IDBI:印度工业发展银行 (IDBI: Industrial Development Bank of India)

IDBI is an abbreviation of the Industrial Development Bank of India. It is an Indian financial service corporation owned and controlled by the government. In 1964, it was founded to offer credit and other financial services for the development of the Indian industry. Its head office is situated in Mumbai.

IDBI是印度工业发展银行的缩写 。 它是一家由政府拥有和控制的印度金融服务公司。 它成立于1964年,旨在为印度工业的发展提供信贷和其他金融服务。 其总部设在孟买。

At the present time, it is one of the largest commercial banks of India which provides personalized banking and financial solutions. In terms of accomplishment, it is the 10th largest bank in the world. It consists of 3,702 ATMs, 1892 branches, comprising one overseas branch in Dubai, 58 e-lounges and 1407 centers. As of 4 October 2018, Rakesh Sharma is the MD and CEO of IDBI, who is the former MD and CEO of Lakshmi Vilas Bank and Canara Bank.

目前,它是印度最大的商业银行之一,提供个性化的银行和金融解决方案。 就成就而言,它是世界第十大银行。 它由3,702台ATM,1892个分支机构组成,包括在迪拜的一个海外分支机构,58个电子休息室和1407个中心。 截至2018年10月4日,Rakesh Sharma是IDBI的总经理兼首席执行官,后者是Lakshmi Vilas Bank和Canara Bank的前总经理兼首席执行官。

IDBI愿景 (IDBI Vision)

Its vision is to be a greatly preferred and trustworthy bank improving value for all stakeholders.


IDBI Bank doesn't operate only in core banking services. Except for all this, It also works in other financial services like,

IDBI银行不仅在核心银行服务中运作。 除了所有这些,它还可以在其他金融服务中使用,例如,

  • Bond Trading.


  • Equity Broking.


  • Depository services.


IDBI was founded as a subordinate company of RBI (Reserve Bank of India). In Feb 1976, the Government of India takes it rights and possession.

IDBI是印度储备银行(RBI)的下属公司。 1976年2月,印度政府获得了它的权利和所有权。

IDBI关键产品 (IDBI Key Products)

  • Preferred Banking: Royale Account, Preferred Account, PowerPlus Account.


  • Savings Account: SuperSavings Account, SuperShakti (Women's) Account, Jubilee Plus (Senior Citizens) Account, etc.

    储蓄帐户:SuperSavings帐户,SuperShakti(妇女)帐户,Jubilee Plus(高级公民)帐户等。

  • Flexi Current Account


  • Corporate Payroll Account: Imperial Salary Account, Star Salary Account, Prime Salary Account, Pride Salary Account, etc.


  • Loans: Home Loan, Auto Loan, Personal Loan, Education Loan, etc.


  • Pradhanmantri Social Security Scheme


  • Cards: Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Prepaid Cards, etc.


  • Pay Apt-Mobile Wallet

    Pay Apt手机钱包

  • 24 Hours Banking: Phone Banking, Mobile Banking, Internet Banking, Account Alerts, etc.


  • Jus Tab


  • Trusteeship through ITSL


  • Sukanya Samridhi

    Sukanya Samridhi

财务记录和员工 (Financial Records and Employees)

  • As of 31 March 2015, the bank had 16,555 employees, out of which 197 were employees with disabilities.


  • During the year 2012-2013, the bank records the business of 25.64 crores INR per employee and net profit of INR 12.17 lakhs per employee.


  • As of 31 March 2016, it has an aggregate balance sheet size of Rs. 3, 74,372 crores and an overall turnover of Rs. 4, 81,613 crores.

    截至2016年3月31日,其资产负债表总规模为Rs。 3,74,372千万卢比,总营业额为Rs。 4,81,613千万。

奖项与认可 (Awards and Recognition)

  • In May 2013, IDBI Bank ranked #1197 in the Forbes Global 2000.


  • It received the 'Overall Best Bank' and 'Best Public Sector Bank' awards in the Dun & Bradstreet Banking Awards, 2011.


  • In 2011, it acknowledged Banking Technology awards for best use of Business Intelligence and the best Risk Management from the Indian Banks Association.




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