
  • 1 问题 [CLDNN ERROR]. clGetPlatformIDs error -1001
  • 2 使用openVINO下GPU,务必是intel的核显或集显,nvidia是不行的。
  • 3 安装OpenCL的驱动程序
  • 4 观察GPU使用率
  • 5 install_NEO_OCL_driver.sh

1 问题 [CLDNN ERROR]. clGetPlatformIDs error -1001


2 使用openVINO下GPU,务必是intel的核显或集显,nvidia是不行的。


3 安装OpenCL的驱动程序


cd /opt/intel/openvino/install_dependencies
sudo -E ./install_NEO_OCL_driver.sh


  1. 可能会在卸载老版本驱动出现问题,可以尝试sudo apt-get remove/purge xxx,脚本用的purge(配置文件一起删除)
  2. 由于是dpkg管理的,很容易出现安装新包的依赖问题,记得使用sudo apt-get -f install

4 观察GPU使用率

sudo apt-get install intel-gpu-tools
sudo intel_gpu_top

5 install_NEO_OCL_driver.sh


  1. 仅支持centos/ubuntu两个操作系统
  2. 对操作系统进行检查,centos7及以上,ubuntu16或者18
  3. 要求使用root权限运行脚本,一般都是这样子的(可能会安装一些包或者是设置相关配置问题)
  4. 接下来的安装,就两个操作系统分开执行对应的函数。这里以ubuntu为例
  5. 检查系统是否已经安装了intel-openclintel-ocloc intel-gmmlibintel-igc-coreintel-igc-opencl,如果已经安装了,会直接卸载。如果没有继续执行。
  6. 安装依赖包,包括libnuma1、 ocl-icd-libopencl1两个
  7. 正式安装所需要的4个包
  8. 将用户加入video group


