
  • 礼节注意事项
  • 1.邮件对话
    • 1.请求询问 Could you please
    • 2.友好问好 Hope you well
    • 3.表示感谢 Many thanks
    • 4.邮件开头 Hello
    • 5.结束用语 Sincerely
  • 2.会议对话
    • 1.汇报用语 Presentation
    • 2.请求询问 Excuse me
    • 3.夸奖赞同 Great job
    • 4.表达否定 Sorry
    • 5.回答问题 Any question?
    • 6.无法回应 Sorry
    • 7.纠正口误 Rephrase
    • 8.表达感谢 Thank you


(PS: 不定期更新)


1.请求询问 Could you please

Tips: 委婉和谦辞,不能直接用I want to…

1.Could you please, by any chance, give me any suggestion …?

2.Would it be possible for you to give me…?

3.May I have your suggestion about …?

4.May I trouble you with …?

5.Would it be appropriate to …?

6.I would really appreciate it if you could help me …

7.I was wondering if I could have your attention…


2.友好问好 Hope you well

1.Allow me to introduce myself…

2.Hope this email finds you well

3.I hope you’re having a wonderful day

4.Thanks for getting in touch / the quick response… (for replies)

5.It’s really great to hear from you (for replies)

6.I hope you are doing well

7.Can you provide me with an update on… (follow-up emails)

8.Thanks for the update! (for replies)

1.Hope you had a good/great weekend. (周一必备)

2.Hope you guys keep staying safe.(适合群聊邮件)

3.Hope you are all well and staying safe!(Y情期间必备高频)

4.Hope you have been well/ Hope you are going well.

5.I hope you had a great and safe break.(适合小长假后)

6.Hope all is well with you & team.

7.I hope this email finds you well.

8.Trust all of you are doing well.

9.Hope everything goes/went well.


3.表示感谢 Many thanks

1.Thank you so much for your …

2.I really appreciate your…

3.Please accept my deepest thanks for your …

4.I am truly grateful for your support …

5.Many thanks for your time and assistance…

6.Thank you for all the help!

7.I wanted to express my personal gratitude for the effort and extra time you have contributed.

8.It was really nice of you to help me …


4.邮件开头 Hello

Cold email greetings in most cases,

1.Hello XXX,

2.Dear Prof. XXX, (Director XXX/ Hiring Manager…)


4.To whon it may concern,

5.Dear Mr./Ms.

6.Dear Sir or Madam,

7.Good morning/ afternoon/ evening,


5.结束用语 Sincerely


2.Best wishes


4.With gratitude

5.Kind regards





1.汇报用语 Presentation

1.Please feel free to interupt me if you have questions

2.I’b be grateful if you could ask your questions after the presentation

3.I’d now like to move on to …

4.This leads me to my next point…

5.If you look at this, you will see that…

6.As I said at the beginning,

7.This chart illustrates the figures …

8.That brings me to the end of my presentation

9.I hope that my presentation today could help you with what I said at the beginning…


2.请求询问 Excuse me

1.Excuse me

2.May I have a quick question ?

3.I hope you don’t mind sending me…

4.Would it be possible to …

5.I was wondering if you could

6.Would you mind sending me a …


3.夸奖赞同 Great job

1.Couldn’t agree more with that

2.I completely agree!

3.That’s a really great point/ suggestion/ idea


5.That’s really a great job

6.Your presentation was really exceptional and impressive.

7.Incredible work!

8.Terrific! (amazing)

9.This was an extremely wonderful article. Thank you so much for providing this details.

10.I really love this story. Thank you so much for your sharing.


4.表达否定 Sorry

不要用 I don’t think, I don’t want to

1.Thank you, I’m good. (拒绝, 非正式场合)

2.I’d love to, but …

3.I’m afraid not…

4.I will think about it…

5.Let me get back to you later…

6.I wish I could help you, but…

7.Normally I would be able to, but I …

8.That’s an interesting idea…

9.That sounds great, but…


5.回答问题 Any question?

1.Does this answer your question?

2.I hope this explains the situation for you.

3.That’s a really great question!

4.Thank you for listening - and now if there are any questions, I would be pleased to answer them.


6.无法回应 Sorry

1.That’s an interesting question. In fact, I don’t actually know off the top of my head. But I will try to get back to you with an answer.

2.I’m afraid that I might be unable to answer that at the moment. Sorry about that.

3.That’s a very good question. However, we don’t have any figures on that now, so I can’t give you an accurate answer.


7.纠正口误 Rephrase

1.Please allow me to explain that in another way.

2.Perhaps I can rephrase that

3.What I mean to say is…


8.表达感谢 Thank you

1.Many thanks for your suggestions.

2.I really appreciate your…

3.I am truly grateful for your support …

4.It was really nice of you to help me …

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