

  1. 处理图片为灰度图

  2. 坐标转换

  3. 统计有效栅格。

  4. 直方图方式统计最大面积

  5. 找矩形顶点


  1. 将坐标再通过仿射转换,转为原图的坐标。


void InnerRect::getInnerRect(const cv::Mat& image, std::vector<cv::Point2f>& Rect_points, const double grid_spacing_in_pixel)
{const int grid_spacing_as_int = std::floor(grid_spacing_in_pixel);const int half_grid_spacing_as_int = std::floor(grid_spacing_in_pixel*0.5);// *********************** I. Find the main directions of the map and rotate it in this manner. ***********************cv::Mat R;cv::Rect bbox;cv::Mat rotated_image;Rotator image_rotation;image_rotation.computeImageRotationMatrix(image, R, bbox);image_rotation.rotateImage(image, rotated_image, R, bbox);// compute min/max room coordinatescv::Point min_room(1000000, 1000000), max_room(0, 0);for (int v=0; v<rotated_image.rows; ++v){for (int u=0; u<rotated_image.cols; ++u){if (rotated_image.at<uchar>(v,u)==255){min_room.x = std::min(min_room.x, u);min_room.y = std::min(min_room.y, v);max_room.x = std::max(max_room.x, u);max_room.y = std::max(max_room.y, v);}}}cv::Mat inflated_rotated_image;cv::erode(rotated_image, inflated_rotated_image, cv::Mat(), cv::Point(-1, -1), half_grid_spacing_as_int);// *********************** II. Find the nodes and their neighbors ***********************// get the nodes in the free spacestd::vector<std::vector<InnerExploratorNode> > nodes; // 2-dimensional vector to easily find the neighborsint number_of_nodes = 0;// todo: create grid in external class - it is the same in all approaches// todo: if first/last row or column in grid has accessible areas but center is inaccessible, create a node in the accessible areafor(int y=min_room.y+half_grid_spacing_as_int; y<max_room.y; y+=grid_spacing_as_int){// for the current row create a new set of neurons to span the network over timestd::vector<InnerExploratorNode> current_row;for(int x=min_room.x+half_grid_spacing_as_int; x<max_room.x; x+=grid_spacing_as_int){// create node if the current point is in the free spaceInnerExploratorNode current_node;current_node.center_ = cv::Point(x,y);//if(rotated_image.at<uchar>(y,x) == 255)               // could make sense to test all pixels of the cell, not only the centerif (completeCellTest(inflated_rotated_image, current_node.center_, grid_spacing_as_int) == true){//如果是第一个元素,则为0,否则是前一个元素计数基础上加1current_node.leftCount = (x == (min_room.x+half_grid_spacing_as_int) ? 0 : (current_row.back().leftCount +1));++number_of_nodes;}// add the obstacle nodes as already visitedelse{current_node.leftCount = 0;++number_of_nodes;}current_row.push_back(current_node);}// insert the current row into gridnodes.push_back(current_row);}std::cout << "found " << number_of_nodes <<  " nodes" << std::endl;if(nodes.empty()){return;}//采用柱状直方图统计方式,对每一列找最大面积int max_area = 0;int max_up = 0;int max_down = 0;int max_left = 0;int max_right = 0;int m = nodes.size();int n = nodes[0].size();for(int j = 0; j < n; j++){std::vector<int> up(m, 0), down(m, 0);std::stack<int> stk;for(int i = 0; i < m; i++){while(!stk.empty() && nodes[stk.top()][j].leftCount >= nodes[i][j].leftCount){stk.pop();}up[i] = stk.empty() ? -1 : stk.top();stk.push(i);}stk = std::stack<int>();for (int i = m-1; i >= 0; i--){while(!stk.empty() && nodes[stk.top()][j].leftCount >= nodes[i][j].leftCount){stk.pop();}down[i] = stk.empty() ? m : stk.top();stk.push(i);}for(int i = 0; i < m; i++){int height = down[i] - up[i] -1;int area = height * nodes[i][j].leftCount;if(max_area < area){max_area = area;max_up = up[i] + 1;max_down = down[i];max_left = j - nodes[i][j].leftCount + 1;max_right = j;}}}int min_x = min_room.x + max_left * grid_spacing_as_int + half_grid_spacing_as_int;int min_y = min_room.y + max_up * grid_spacing_as_int + half_grid_spacing_as_int;int max_x = min_room.x + max_right * grid_spacing_as_int + half_grid_spacing_as_int;int max_y = min_room.y + max_down * grid_spacing_as_int;//transform the calculated path back to the originally rotated mapstd::vector<cv::Point2f> fov_poses;std::vector<cv::Point2f> fov_coverage_path;fov_coverage_path.push_back(cv::Point2f(min_x, min_y));fov_coverage_path.push_back(cv::Point2f(max_x, min_y));fov_coverage_path.push_back(cv::Point2f(max_x, max_y));fov_coverage_path.push_back(cv::Point2f(min_x, max_y));fov_coverage_path.push_back(cv::Point2f(min_x, min_y));image_rotation.transformPathBackToOriginalRotation(fov_coverage_path, fov_poses, R);Rect_points.clear();Rect_points.insert(Rect_points.end(), fov_poses.begin(), fov_poses.end());}





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