
尽管关于这个“僵尸沃德”爆料很少,但是很多粉丝还是有着自己的理论:格兰特·沃德(Grant Ward/Brett



Clark饰演)的爱人罗萨琳德·普莱斯(Rosalind Price/Constance


CBR(comic book resource)报道:剧中扮演特工珍玛·西蒙斯(Jemma Simmons)的伊丽莎白·亨斯屈奇(Elizabeth

Henstridge)在波兰 Wizard






The Fall 2015 finale of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. season 3 delivered a

dramatic clash between the team and their enemy, the reformed Hydra. The battle

effectively switched between action in an ancient British castle and the alien

planet Maveth. The episode drew together and resolved several of the various

storylines covered in the first half of season 3 and brought a deadly conclusion

to a key character. In typical S.H.I.E.L.D. style this conclusion came with a

powerful twist, resulting in the surprise creation of a new villain.

Although little has been revealed about the new powerful alien/human

hybrid, many fans have formed theories about how the villain formerly known as

Grant Ward (Brett Dalton) and the mysterious Maveth “Beast” would tie into the

comic book material. However, one of the show’s stars has just let this

intriguing information slip, dropping the name of a familiar Secret Warriors


This metamorphosis is not the first time that Ward’s character has

undergone a massive change, as he was revealed to be secretly working for Hydra

at the end of season 1, taking on the role of nemesis instead of teammate. He

has played a major part in several of the team’s conflicts, his most recent

betrayal being the revenge killing of Coulson’s (Greg Clark) love interest

Rosalind Price (Constance Zimmer) — an act which sent the Director on a mission

to finish his onetime protege for good, leaving him for dead in the vicinity of

a body-snatching alien entity looking for a new host.

CBR reported that Elizabeth Henstridge, who plays Agent Jemma Simmons on

the show, has discussed Ward’s transformation at Wizard World Portland today and

revealed the comic book roots of his new identity — a Secret Warriors character

named Hive. With regard to the show’s constantly transforming circumstances,

Henstridge said: “…and now Ward is Hive and takes on the memories of people he’s

killed, so that’s going to have some interesting situations.”Within the Secret

Warriors comic, Hive is a parasite collective genetically engineered by Hydra

that increase the strength and absorb the memories of a human host body.

Henstridge’s comment suggests the show has adapted this ability to fit with

their interpretation of the Maveth creature and create a more compelling plot

device for this new Inhuman character.

With Daisy’s (Chloe Bennet) Inhuman team now official, a new villain merged

with an old one seems a fitting adversary for the show’s narrative going forward

into the season’s second half. As Ward and Daisy have arguably had the most

complex of the series’ character arcs, it would be satisfying to explore the new

conflicts Ward’s transformation will bring for these characters and their

complicated history. His character has always been a moral grey area and the

ability to absorb memories could be a dangerous weapon and/or a device for

gaining a conscience.

Although teased in a recent promo, it is not yet known how much of Ward’s

personality will be present in his new form and where the creators intend to go

with this plotline – but seeing where the character’s origin comes from, this is

a tantalizing new development for fans waiting for S.H.I.E.L.D.‘s return.


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