API (Aplication Programming Interface)



Connectivity is an amazing thing.

By now we are all used to the instant connectivity that puts the

world at our fingertips from desktops or devices .

We can purchase post pin and pick anything anywhere

We are connnected to the world and each other like never before.

But how does it happen ?

How does data get from here to there ?

How do different devices and applications connnect with each other to allow us to place an order , make a reservation or book a flight

with just a few types of quicks

the unsung hero of our connected world is the application programming interface or API

it’s the engine under the hood and is behind the scenes that we take for granted

But it is what makes possible all the interactivity come to expect and rely upon .

But exactly what ia an API.

It is a question everyone asks.

The textbook definition go something like this .

okay to speak plainly an API is the messenger that takes requests and tell a system what you want to do and then returns the response back to you .


To Give you a familiar example .

Think of an API as a waiter in a restaurant.
Imagine you are sitting at the table with a menu of choices to order from .
In the kitchen is the part as the system which will prepare your order
what is missing is the critical link to commmunicate your order to the kitchen and deliver your food back to your table .
That is where the waiter or API comes in .
The waiter is the messenger and takes your request or order and tells the system in this case the kitchen what to do .
And then delivers the response back to you .in this case food .



Now that we have whetted your appetite . 刺激你的食欲

Let us apply this to a real API example ,you are probably familiar with the process of searching for airline flights online.

Just like at a restaurant you have a menu of options to purchase from

a drop-down(下拉) menu in this case . you choose a departure(出发) city and date , a return(目的) city and date ,cabin class(舱位等级) and other varibles .In order to book your flight you interact with the airlines website to access the airline’s database to see if any seats are available on those dates .

And what the cost might be used on certain variables .

But what if you are not using the Airlines website which has direct access to the information .

What if you are using an online travel service

that aggregates(收集) information from many different airlines.

The travel service interacts with the airline’s API.

The API is the interface that like you are helpful where can be asked by that online travel service to get infomation , from the airline system over the internet to book the seats choose meal preferences or baggage options

It also then takes the Airlines response to your request and delivers it right back to the online travel service which then shows it to you .

Now you can see that it is API is that makes it possible for us all to use travel sites.

the same goes for all interactions between applications data and devices .

API 就是一个接口,帮助你从在线旅行服务获得信息,





Whenever you think of an API ,just think of it as your waiter,
running back and forth(奔波于) between applications databases and devices.
to deliver data.and create the connectivity that puts the world at our fingertips.


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