal' button and it looks like this in the Excel version:


Private Sub cmdDeal_Click()
Dim lngIndex As Long
ReDim mintCardCounts(1 To 13) As Integer
Dim bTesting As Boolean
' Initialize the cards used
mintCardsInHand(0) = 0
mintCardsInHand(1) = 0
mintCardsInHand(2) = 0
mintCardsInHand(3) = 0
mintCardsInHand(4) = 0
' The number of the card we are dealing
mintCurrentCard = 0
'bTesting = True
' Deal
If bTesting Then
' Using 1, 10, 11, 12 and 13 (in any order) will
' create a spade royal flush
Deck1.ChangeCard = 1
imgCard0.Picture = Deck1.Picture
mintCardsInHand(0) = 1
Deck1.ChangeCard = 13
imgCard1.Picture = Deck1.Picture
mintCardsInHand(1) = 13
Deck1.ChangeCard = 12
imgCard2.Picture = Deck1.Picture
mintCardsInHand(2) = 12
Deck1.ChangeCard = 11
imgCard3.Picture = Deck1.Picture
mintCardsInHand(3) = 11
Deck1.ChangeCard = 10
imgCard4.Picture = Deck1.Picture
mintCardsInHand(4) = 10
Deck1.ChangeCard = GetACard
imgCard0.Picture = Deck1.Picture
Deck1.ChangeCard = GetACard
imgCard1.Picture = Deck1.Picture
Deck1.ChangeCard = GetACard
imgCard2.Picture = Deck1.Picture
Deck1.ChangeCard = GetACard
imgCard3.Picture = Deck1.Picture
Deck1.ChangeCard = GetACard
imgCard4.Picture = Deck1.Picture
End If
cmdDraw.Enabled = False
For lngIndex = 0 To 4
mintOldCardsInHand(lngIndex) = mintCardsInHand(lngIndex)
imgCard0.Enabled = True
imgCard1.Enabled = True
imgCard2.Enabled = True
imgCard3.Enabled = True
imgCard4.Enabled = True
cmdEvaluate.Enabled = True
cmdCards.Enabled = True
End Sub

What I'd like to point out is when line 19 is uncommented, you can change the code in lines 23 to 47 and set up different hands for testing purposes.


两种版本之间的差异 (Differences Between the Two Versions)

There is no difference in the way the game is played but there are some differences with the code. In the VB6 version I take advantage of its control array concept to simplify the handling of the card images.

游戏的玩法没有差异,但代码却有差异。 在VB6版本中,我利用其控制阵列概念来简化卡图像的处理。

Excel版本存在问题 (A Problem with the Excel Version)

When you open the workbook you will probably get this message.



I assume that's because it's an old OCX and Office has "forgotten" about it but in my experience it's perfectly safe. As proof of that you can either click 'OK' or 'Cancel' and it still works.

我认为这是因为它是一台旧的OCX,而Office已经“忘记”了它,但是以我的经验,它是绝对安全的。 作为证明,您可以单击“确定”或“取消”,它仍然有效。

资料下载 (Downloads)

Excel: Draw Poker.xlsm

Excel: 绘制Poker.xlsm

VB6: Draw Poker.zip

VB6: 抽奖Poker.zip



If you find that this article has been helpful, please click the “thumb’s up” button below. Doing so lets me know what is valuable for EE members and provides direction for future articles. It also provides me with positive feedback in the form of a few points. Thanks!

如果您发现本文对您有所帮助,请单击下面的“竖起大拇指”按钮。 这样做可以让我知道对EE成员有价值的内容,并为以后的文章提供指导。 它还以几点的形式为我提供了积极的反馈。 谢谢!

翻译自: https://www.experts-exchange.com/articles/29698/A-Game-of-Draw-Poker.html



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