
template <typename scalar_t>
static inline scalar_t area_pixel_compute_source_index(scalar_t scale,int64_t dst_index,bool align_corners,bool cubic) {if (align_corners) {return scale * dst_index;            //half pixel为false} else {scalar_t src_idx = scale * (dst_index + 0.5) - 0.5;    //half pixel为true// [Note] Follow Opencv resize logic:// We allow negative src_idx here and later will use//   dx = src_idx - floorf(src_idx)// to compute the "distance"(which affects weights).// For linear modes, weight distribution doesn't matter// for negative indices as they use 2 pixels to interpolate.// For example, [-1, 0], they both use pixel 0 value so it// doesn't affect if we bound the src_idx to 0 or not.// TODO: Our current linear mode impls use unbound indices// where we should and then remove this cubic flag.// This matters in cubic mode, as we might need [-1, 0, 1, 2]// to interpolate and the weights can be affected.return (!cubic && src_idx < 0) ? scalar_t(0) : src_idx;}


static inline int64_t nearest_neighbor_compute_source_index(const float scale,int64_t dst_index,int64_t input_size) {const int64_t src_index =std::min(static_cast<int64_t>(floorf(dst_index * scale)), input_size - 1);return src_index;


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