
I have this HTML


Here i have set bgcolor="#FFFFFF" but i want it to be transparent how to do it ?


HTML provides no means to specify a transparent background (and the means it has to specify backgrounds of any kind are obsolete and should not be used). You can do this in CSS.

body {

background-color: transparent;


This will make the background of the element visible.

There is no way to make the browser window transparent.


With inline-styling you can achieve this with:

But a better option is to put the following code:

body { background-color:transparent; }

in a CSS file which you link to in the

section of the page like so:


background-color: transparent;


However, you HAVE NO WAY to make the browser window transparent. So, even if you use the code above, your background will still be white.


You need to use CSS instead of HTML attributes to set transparent background:

Preferably you should have a style sheet for the page where you put the styles instead of putting styles in the HTML elements.

Note: To have an iframe with a transparent background (which is the only way that a transparent background on a page can be used) you need to add the allowtransparency attribute to the iframe tag for it to work in IE:


body {

background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)


last value is alpha - it will set transparency values between 0 and 1; 0 transparent;


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