If you liked the Joost desktop application they had before they killed off the project, thanks to Paul Yanez we now have Joost Media Player for the desktop which is built on Adobe Air.

如果您喜欢他们在终止项目之前就拥有的Joost桌面应用程序,那么感谢Paul Yanez,我们现在有了基于Adobe Air的桌面Joost Media Player。

Using Joost Media Player

使用Joost Media Player

During installation you will get the Adobe installer and will want to click on the Install button if you get the Unknown / Unrestricted warning.


When it first starts up you will need to enter an email address so they can send you a password for the app.


In the next screen you’ll need to enter the password they sent and decide if you want to share what you watch on Twitter and you can change this later if you want.


The interface is nicely laid out and intuitive.  In TV mode you can browse through different segments of the show you want to watch.

界面布局合理,直观。 在电视模式下,您可以浏览要观看的节目的不同部分。

You can easily toggle between regular and full screen views and control volume and playback with the floating controls.


Easily browse for shows by category.


Another neat feature is Picture in Picture so you can browse for other programming while watching something else.


Another main feature is its Twitter integration.  You can have Twitter updated automatically with what you’re viewing.

另一个主要功能是其Twitter集成。 您可以使用您正在查看的内容自动更新Twitter。

I was able to speak with the Paul Yanez and he told us there are a bunch of new features around the corner including:

我能够与Paul Yanez交谈,他告诉我们拐角处有很多新功能,包括:

  • Integrating the original Joost desktop UI 集成原始的Joost桌面UI
  • Playlist creation 播放列表创建
  • Social integration with Joost.com 与Joost.com进行社交整合
  • Enhanced Twitter integration 增强的Twitter集成
  • Facebook IntegrationFacebook整合

This is a great Joost desktop app to use now and looks to be getting further enhancements that will make it a player to watch in the future.


Download Joost Media Player

下载Joost Media Player

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/2092/watch-joost-programs-on-your-desktop-with-joost-media-player/

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