用机器学习进行学生成绩预测的数据分析(入门向 附可用源码)

  • 声明
  • 思路
    • 检查数据
    • 图像化处理
    • 分析
      • 相关性分析
      • 构建模型
  • 代码实现
  • 可运行代码
















# Some basic analysis
student = pd.read_csv('./input/student-mat.csv')
print('Total number of students:',len(student))


# Encoding categorical variables
# Select only categorical variables
category_df = student.select_dtypes(include=['object']) # 挑选非数值型变量# One hot encode the variables
dummy_df = pd.get_dummies(category_df) # get_dummies是实现one-hot编码的方法# Put the grade back in the dataframe
dummy_df['G3'] = student['G3']# Find correlations with grade
dummy_df.corr()['G3'].sort_values()# Applying one hot encoding to our data and finding correlation again
# selecting the most correlated values and dropping the others
labels = student['G3'] # G3那一列的数值# drop the school and grade columns
student = student.drop(['school', 'G1', 'G2'], axis='columns') # 删除三列# One-Hot Encoding of Categorical Variables
student = pd.get_dummies(student) # 对整个数据集进行one-hot编码


# Find correlations with the Grade 生成与G3相关度的排序列(降序排列)
most_correlated = student.corr().abs()['G3'].sort_values(ascending=False) # student.corr()生成相关矩阵 .abs()取绝对值 ['G3']挑出G3列 sort默认升序# Maintain the top 8 most correlation features with Grade
most_correlated = most_correlated[:9] # 其实就是[0:9]有0无9 最相关的9个变量(G3是自己 除G3外8个)
print(most_correlated)student = student.loc[:, most_correlated.index] # .loc 通过label选定一组行或列 第一个是行 逗号后面是列 选定最相关的九个变量 旗下每个学生的属性值


# splitting the data into training and testing data (75% and 25%)
# we mention the random state to achieve the same split everytime we run the code
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(student, labels, test_size = 0.25, random_state=42)print(X_train.head())# Calculate mae and rmse
def evaluate_predictions(predictions, true):mae = np.mean(abs(predictions - true)) # 平均绝对误差(np.mean需要是数组)rmse = np.sqrt(np.mean((predictions - true) ** 2)) # 均方根误差(np.sqrt同样需要是数组)return mae, rmse# find the median
median_pred = X_train['G3'].median() # 取中位数# create a list with all values as median
median_preds = [median_pred for _ in range(len(X_test))] # 生成长度为测试集的全值为median_pred的列表# store the true G3 values for passing into the function
true = X_test['G3'] # 保存真实的结果# Display the naive baseline metrics
mb_mae, mb_rmse = evaluate_predictions(median_preds, true)
print('Median Baseline  MAE: {:.4f}'.format(mb_mae))
print('Median Baseline RMSE: {:.4f}'.format(mb_rmse))


results = evaluate(X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test)
print(results)plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))# Root mean squared error
ax =  plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
results.sort_values('mae', ascending = True).plot.bar(y = 'mae', color = 'b', ax = ax, fontsize=20)
plt.title('Model Mean Absolute Error', fontsize=20)
plt.ylabel('MAE', fontsize=20)# Median absolute percentage error
ax = plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
results.sort_values('rmse', ascending = True).plot.bar(y = 'rmse', color = 'r', ax = ax, fontsize=20)
plt.title('Model Root Mean Squared Error', fontsize=20)


