let 只能在严格模式下吗

LET:今天早早离开 (LET: Leaving Early Today)

LET is an abbreviation of "Leaving Early Today".

LET是“ Leaveing Today Today”的缩写

It is an expression, which is commonly used in the Gmail platform. It is written in the body of the mail which shows that the employee or worker will be leaving from the work early today.

这是一个表达式,通常在Gmail平台中使用。 它写在邮件的正文中,表明员工或工人将在今天早些时候离开工作。

If you are working in some company, and want to go home early, you can't just go like this, you need to inform the higher authority. In such a case, you need to send a mail to them, so there LET is usable. Also, it can be useful in informing your colleagues or staff members about your early leave.

如果您在某家公司工作,并且想早点回家,您不能只是这样走,您需要通知上级主管部门。 在这种情况下,您需要向他们发送邮件,因此可以使用LET 。 同样,它对通知您的同事或工作人员您的提前假期很有用。

Let us take an example to make it easy to understand.


In an email, if it is written:


Respected Sir, I am LET due to bad health. Hope you understand.

尊敬的先生,由于身体不好,我任职。 希望你能理解。

This shows that the person wants to leave early today from work and he used the acronym for the same other than writing the whole sentence, which will take little time. Simply writing LET can also be fruitful in mails if in case of urgency.

这表明该人想今天早点下班,除了写完整的句子外,他使用首字母缩略词表示相同的意思,这将花费很少的时间。 如果有紧急情况,只写LET也可以在邮件中取得丰硕的成果。

Now, these days, the demands of acronyms are very high on social media online chatting or messaging, so the users usually use LET as a replacement for Leaving Early Today.

现在,这些天来,对社交媒体在线聊天或消息传递的首字母缩写词要求很高,因此用户通常使用LET代替“ Leaving Early Today”

So, in this way, the abbreviation LET is used mostly on the social media platform.


While this slang is very common in social media platforms, mainly email messaging, still many are unaware of this slang.


So, basically in emails if it is written as LET, it means that the person is leaving early today from work. In the future, if you are working in a company or want to inform the higher authority about your early leave or your friends, you can simply use LET, instead of Leaving Early Today which is a little time consuming and lengthy.

因此,基本上在电子邮件中,如果将其写为LET ,则意味着该人今天要下班。 将来,如果您在公司工作,或者想通知上级有关您的早假或朋友的信息,您可以简单地使用LET,而不是“ Early Today Today” ,这会浪费一些时间和时间。

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dictionary/let-full-form.aspx

let 只能在严格模式下吗

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