


returnWeekday() {let string = '今天是星期'const date = new Date().getDay()if (date === 0) {string += '日'} else if (date === 1) {string += '一'} else if (date === 2) {string += '二'} else if (date === 3) {string += '三'} else if (date === 4) {string += '四'} else if (date === 5) {string += '五'} else if (date === 6) {string += '六'}return string


  • switch替代
returnWeekday() {let string = '今天是星期'const date = new Date().getDay()switch (date) {case 0 :string += '日'breakcase 1 :string += '一'breakcase 2 :string += '二'breakcase 3 :string += '三'breakcase 4 :string += '四'breakcase 5 :string += '五'breakcase 6 :string += '六'break}return string


  • 数组替代
returnWeekday() {const string = '今天是星期'const date = new Date().getDay()const dateArr = ['天', '一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六']return string + dateArr[date]
  • 对象替代
returnWeekday() {const string = '今天是星期'const date = new Date().getDay()const dateObj = {0: '天',1: '一',2: '二',3: '三',4: '四',5: '五',6: '六'}return string + dateObj[date]



const offsetTop = 1
if( offsetTop < 0 ){this.titleFixed = true
} else {this.titleFixed = false
}// 改成三元
(offsetTop < 0) ? this.titleFixed = true : this.titleFixed = false


const flag = true
if( flag ){methods()
}// 与运算符
flag && methods()


const code = '202'
if( code === '202' || code === '203' || code === '204' ){methods()
// includes
if( ['202','203','204'].includes(code) ){methods()
// 进一步
(['202','203','204'].includes(code)) && methods()


//oldVue.filter('converterPlatform', value => {if (value === 'FEIZHU_WEELFLYPLANET') {return '飞猪'} else if (value === 'TONGCHENG') {return '同程艺龙  '} else if (value === 'MEITUAN') {return '美团'} else if (value === 'ALL') {return 'ALL'}
})// new
import store from './store'
const { getters: { platform, orderStatusList } = {} } = store
// 平台
Vue.filter('converterPlatform', value => {for (let i = 0; i < platform.length; i++) {if (value === platform[i].platformId) return platform[i].platformName}


// 处理更多菜单内容
handleCommand(command) {switch (command) {case 'groupingManageVisible':case 'groupingAddPictureVisible':case 'tagsManageVisible':this[command] = truebreakdefault:this.handleCheckIsEmpty() && (this.hotelIds = this.multipleSelection.join(','), this.handleMoreOperation(command))break}
// 处理必须选中一行操作项
handleMoreOperation(command) {switch (command) {case 'batchSoldOut':case 'batchPutaway':this.hotelStandUpDownVisible = truethis.hotelTitle = commandbreakcase 'joinTags':case 'outTags':this.joinTagsVisible = truethis.operatingState = commandbreakcase 'batchChangeSchemeVisible':case 'batchJoinGroupVisible':this[command] = truebreakcase 'batchOutGroup':this.assignGroup(this.hotelIds, '')breakdefault:break}
}// old
// 锁单
handleOrderLock({ orderId }) {this.orderId = orderIdthis.lock()
// 确认有房
handleConfirmHaveRoom({ orderId }) {this.orderId = orderIdthis.confirm()
// 拒单
handleRefusedOrder({ orderId }) {this.orderId = orderIdthis.deny()
handleConfirmQunarHaveRoom({ orderId }) {// 去哪儿游贝、嗨飞情况填写确认信息this.orderId = orderIdthis.qunarArrangeRoomVisible = true
// 查看酒店信息
handleViewHotelInfo({ hotelId }) {this.hotelIds = hotelIdthis.viewHotelInfoVisible = true
},// new
// 处理操作请求
handleOperation({ orderId }, type) {this.orderId = orderIdthis[type]()
// 处理组件显示
handleComponentVisible({ hotelId, orderId }, type) {this.hotelIds = hotelIdthis.orderId = orderIdtype === 'joinTagsVisible' && (this.operatingState = 'joinTags')this[type] = true

// old




// new





  • 优化var 声明带来的全局污染
  • const、let值在代码块中生效{}
  • const 声明的变量必须赋值初始化,同一作用域不可重新声明或重新赋值
  • let 声明的变量可以重新赋值,同意作用域不可重新声明


  • 拼接字符串,倒引号表示,${}占位符
// ES6之前 + 或者concat()
let taggingStr = ''
taggingArr.forEach(item => {taggingStr += '<dd value="' + item.tagValue + '"><a>' + item.tagName + '</a></dd>'
let taggingStr = ''
taggingArr.forEach(item => {taggingStr += `<dd value="${item.tagValue}"><a>${item.tagName}</a></dd>`



// 数组
const point = [10, 25, -34]
const [x, y, z] = point
// 将数组中的值存储在其中的变量
console.info(x, y, z) //10 25 -34// 对象
const layui = {element: 1,table: 2,commonUtils: 3
const { element, table, commonUtils } = layui
// 将对象中的属性存储到其中的变量
console.info(element, table, commonUtils) // 1 2 3


// old
selectPayChannelv2({ productId, channel, platformPayPrice, extOrderInfo, platformPrice, hotelId, roomId, checkIn, checkOut, supplierId }) {this.PayChannelv2Data.orderId = this.$route.query.orderIdthis.PayChannelv2Data.productId = productIdthis.PayChannelv2Data.channel = channelthis.PayChannelv2Data.payPrice = platformPayPricethis.PayChannelv2Data.extOrderInfo = extOrderInfothis.PayChannelv2Data.totalPrice = platformPricethis.PayChannelv2Data.hotelId = hotelIdthis.PayChannelv2Data.roomId = roomIdthis.PayChannelv2Data.checkIn = checkInthis.PayChannelv2Data.checkOut = checkOutthis.PayChannelv2Data.supplierId = supplierIdthis.PayChannelv2Data.snapshotPolices = this.snapshotPolices
}// new
selectPayChannelv2({ productId, channel, platformPayPrice, extOrderInfo, platformPrice, hotelId, roomId, checkIn, checkOut, supplierId }) {this.PayChannelv2Data = {roomId,channel,hotelId,checkIn,checkOut,productId,supplierId,extOrderInfo,payPrice: platformPayPrice,totalPrice: platformPrice,orderId: this.$route.query.orderId,snapshotPolices: this.snapshotPolices}


  • ...表示
  • 展开数组、对象
  • 组合数组、对象
// 组合数组
const fruits = ['apples', 'bananas', 'pears']
const vegetables = ['corn', 'potatoes', 'carrots']// old
const produce = fruits.concat(vegetables)
console.log(produce) // ['apples', 'bananas', 'pears', 'corn', 'potatoes', 'carrots']// new
const produce = [...fruits,...vegetables]
console.log(produce) // ['apples', 'bananas', 'pears', 'corn', 'potatoes', 'carrots']


  • 普通函数可以是函数声明或者函数表达式, 但是箭头函数始终都是表达式, 全程是箭头函数表达式
// old
const upperizedNames = ['Farrin', 'Kagure', 'Asser'].map(function(name) { return name.toUpperCase()
})// new
const upperizedNames = ['Farrin', 'Kagure', 'Asser'].map(name => name.toUpperCase()


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