
by Sarvasv Kulpati

由Sarvasv Kulpati

为什么我要在学校教年轻的学生如何编码 (Why I’m Teaching Younger Students At My School How To Code)

以及为什么还要教别人编码 (And why you should teach someone how to code, too)

Imagine if you grew up around people but never learned the language they spoke to each other. Wouldn’t it be absurd? Yet, technology powers almost everything in today’s world and most children have no idea about language it speaks.

想象一下,如果你在人们周围长大, 但从未学过他们彼此交流的语言 。 会不会很荒谬? 然而,技术为当今世界的几乎所有事物提供了动力,并且大多数孩子对它所讲的语言一无所知。

This rapid growth of technology requires a rapid pace of education to follow it, but it is pretty clear that schools are far behind. They just take too long to revise their curriculum. In my current Grade 10 computer science course, CDs are considered hi-tech. ?

技术的飞速发展需要快速的教育步伐,但是很明显学校远远落后于技术。 他们只是花太长时间修改他们的课程。 在我目前的10年级计算机科学课程中,CD被认为是高科技的。 ?

This is why I decided to take matters into my own hands and teach students in my school about technology.


I’m a fifteen year old with a strong passion for all things tech, and I’ve been coding for almost 2 years now.


Here are some reasons why teaching every child how to code is important.


1.技术在我们的生活中越来越多地出现 (1. Technology is becoming increasingly present in our lives)

This increasing trend of technology permeating through almost every aspect of our existence — transport, entertainment, productivity, and even education — doesn’t seem to be slowing down. In fact, because of Moore’s Law, it’s speeding up, exponentially.

渗透到我们生存的几乎所有方面的这种不断增长的技术趋势-交通,娱乐,生产力,甚至是教育-似乎并没有在放缓。 实际上,由于摩尔定律,它正在成倍地加快发展。

We should at least have a basic understanding of the systems around us and how they work, and for that, children need to learn programming.

我们至少应该对我们周围的系统以及它们的工作方式有基本的了解 ,为此,孩子们需要学习编程。

2.赋予孩子更多的权利 (2. It empowers children to be more than consumers)

Instead of playing video games and using apps, children can now gain the crucial skills required to make them. Should they find these skills interesting, they can refine them to take it up as a career.

现在,孩子们不再需要玩视频游戏和使用应用程序,而可以掌握制作游戏所需的关键技能。 如果他们发现这些技能很有趣,则可以对其进行完善以将其作为职业。

Programming is amazing in the sense that you can create anything using technology that you already have access to — networks, utilities, even whole worlds. You name it.

您可以使用已经可以使用的技术(网络,实用程序甚至整个世界) 创建任何东西的意义上来说,编程是令人惊叹的。 随便你

It’s only by introducing kids to this opportunity that they will understand the possibilities.


3.它教他们如何思考 (3. It teaches them how to think)

“Everybody in this country should learn to program a computer, because it teaches you how to think.” — Steve Jobs

“这个国家的每个人都应该学习计算机编程,因为它教会了您如何思考。” —史蒂夫·乔布斯

Programming teaches fundamental problem solving skills like breaking things down into small tasks, keeping things simple and modular, and learning from your mistakes.


The skills kids learn from programming can be applied to many areas of their lives.


4.学生成为自给自足的学习者 (4. Students become self-sufficient learners)

I taught myself how to code. I never had a teacher to tell me how to fix problems. Everything I learned was from hours of debugging and scrolling through Stackoverflow.

我自学了如何编码。 我从来没有老师告诉我如何解决问题。 我学到的一切都是从数小时的调试和滚动Stackoverflow中学到的。

I wasn’t too sure my students would replicate this behaviour, but thankfully, they did. Some of them who were really interested in what they were making went out of their way to learn how stuff worked and how they could use it, even outside school.

我不太确定我的学生会重复这种行为,但值得庆幸的是,他们做到了。 他们中的一些人对自己的作品非常感兴趣,他们甚至学会了如何使用东西以及如何使用它们,甚至在学校外面。

5.您会变得更擅长编码自己 (5. You become better at coding yourself)

When teaching someone something, they will constantly ask you the simplest and most basic questions. These are the foundational pillars of your knowledge, and the fact that you will keep reiterating them means that your understanding will become rock solid.

在教别人某事时,他们会不断问您最简单,最基本的问题。 这些是您知识的基础,而您将不断重申它们的事实意味着您的理解将变得坚如磐​​石。

The fact that I had to teach people coding also meant that I had to review lots of knowledge, and had to make sure that I understood it completely before I could explain it.


Even the Nobel Prize winning physicist Richard Feynman used to consider that teaching people was the best way to learn, so much so that a method was named after him.

甚至获得诺贝尔奖的物理学家理查德·费曼(Richard Feynman)都曾经认为,教人是最好的学习方法,以至于有一种方法以他命名 。

为什么还要教别人编码 (Why you should teach someone how to code, too)

Knowledge should not be locked up and stored or remain in a select group of people’s heads. It should spread, and it is your duty as someone with that knowledge to spread it.

知识不应被锁定和存储或保留在特定的人们的头脑中。 它应该传播,作为具有这一知识的人,您有责任传播它。

If you can code, you understand how fun and fulfilling it can be - when you aren’t debugging of course ?. You also understand the value of knowing how to code.

如果您可以编写代码,那么您就会了解它的乐趣和充实性 -当然,当您不调试时? 您还将了解知道如何编码的价值。

So why not pass on the light of knowledge to someone you know?


It could be your friends, your children, maybe even your coworkers. Who knows, they might enjoy it and start learning by themselves.

可能是您的朋友,您的孩子,甚至您的同事。 谁知道,他们可能会喜欢它并开始自己学习。

Thanks for reading. I hope this short post has ignited your passion to contribute by teaching others how to code.

谢谢阅读。 我希望这篇简短的帖子激发了您的热情,可以通过教别人如何编码来做出贡献。

Want to chat? Find me on Twitter, Linkedin, and Quora

想聊天? 在Twitter , Linkedin和Quora上找到我

Here’s some other posts I’ve written


You Need To Go On An Information DietWe live in a society of drug addicts. Your best friend is probably one. So is your family. And odds are, so are you…hackernoon.comApple’s Speciality Isn’t Hardware Or SoftwareThe obvious point everyone misses when criticising Applemedium.comIf You Are Making A Startup For Young People, Don’t Pay Attention To The ProductThe special way Snapchat won over all of us millennialshackernoon.com

您需要进行信息饮食 我们生活在一个吸毒者社会。 你最好的朋友可能是一个。 你的家人也是。 而且,您也很可能…… hackernoon.com 苹果公司的专长不是硬件还是软件 当批评Apple medium.com 时,每个人都会遗忘 一个 明显的问题 。 Snapchat赢得了我们所有人千禧一代的方式 hackernoon.com

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/why-im-teaching-younger-students-at-my-school-how-to-code-f74ba3f174e3/



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