
/* A struct is used to keep track of the series list because later we need to draw to the series in the reverse order to which they were initialised. */
typedef struct {lv_obj_t* obj;lv_chart_series_t* series_list[3];
} stacked_area_chart_t;


static stacked_area_chart_t stacked_area_chart;


* Callback which draws the blocks of colour under the lines
static void draw_event_cb(lv_event_t* e)
{lv_obj_t* obj = lv_event_get_target(e); // 获取产生事件的对象/*Add the faded area before the lines are drawn*/lv_obj_draw_part_dsc_t* dsc = lv_event_get_draw_part_dsc(e); //获取事件绘制描述符if (dsc->part == LV_PART_ITEMS) { //仅对LV_PART_ITEMS处理if (!dsc->p1 || !dsc->p2)  //空指针不处理return;/*Add a line mask that keeps the area below the line*/lv_draw_mask_line_param_t line_mask_param;lv_draw_mask_line_points_init(&line_mask_param, dsc->p1->x, dsc->p1->y, dsc->p2->x, dsc->p2->y,LV_DRAW_MASK_LINE_SIDE_BOTTOM); // 初时化线条mask参数int16_t line_mask_id = lv_draw_mask_add(&line_mask_param, NULL); //添加mask/*Draw a rectangle that will be affected by the mask*/lv_draw_rect_dsc_t draw_rect_dsc;lv_draw_rect_dsc_init(&draw_rect_dsc);draw_rect_dsc.bg_opa = LV_OPA_COVER;  //透明度为覆盖draw_rect_dsc.bg_color = dsc->line_dsc->color; //背景色和线条同色lv_area_t a;a.x1 = dsc->p1->x;a.x2 = dsc->p2->x;a.y1 = LV_MIN(dsc->p1->y, dsc->p2->y); //取最小值a.y2 = obj->coords.y2 -13; /* -13 cuts off where the rectangle draws over the chart margin.Without this an area of 0 doesn't look like 0 */lv_draw_rect(dsc->draw_ctx, &draw_rect_dsc, &a); //绘制矩形区域/*Remove the mask*/lv_draw_mask_free_param(&line_mask_param); //移除mask paramlv_draw_mask_remove_id(line_mask_id); //移除mask id}


* Helper function to round a fixed point number
static int32_t round_fixed_point(int32_t n, int8_t shift)
{/* Create a bitmask to isolates the decimal part of the fixed point number */int32_t mask = 1;for (int32_t bit_pos = 0; bit_pos < shift; bit_pos++) {mask = (mask << 1) + 1;}int32_t decimal_part = n & mask;/* Get 0.5 as fixed point */int32_t rounding_boundary = 1 << (shift - 1);/* Return either the integer part of n or the integer part + 1 */return (decimal_part < rounding_boundary) ? (n & ~mask) : ((n >> shift) + 1) << shift;

创建Stacked area chart

* Stacked area chart
static void lv_example_chart_8(void)
{/*Create a stacked_area_chart.obj*/stacked_area_chart.obj = lv_chart_create(lv_scr_act()); //创建CHART对象lv_obj_set_size(stacked_area_chart.obj, 200, 150); //设置大小lv_obj_center(stacked_area_chart.obj); //居中显示lv_chart_set_type(stacked_area_chart.obj, LV_CHART_TYPE_LINE);//CHART类型为LV_CHART_TYPE_LINElv_chart_set_div_line_count(stacked_area_chart.obj, 5, 7); //设置分割线为5x7lv_obj_add_event_cb(stacked_area_chart.obj, draw_event_cb, LV_EVENT_DRAW_PART_BEGIN, NULL); // 添加LV_EVENT_DRAW_PART_BEGIN事件/* Set range to 0 to 100 for percentages. Draw ticks */lv_chart_set_range(stacked_area_chart.obj, LV_CHART_AXIS_PRIMARY_Y, 0, 100);//设置主Y轴范围为0~100lv_chart_set_axis_tick(stacked_area_chart.obj, LV_CHART_AXIS_PRIMARY_Y, 3, 0, 5, 1, true, 30); //设置Y轴tick/*Set point size to 0 so the lines are smooth */lv_obj_set_style_size(stacked_area_chart.obj, 0, LV_PART_INDICATOR); //LV_PART_INDICATOR对应的size设成0/*Add some data series*/stacked_area_chart.series_list[0] = lv_chart_add_series(stacked_area_chart.obj, lv_palette_main(LV_PALETTE_RED), LV_CHART_AXIS_PRIMARY_Y); //第一条红色线添加到CHARTstacked_area_chart.series_list[1] = lv_chart_add_series(stacked_area_chart.obj, lv_palette_main(LV_PALETTE_BLUE),LV_CHART_AXIS_PRIMARY_Y);  //第二条蓝色线添加到CHARTstacked_area_chart.series_list[2] = lv_chart_add_series(stacked_area_chart.obj,lv_palette_main(LV_PALETTE_GREEN),LV_CHART_AXIS_PRIMARY_Y); //第三条绿色线添加到CHARTfor (int point = 0; point < 10; point++) {/* Make some random data */uint32_t vals[3] = { lv_rand(10, 20), lv_rand(20, 30), lv_rand(20, 30) };int8_t fixed_point_shift = 5;uint32_t total = vals[0] + vals[1] + vals[2];uint32_t draw_heights[3];uint32_t int_sum = 0;uint32_t decimal_sum = 0;/* Fixed point cascade rounding ensures percentages add to 100 */for (int32_t series_index = 0; series_index < 3; series_index++) { //三条线设置数据decimal_sum += (((vals[series_index] * 100) << fixed_point_shift) / total);int_sum += (vals[series_index] * 100) / total;int32_t modifier = (round_fixed_point(decimal_sum, fixed_point_shift) >> fixed_point_shift) - int_sum;/* The draw heights are equal to the percentage of the total each value is + the cumulative sum of the previous percentages.The accumulation is how the values get "stacked" */draw_heights[series_index] = int_sum + modifier;/* Draw to the series in the reverse order to which they were initialised.Without this the higher values will draw on top of the lower ones.This is because the Z-height of a series matches the order it was initialised */lv_chart_set_next_value(stacked_area_chart.obj, stacked_area_chart.series_list[3 - series_index - 1],draw_heights[series_index]);}}lv_chart_refresh(stacked_area_chart.obj); //刷新显示


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