
居然提供了一个Learning to Use SAS 这个帮助,很完善得例子,把SAS得每个模块都讲了,非常多,并且有详细得例子,例子看起来也特别简单易懂





 /*          S A S   S A M P L E   L I B R A R Y                 */
 /*                                                              */
 /*    NAME: EXDLL1                                              */
 /*   TITLE: External DLL Example 1 : Calling Functions within  +*/
 /*          External DLLs from the DATA Step                    */
 /* PRODUCT: SAS                                                 */
 /*  SYSTEM: Windows                                             */
 /*    KEYS: MODULE                                              */
 /*   PROCS:                                                     */
 /*    DATA:                                                     */
 /*     REF:                                                     */
 /*    MISC:                                                     */
 /*    DESC: Demonstrates how to use the SAS System's MODULE     */
 /*          functions/call routines to utilize both API and     */
 /*          user-written functions located within Dynamic Link  */
 /*          Libraries (DLLs).  In this example, the Windows API */
 /*          function "MessageBoxA" is being called to display   */
 /*          a dialog box with message text and 2 push buttons.  */
 /* Assign the MODULE routine specific fileref "SASCBTBL".       */
 /* This fileref points to an attribute table definition table   */
 /* used to describe the parameters and responses for each       */
 /* function, the name of the DLL they are located in, and their */
 /* architecture.  There must be an entry in this table for each */
 /* function called by the MODULE routine.  In this example we   */
 /* are creating a temporary work file utilizing the CATALOG     */
 /* access method (new to 6.11).                                 */
 FILENAME SASCBTBL CATALOG "work.temp.attrfile.source";
 /* This DATA step dynamically creates an attribute table to     */
 /* define the MessageBoxA API function used in the example      */
 /* code below.  NOTE: Using an incorrect attribute definition   */
 /* could abnormally terminate your SAS session or, even worse,  */
 /* halt your operating system.  CAUTION IS ADVISED!!            */
    PUT "ROUTINE MessageBoxA";
    PUT "    MINARG=4";
    PUT "    MAXARG=4";
    PUT "    MODULE=USER32";
    PUT "    RETURNS=LONG;";
    PUT "  ARG 2 CHAR         FORMAT=$CSTR200.;";
    PUT "  ARG 3 CHAR         FORMAT=$CSTR200.;";
 /* The following SAS macro variables are defined to simplify    */
 /* the specification of the parameters to the MessageBoxA       */
 /* function.                                                    */
 /*   Buttons or Button Groups                                   */
 %LET MBOK     = 0;     /* [OK] - Default                        */
 %LET MBOKCAN  = 1;     /* [OK]  [Cancel]                        */
 %LET MBABREIG = 2;     /* [Abort]  [Retry]  [Ignore]            */
 %LET MBYENOCA = 3;     /* [Yes]  [No]  [Cancel]                 */
 %LET MBYESNO  = 4;     /* [Yes]  [No]                           */
 %LET MBRETCAN = 5;     /* [Retry]  [Cancel]                     */
 /*   Icons                                                      */
 %LET MBNOICON = 0;     /* No icon - Default                     */
 %LET MBISTOP = 16;     /* A 'STOP' icon                         */
 %LET MBIQUEST = 32;    /* A question mark icon                  */
 %LET MBIEXCLA = 48;    /* An exclamation mark icon              */
 %LET MBIINFOR = 64;    /* An information 'i' icon               */
 /*   Default Button                                             */
 %LET MBDEFB1  = 0;     /* 1st button is the default - Default   */
 %LET MBDEFB2  = 256;   /* 2nd button is the default             */
 %LET MBDEFB3  = 512;   /* 3rd button is the default             */
 /*   Response Codes  (NOTE: These indicate the button selected) */
 %LET MBIDOK   = 1;     /* [OK] was selected                     */
 %LET MBIDCAN  = 2;     /* [Cancel] was selected                 */
 %LET MBIDABO  = 3;     /* [Abort] was selected                  */
 %LET MBIDRET  = 4;     /* [Retry] was selected                  */
 %LET MBIDIGN  = 5;     /* [Ignore] was selected                 */
 %LET MBIDYES  = 6;     /* [Yes] was selected                    */
 %LET MBIDNO   = 7;     /* [No] was selected                     */
 %LET MBIDERR  = 0;     /* An API error occurred (check params)  */
 /* MessageBoxA PARAMETERS AND RETURN CODES:                     */
 /* Usage:                                                       */
 /*   Response = MessageBoxA(0, Message, Caption, Style)         */
 /*                                                              */
 /* Response - The value returned from the function indicating   */
 /*            what action the user took (see Response Codes     */
 /*            above).                                           */
 /* Message  - The text to appear in the body of the dialog.     */
 /* Caption  - Text to be used in for the dialog's caption.      */
 /* Style    - A number indicating features required in the      */
 /*            dialog box (icons and buttons).  The number is    */
 /*            derived by adding one value from each of the      */
 /*            first 3 sections above (Buttons or Button Groups, */
 /*            Icons and Default Button) together.               */
 /* Use the MODULE interface to call the MessageBoxA function.   */
     response = MODULEN("MessageBoxA", 0,
   "This is the text that appears as the dialog message.",
     SELECT (response);
      PUT "The [OK] button was selected.";
      PUT "The [CANCEL] button was selected.";
      PUT "An ERROR condition occurred." /
   "Check the MessageBoxA parameters.";
      PUT "An unexpected response code of" response
   " was returned.";


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