#!/bin/bash# Copyright (c) 2018 - 2019 Intel Corporation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.#
# Installs the Graphics Driver for OpenCL on Linux.
# Usage: sudo -E ./install_NEO_OCL_driver.sh
# Supported platforms:
#     6th, 7th, 8th or 9th generation Intel® processor with Intel(R)
#     Processor Graphics Technology not previously disabled by the BIOS
#     or motherboard settings
{# yum doesn't accept timeout in seconds as parameterechoecho "Note: if yum becomes non-responsive, try aborting the script and run:"echo "      sudo -E $0"echoCMDS=("yum -y install tar libpciaccess numactl-libs""yum -y groupinstall 'Development Tools'""yum -y install rpmdevtools openssl openssl-devel bc numactl ocl-icd ocl-icd-devel")for cmd in "${CMDS[@]}"; doecho $cmdeval $cmdif [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; thenecho ERROR: failed to run $cmd >&2echo Problem \(or disk space\)? >&2echo . Verify that you have enough disk space, and run the script again. >&2exit $EXIT_FAILUREfidone}_install_prerequisites_ubuntu()
{CMDS=("apt-get -y update""apt-get -y install libnuma1 ocl-icd-libopencl1")for cmd in "${CMDS[@]}"; doecho $cmdeval $cmdif [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; thenecho ERROR: failed to run $cmd >&2echo Problem \(or disk space\)? >&2echo "                sudo -E $0" >&2echo 2. Verify that you have enough disk space, and run the script again. >&2exit $EXIT_FAILUREfidone
{if [[ $DISTRO == "centos" ]]; thenecho Installing prerequisites..._install_prerequisites_centoselif [[ $DISTRO == "ubuntu" ]]; thenecho Installing prerequisites..._install_prerequisites_ubuntuelseecho Unknown OSfi
{# On a CentOS 7.2 machine with Intel Parallel Composer XE 2017# installed we got conflicts when trying to deploy these rpms.# If that happens to you too, try again with:# IGFX_RPM_FLAGS="--force" sudo -E ./install_NEO_OCL_driver.sh install#cmd="rpm $IGFX_RPM_FLAGS -ivh --nodeps --force $1"echo $cmdeval $cmd
{cmd="dpkg -i $1"echo $cmdeval $cmd
{_deploy_rpm "intel*.rpm"if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; thenecho ERROR: failed to install rpms $cmd error  >&2echo Make sure you have enough disk space or fix the problem manually and try again. >&2exit $EXIT_FAILUREfi
{_deploy_deb "intel*.deb"if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; thenecho ERROR: failed to install rpms $cmd error  >&2echo Make sure you have enough disk space or fix the problem manually and try again. >&2exit $EXIT_FAILUREfi
{echo "Installing user mode driver..."if [[ $DISTRO == "centos" ]]; then_install_user_mode_centoselse_install_user_mode_ubuntufi
{echo Looking for previously installed user-mode driver...PACKAGES=("intel-opencl""intel-ocloc""intel-gmmlib""intel-igc-core""intel-igc-opencl")for package in "${PACKAGES[@]}"; do      echo "rpm -qa | grep $package"found_package=$(rpm -qa | grep $package)if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; thenecho Found installed user-mode driver, performing uninstall...cmd="rpm -e --nodeps ${found_package}"echo $cmdeval $cmdif [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; thenecho ERROR: failed to uninstall existing user-mode driver. >&2echo Please try again manually and run the script again. >&2exit $EXIT_FAILUREfifidone
{echo Looking for previously installed user-mode driver...PACKAGES=("intel-opencl""intel-ocloc""intel-gmmlib""intel-igc-core""intel-igc-opencl")for package in "${PACKAGES[@]}"; dofound_package=$(dpkg-query -W -f='${binary:Package}\n' ${package})if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; thenecho Found $found_package installed, uninstalling...dpkg --purge $found_packageif [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; thenecho "ERROR: unable to remove $found_package" >&2echo "       please resolve it manually and try to launch the script again." >&2exit $EXIT_FAILUREfifidone
{if [[ $DISTRO == "centos" ]]; then_uninstall_user_mode_centoselse_uninstall_user_mode_ubuntufi
{if [[ $DISTRO == "centos" ]]; thencmd="rpm -qa | grep $1"elsecmd="dpkg-query -W -f='${binary:Package}\n' $pkg"fiecho $cmdeval $cmd
}version_gt() {# check if first version is greater than second versiontest "$(printf '%s\n' "$@" | sort -V | head -n 1)" != "$1";
{kernel_version=$(uname -r)echoecho Installation completed successfully.echoecho Next steps:echo "Add OpenCL users to the video group: 'sudo usermod -a -G video USERNAME'"echo "   e.g. if the user running OpenCL host applications is foo, run: sudo usermod -a -G video foo"echo "   Current user has been already added to the video group"echo# ask to install kernel 4.14 if current kernel version < 4.13 (GPU NEO driver supports only kernels 4.13.x and higher)if version_gt "4.13" "$kernel_version" ; thenecho "Install 4.14 kernel using install_4_14_kernel.sh script and reboot into this kernel"echofiecho "If you use 8th Generation Intel® Core™ processor, you will need to add:"echo "   i915.alpha_support=1"echo "   to the 4.14 kernel command line, in order to enable OpenCL functionality for this platform."echo}check_root_access()
{if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; thenecho "ERROR: you must run this script as root." >&2echo "Please try again with "sudo -E $0", or as root." >&2exit $EXIT_FAILUREfi
{local real_user=$(logname 2>/dev/null || echo ${SUDO_USER:-${USER}})echoecho Adding $real_user to the video group...usermod -a -G video $real_userif [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; thenecho WARNING: unable to add $real_user to the video group >&2fi
{if [[ $DISTRO == centos ]]; thenCENTOS_MINOR=$(sed 's/CentOS Linux release 7\.\([[:digit:]]\+\).\+/\1/' /etc/centos-release)if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; thenecho ERROR: failed to obtain CentOS version minor. >&2echo This script is supported only on CentOS 7 and above. >&2exit $EXIT_FAILUREfielif [[ $DISTRO == ubuntu ]]; thenUBUNTU_VERSION=$(lsb_release -r -s) if [[ $UBUNTU_VERSION != '18.04' && $UBUNTU_VERSION != '16.04' ]]; thenecho "Warning: This runtime can be installed only on Ubuntu 18.04 or Ubuntu 16.04."echo "More info https://github.com/intel/compute-runtime/releases" >&2exit "Installation of Intel Compute Runtime interrupted"fifi
{if [[ -f /etc/centos-release ]]; thenDISTRO="centos"elif [[ -f /etc/lsb-release ]]; thenDISTRO="ubuntu"fi_check_distro_version
{echo "Intel OpenCL graphics driver installer"distro_initcheck_root_accessinstallsummary
}[[ "$0" == "$BASH_SOURCE" ]] && main "$@"

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