最近在进行Matlab的建模仿真,发现了两种不同的库,蓝色库Simscape Electrical 和黑色库SimPowerSystem,两者的主要不同在与SimScape适用于更多领域的建模电气、物理、流体。而PowerSystem更专注于电气,所以只仿真电力电子的话选用PowerSystem更合适。以下是官方的权威回答。


What Is the Difference Between the Simscape Electrical Foundation and Simscape Power Systems Specialized Technology Libraries for Electrical Domain Applications?

MathWorks Support Team  on 26 Oct 2018

Commented: Xin Wang on 31 Mar 2020 at 15:00

Accepted Answer: MathWorks Support Team

What is the difference between the simscape electrical foundation (SC) and simscape power systems specialized technology (ST) libraries for electrical domain applications? The ST is the more mature library, but the impression is that SimScape is the most up-to-date library and maybe ST won’t be supported in some future.

Is there a MathWorks strategy related to systems specialized technology (ST) and simscape electrical foundation (SC)? Which library will MathWorks support the best now and in the future?

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Accepted Answer

MathWorks Support Team  on 26 Oct 2018

To address the first question:

  • The ST library is good if you are only modeling within the electrical domain. This library is older than the SC counterpart but is more mature for electrical only applications. You will be able to perform load flow analysis and the like with the ST library with greater ease than the SC counterpart.
  • The SC library is newer and is designed to interface with other Simscape domains at a greater and more efficient capacity than the ST counterparts. If you are modeling in the Gas, Hydraulic, Mechanical, Thermal, or any other Simscape domain in addition, then the SC library offers the best compatibility for your electrical subsystems to interface with the rest of your non-electrical Simscape systems.
  • There are definitely some functionality overlaps between the ST and SC libraries. You can also survey the blocks available in both libraries to see which library offers you the most ease in implementing your model.
  • To address the second question:
  • Both ST and SC product families are under active development at MathWorks. Both products will be supported and we will not provide "lesser" support to either of the two products. You will continue to see fixes and improvements to both ST and SC product families over future releases of MATLAB and Simulink.
  • Both the ST and SC libraries have overlapping functionalities in certain application areas, but there is no "superior" product between the two. Everything is application specific and each of the two products have their strengths and weaknesses relative to each other depending on the use case.
  • If you are dealing with a model that will incorporate multiple disciplines, and any of these disciplines reside outside the realm of the electrical domain, then SC would be the recommended product. Keep in mind for certain scenarios, you can mix ST and SC blocks for certain systems through interface blocks provided in the ST library. If there is some functionality that SC does not possess relative to ST, you can always portion out that part of the model to be implemented with ST and then convert certain signals back into SC where it makes sense to, in order to interface better with other Simscape domains.


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