



path=c:\jdk1.1.8\bin;c:\sybase\sybase central 3.2\win32

sybase central shortcut:by right clicking on the icon, and the select properties.

lick on the shortcut tab, here there is a row called "start in:, put c:\jdk1.1.8\bin , or the bin directory where the jdk was installed. this directory should contain the files jre.exe and jrew.exe.

- copy the files jre.exe and jrew.exe to the c:\winnt in case of windowsnt or to windows in case of windows95/98

- insert the path c:\jdk1.1.8\bin (or it''s corresponding directory) at the begining of the path variable,

and also make sure that the c:\winnt or c:\windows (or it''s corresponding directory) it''s included in the path.

-copy $sybase\ase_12-5\bin\libunic.dll to c:\winnt\system32\

recycle pc

sometimes libunic.dll file is missing for some reason. when the file is missing you get the symptoms ; screen comes up but with no statistics. another symptom is that they are unable to change the sampling interval - it stays at zero.

one thing to check is to make sure that you have the following file:




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