伦敦 quant

A few months ago, we got to see ‘Super Spring Break Speed Boat Hero SD’ in a talk by Russ Morris and George Buckingham from PLA studios, an asynchronous multiplier game for web browsers. This month sees the return of the game, with a streamlined name and on running on iOS devices. Russ discusses the issues the developers found in porting a poorly optimised web game to iOS, and reveals the techniques that made the game much more viable on mobile platforms.

几个月前,我们在PLA工作室的Russ Morris和George Buckingham的演讲中看到了“ Super Spring Break快艇英雄SD”,这是一种用于Web浏览器的异步乘法器游戏。 本月将以精简的名称在iOS设备上运行游戏,并重返游戏市场。 Russ讨论了开发人员在将性能不佳的网络游戏移植到iOS时发现的问题,并揭示了使游戏在移动平台上更可行的技术。

Note: Apologies for the poor quality audio in these recordings, this will be corrected for the next event.


Russ Morris –移植到iOS (Russ Morris – Porting to iOS)

第1部分,共3部分 (Part 1 of 3)


第2部分,共3部分 (Part 2 of 3)


3之3 (Part 3 of 3)


As usual, the usergroup is followed by a trip to nearby pub, The Ship. If you’d like to attend the next one, check out the meetup.com page at – http://www.meetup.com/London-Unity-Usergroup/

与往常一样,用户组之后是前往附近的酒吧The Ship的旅行。 如果您想参加下一场,请访问一下metup.com页面, 网址为– http://www.meetup.com/London-Unity-Usergroup/

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2012/03/01/london-unity-usergroup-9/

伦敦 quant

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