import pandas as pd
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as npfrom sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.linear_model import ElasticNet
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
from sklearn.ensemble import ExtraTreesRegressor
from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingRegressor
from sklearn.svm import SVR# Splitting data into training/testing
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split# Some basic analysis
student = pd.read_csv('./input/student-mat.csv')
print('Total number of students:',len(student))
print(student['G3'].describe())# Correlation
print(student.corr()['G3'].sort_values())# Encoding categorical variables
# Select only categorical variables
category_df = student.select_dtypes(include=['object']) # 挑选非数值型变量# One hot encode the variables
dummy_df = pd.get_dummies(category_df) # get_dummies是实现one-hot编码的方法# Put the grade back in the dataframe
dummy_df['G3'] = student['G3']# Find correlations with grade
dummy_df.corr()['G3'].sort_values()# Applying one hot encoding to our data and finding correlation again
# selecting the most correlated values and dropping the others
labels = student['G3'] # G3那一列的数值# drop the school and grade columns
student = student.drop(['school', 'G1', 'G2'], axis='columns') # 删除三列# One-Hot Encoding of Categorical Variables
student = pd.get_dummies(student) # 对整个数据集进行one-hot编码# Find correlations with the Grade 生成与G3相关度的排序列(降序排列)
most_correlated = student.corr().abs()['G3'].sort_values(ascending=False) # student.corr()生成相关矩阵 .abs()取绝对值 ['G3']挑出G3列 sort默认升序# Maintain the top 8 most correlation features with Grade
most_correlated = most_correlated[:9] # 其实就是[0:9]有0无9 最相关的9个变量(G3是自己 除G3外8个)
print(most_correlated)student = student.loc[:, most_correlated.index] # .loc 通过label选定一组行或列 第一个是行 逗号后面是列 选定最相关的九个变量 旗下每个学生的属性值
print(student.head())# splitting the data into training and testing data (75% and 25%)
# we mention the random state to achieve the same split everytime we run the code
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(student, labels, test_size = 0.25, random_state=42)print(X_train.head())# Calculate mae and rmse
def evaluate_predictions(predictions, true):mae = np.mean(abs(predictions - true)) # 平均绝对误差(np.mean需要是数组)rmse = np.sqrt(np.mean((predictions - true) ** 2)) # 均方根误差(np.sqrt同样需要是数组)return mae, rmse# find the median
median_pred = X_train['G3'].median() # 取中位数# create a list with all values as median
median_preds = [median_pred for _ in range(len(X_test))] # 生成长度为测试集的全值为median_pred的列表# store the true G3 values for passing into the function
true = X_test['G3'] # 保存真实的结果# Display the naive baseline metrics
mb_mae, mb_rmse = evaluate_predictions(median_preds, true)
print('Median Baseline  MAE: {:.4f}'.format(mb_mae))
print('Median Baseline RMSE: {:.4f}'.format(mb_rmse))# Evaluate several ml models by training on training set and testing on testing set
def evaluate(X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test):# Names of modelsmodel_name_list = ['Linear Regression', 'ElasticNet Regression','Random Forest', 'Extra Trees', 'SVM','Gradient Boosted', 'Baseline']X_train = X_train.drop('G3', axis='columns')X_test = X_test.drop('G3', axis='columns')# Instantiate the modelsmodel1 = LinearRegression()model2 = ElasticNet() # 结合岭回归和Lasso回归,避免过拟合model3 = RandomForestRegressor() # 多个决策树model4 = ExtraTreesRegressor() # 类随机森林model5 = SVR() # SVM的反义词model6 = GradientBoostingRegressor(n_estimators=50) # 梯度提升回归# Dataframe for resultsresults = pd.DataFrame(columns=['mae', 'rmse'], index=model_name_list) # columns列 index行# Train and predict with each modelfor i, model in enumerate([model1, model2, model3, model4, model5, model6]):model.fit(X_train, y_train)predictions = model.predict(X_test)# Metricsmae = np.mean(abs(predictions - y_test))rmse = np.sqrt(np.mean((predictions - y_test) ** 2))# Insert results into the dataframemodel_name = model_name_list[i]results.loc[model_name, :] = [mae, rmse]# Median Value Baseline Metricsbaseline = np.median(y_train)baseline_mae = np.mean(abs(baseline - y_test))baseline_rmse = np.sqrt(np.mean((baseline - y_test) ** 2))results.loc['Baseline', :] = [baseline_mae, baseline_rmse]return resultsresults = evaluate(X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test)
print(results)plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))# Root mean squared error
ax =  plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
results.sort_values('mae', ascending = True).plot.bar(y = 'mae', color = 'b', ax = ax, fontsize=20)
plt.title('Model Mean Absolute Error', fontsize=20)
plt.ylabel('MAE', fontsize=20)# Median absolute percentage error
ax = plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
results.sort_values('rmse', ascending = True).plot.bar(y = 'rmse', color = 'r', ax = ax, fontsize=20)
plt.title('Model Root Mean Squared Error', fontsize=20)

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