
  • 快慢的概念
  • north/south
  • east-west
  • redhat east-west
  • 上层底层的概念



这个可能是一个慢慢形成的一个习惯,然后变成了现实(de facto);可能和主板的设计有关,记得之前的主机,壳子里的所有外设都在下半部分,很少有外部设备放到主机箱的上半部分,上北下南,这样去理解,可能会好过一些。





这里也有一个north south的概念。

However the Network Node will be in charge of North/South SNAT, whereas each Compute Node will provide North/South DNAT as well as East/West L3 forwarding.


在openstack,还有这种比喻,computer节点之间的业务,也称之为 east-west网络包。还是以图为参照物来做比喻。
OpenStack network east-west traffic is a term used to describe network traffic that occurs between two compute nodes, or virtual machines, within the same data center. East-west traffic occurs when two virtual machines need to communicate with one another, either for an application or a service. East-west traffic is distinct from north-south traffic, which is traffic from one data center to another, or from one external network to another.

redhat east-west

East-West routing - routing of traffic between different networks in the same project. This traffic does not leave the RHOSP deployment. This definition applies to both IPv4 and IPv6 subnets.
North-South routing with floating IPs - Floating IP addressing is a one-to-one network address translation (NAT) that can be modified and that floats between VM instances. While floating IPs are modeled as a one-to-one association between the floating IP and a Networking service (neutron) port, they are implemented by association with a Networking service router that performs the NAT translation. The floating IPs themselves are taken from the uplink network that provides the router with external connectivity. As a result, instances can communicate with external resources (such as endpoints on the internet) or the other way around. Floating IPs are an IPv4 concept and do not apply to IPv6. It is assumed that the IPv6 addressing used by projects uses Global Unicast Addresses (GUAs) with no overlap across the projects, and therefore can be routed without NAT.
North-South routing without floating IPs (also known as SNAT) - The Networking service offers a default port address translation (PAT) service for instances that do not have allocated floating IPs. With this service, instances can communicate with external endpoints through the router, but not the other way around. For example, an instance can browse a website on the internet, but a web browser outside cannot browse a website hosted within the instance. SNAT is applied for IPv4 traffic only. In addition, Networking service networks that are assigned GUAs prefixes do not require NAT on the Networking service router external gateway port to access the outside world.



Northbound interfaces define the way the SDN controller should interact with the application plane. Applications and services are things like load-balancers, firewalls, security services and cloud resources. The idea is to abstract the inner-workings of the network, so that application developers can ‘hook’ into the network and make changes to accommodate the needs of the application without having to understand exactly what that means for the network.

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