
Search engine optimisation is important for a blog. Because that is, if your blog is small, the primary way to get visitors to your blog. It is evident features in blog systems such as tags and categories help towards search engine optimisation, and others as detailed below. But as many will stress, the most important thing of course is content. Content is king. It is important to have original and unique content and that your blog is updated regularly with original and unique content. If you don’t do this, Google is simply going to give another blog better search rankings that what your blog is potentially capable of being given.

搜索引擎优化对于博客很重要。 因为这就是说,如果您的博客很小,那么是吸引访问者访问您博客的主要途径。 很明显,博客系统中的功能(例如标签和类别)有助于优化搜索引擎,以及下文所述的其他功能。 但是,正如许多人会强调的那样, 最重要的当然是满足 。 内容为王。 重要的是要拥有原创的独特内容,并定期用原创的独特内容更新您的博客。 如果您不这样做,Google只会为另一个博客提供更好的搜索排名,以使您的博客具有可能获得的排名。

内容王 (Content is king)

Content is king. So what sort of content are you going to write? The thing that works for my small blogs personally is writing about something unique and that hasn’t specifically be written by blogs that are more highly-ranked than my blog is. It all helps towards search engine optimisation and of course, getting valuable visitors, which is (mostly) the reason we have blogs in the first place – if, unless of course, your blog is for your own reference only.

内容为王。 那你要写什么样的内容呢? 对于我的小型Blog而言,个人认为有用的东西是写一些独特的东西,而不是由比我的博客排名更高的博客专门写的。 所有这些都有助于优化搜索引擎,当然也可以吸引有价值的访问者,这(首先)是我们首先拥有博客的原因-如果,除非,当然,除非您的博客仅供您参考。

So, talk about something original that may not be talked about by other blogs. If your blog is on sports, why not talk about something in sports that no one else is specifically talking about right now? Perhaps your opinions on something that isn’t being talked about by another blog that is more highly-ranked. Even though there is great competition between websites in terms of search engine optimisation because of how many websites are online and the amount of people using the Internet, if you think of the logical things you can do to help make your blog more noticeable by Google from an SEO perspective, then over time your blog will be ranked more importantly by Google bots.

因此,谈论一些其他博客可能不会谈论的原创内容。 如果您的博客是关于体育的,为什么不谈论体育中其他人现在都没有专门谈论的内容? 也许您对其他排名更高的博客所没有谈论的观点。 尽管由于在线网站数量和使用互联网的人数而导致搜索引擎优化方面的网站之间存在巨大竞争,但是如果您想到合理的方法,可以帮助Google更好地吸引您的博客。以SEO的角度来看,那么随着时间的流逝,您的博客将被Google机器人排名更为重要。

反向链接和深层链接 (Backlinks and deep links)

Backlinks and deep links are important in order for Google to recognise your site as important. The obvious may well be submitting your site to relevant directories, but you can also do this by adding a link to your blog via your signature, especially on sites which you are active on. If you often post in threads that are related to your blog’s articles or main purpose, that is definitely a practical way of getting backlinks. And where you can, try and get deep links, too. Deep links are links of inner pages within your blog, and they are just as important as backlinks of the main page of your blog. Getting deep links is probably a little more difficult. I am sure if you post meaningful tutorials, articles or how-tos on your blog, perhaps others will link to that article if they find it interesting enough to provide a link back to it, perhaps on their own website or article on their own blog, or on a forum. For example, if blog post is on how to fix a particular issue, someone may find your blog post via a search engine and provide a link to your blog post on a forum topic to assist a particular forum member.

反向链接和深层链接很重要,这样Google才能认识到您的网站很重要。 显而易见,很可能是将网站提交到相关目录,但是您也可以通过签名将链接添加到博客,尤其是在您活跃的网站上。 如果您经常在与博客文章或主要目的相关的主题中发布帖子,那绝对是获得反向链接的一种实用方法。 在可以的地方,也尝试获得深层链接。 深层链接是博客内部页面的链接,它们与博客主页的反向链接一样重要。 获得深层链接可能要困难一些。 我敢肯定,如果您在博客上发布了有意义的教程,文章或操作方法,也许其他人会链接到该文章,只要他们觉得足够有趣就可以提供指向该文章的链接,也许是在他们自己的网站上或在他们自己博客上的文章上,或在论坛上。 例如,如果博客文章是关于如何解决特定问题的,则某人可能会通过搜索引擎找到您的博客文章,并提供有关论坛主题的博客文章链接,以帮助特定的论坛成员。

There are other ways of getting deep links, too; such as link directories that accept deep links or link submissions to articles within a blog or website. This can definitely help from a search engine optimisation perspective, so definitely consider this option too.

还有其他深层链接的方法。 例如接受深层链接的链接目录,或将提交的内容链接到博客或网站中的文章。 从搜索引擎优化的角度来看,这绝对可以提供帮助,因此也绝对可以考虑使用此选项。

Of course, remember that Google’s algorithms are very smart and can easily and readily detect cheating and will penalise websites that cheat in the form of search rankings or out-right removal of a website from searches altogether.


There are many easy ways of finding relevant directories to submit your blog to, including this forum of the DigitalPoint forums that allows users to advertise their own directories.

有很多简单的方法可以找到相关目录以提交您的博客, 包括 DigitalPoint论坛的该论坛 ,该论坛允许用户发布自己的目录。

搜索引擎友好的URL (Search engine friendly URLs)

Most blog systems including WordPress allow you to have search engine friendly URLs. Instead of an article ID that is part of a blog URL to refer to the article itself, it is best to have search engine friendly URLs that perhaps display the title of the article as part of the URL, for example example.com/blog/2012/20/01/blog-post-title-here.

包括WordPress在内的大多数博客系统都允许您使用搜索引擎友好的URL。 最好使用具有搜索引擎友好性的URL,而不是作为博客URL的文章ID来引用文章本身,URL可能会将文章的标题显示为URL的一部分,例如example.com/blog/ 2012/20/01 / blog-post-title-here。

在博客文章中使用标签 (Use tags with your blog posts)

Using blog post tags do help. Add relevant tags (not too many, though) that describe what the blog post or article is about. So if I was making an article on CentOS, I’d obviously use the CentOS tag but other tags more direct to what the article is about, such as Install CentOS, etc

使用博客文章标签有帮助。 添加描述博客文章或文章内容的相关标签(不过不要太多)。 因此,如果我在CentOS上撰写文章,显然我会使用CentOS标记,但是其他与本文所针对的标记更直接,例如Install CentOS ,等等。

I’m sure this is fairly obvious but also use categories for your blog posts. It does help from a search engine perspective.

我敢肯定这很明显,但您的博客文章也使用了类别。 从搜索引擎的角度来看,它确实有帮助。

允许用户通过各种媒介分享您的博客文章 (Allow users to share your blog posts via various mediums)

There are plugins for WordPress that allow you to add icons beneath each blog post allowing your readers the convenience of sharing useful blog posts with others; on Twitter, Facebook, etc. You may think, “Facebook? What?” but Google are now indexing Facebook comments!

有WordPress插件,允许您在每个博客文章下方添加图标,从而使读者可以方便地与他人共享有用的博客文章。 在Twitter,Facebook等上。您可能会想,“ Facebook? 什么?” 但是Google现在正在索引Facebook评论 !

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/things-you-can-do-to-make-your-blog-more-search-engine-optimised/



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