
// double-checked-locking - don't do this!

private static Something instance = null;

public Something getInstance() {

if (instance == null) {

synchronized (this) {

if (instance == null)

instance = new Something();



return instance;


这看起来好像非常聪明——在公用代码中避免了同步。这段代码只有一个问题 —— 它不能正常工作。为什么呢?最明显的原因是,初始化实例的写入操作和实例字段的写入操作能够被编译器或者缓冲区重排序,重排序可能会导致返回部分构造的一些东西。就是我们读取到了一个没有初始化的对象。这段代码还有很多其他的错误,以及为什么对这段代码的算法修正是错误的。在旧的java内存模型下没有办法修复它。更多深入的信息可参见:Double-checkedlocking: Clever but broken and The “DoubleChecked Locking is broken” declaration




private static class LazySomethingHolder {

public static Something something = new Something();


public static Something getInstance() {

return LazySomethingHolder.something;




Does the new memory model fix the “double-checked locking” problem?

The (infamous) double-checked locking idiom (also called the multithreaded singleton pattern) is a trick designed to support lazy initialization while avoiding the overhead of synchronization. In very early JVMs, synchronization was slow, and developers were eager to remove it — perhaps too eager. The double-checked locking idiom looks like this:

// double-checked-locking - don't do this!

private static Something instance = null;

public Something getInstance() {

if (instance == null) {

synchronized (this) {

if (instance == null)

instance = new Something();



return instance;


This looks awfully clever — the synchronization is avoided on the common code path. There’s only one problem with it — it doesn’t work. Why not? The most obvious reason is that the writes which initialize instance and the write to the instance field can be reordered by the compiler or the cache, which would have the effect of returning what appears to be a partially constructed Something. The result would be that we read an uninitialized object. There are lots of other reasons why this is wrong, and why algorithmic corrections to it are wrong. There is no way to fix it using the old Java memory model. More in-depth information can be found at Double-checked locking: Clever, but broken and The “Double Checked Locking is broken” declaration

Many people assumed that the use of the volatilekeyword would eliminate the problems that arise when trying to use the double-checked-locking pattern. In JVMs prior to 1.5, volatile would not ensure that it worked (your mileage may vary). Under the new memory model, making the instance field volatile will “fix” the problems with double-checked locking, because then there will be a happens-before relationship between the initialization of the Something by the constructing thread and the return of its value by the thread that reads it.

However, for fans of double-checked locking (and we really hope there are none left), the news is still not good. The whole point of double-checked locking was to avoid the performance overhead of synchronization. Not only has brief synchronization gotten a LOT less expensive since the Java 1.0 days, but under the new memory model, the performance cost of using volatile goes up, almost to the level of the cost of synchronization. So there’s still no good reason to use double-checked-locking.Redacted — volatiles are cheap on most platforms.

Instead, use the Initialization On Demand Holder idiom, which is thread-safe and a lot easier to understand:

private static class LazySomethingHolder {

public static Something something = new Something();


public static Something getInstance() {

return LazySomethingHolder.something;


This code is guaranteed to be correct because of the initialization guarantees for static fields; if a field is set in a static initializer, it is guaranteed to be made visible, correctly, to any thread that accesses that class.


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