abp vnext

介绍 (Introduction)

In the 90s and at the beginning of the 21 century, Linux and Windows were decidedly working at cross purposes


However, starting on 2009, Microsoft started to contribute with code in the Linux Kernel. On 2013, Azure supported Virtual Machines in Ubuntu and later came the support to .NET in Linux, Visual Studio for Linux, PowerShell in Linux, support to monitor Linux server to monitor in SCOM (System Center Operation Manager) and now, the support for SQL Server that is on the previous version when this article was published and it is planned to be released this year (2017). Microsoft is a Platinum member of the Linux Foundation now.

但是,从2009年开始,Microsoft开始在Linux内核中贡献代码。 2013年,Azure在Ubuntu中支持虚拟机,后来又支持Linux中的.NET,Linux中的Visual Studio,Linux中的PowerShell,监视Linux服务器以在SCOM中监视( 系统中心操作管理器 ),以及现在对Linux的支持。发布本文时的早期版本上SQL Server,计划于今年(2017)发布。 微软现在是Linux基金会的白金会员。

Now, the Microsoft CEO, Satya Nadella, says that Microsoft Loves Linux. But why?

现在,微软首席执行官Satya Nadella表示微软喜欢Linux。 但为什么?

Because there are thousands of Server administrators who use Linux and they are potential customers to use the Microsoft Cloud (Azure). According to Microsoft, around 33% of the VMs in Azure are Linux machines. Two years ago, the number was 20% and each day these numbers are growing.

因为有数千名使用Linux的服务器管理员,他们是使用Microsoft Cloud(Azure)的潜在客户。 微软表示,Azure中大约33%的VM是Linux计算机。 两年前,这个数字是20%,并且每天这些数字都在增长。

Note, that Microsoft has more than $2 billion in revenue per year in Azure and it is planned to earn 20 billion on 2018.


If we talk about laptops and desktop computers, Linux has 21.7% to the marketing (and Windows 8, 8.1, 10, etc. 52%) of the usage share. If we talk about Internet Servers, Linux has 35.0% of the usage share (and Windows Server 32.2% according to W3Techs).

如果我们谈论便携式计算机和台式计算机,则Linux占市场份额的21.7%(Windows 8、8.1、10等52%)。 如果我们谈论Internet服务器,则Linux拥有35.0%的使用份额(根据W3Techs,Windows Server为32.2%)。

So the simple fact is that Linux includes millions of potential users that are now using Azure and other Microsoft technologies and increasing Microsoft revenues.


In addition, other databases like MySQL, Oracle, DB2 are multi-platform, which is sometimes a crucial feature for many companies.


In this article, we will focus on general question and answers about Linux for SQL Server (SQL Server vNext). We hope you to enjoy the article that we believe is the start of a new SQL Server Era.

在本文中,我们将重点介绍有关Linux for SQL Server(SQL Server vNext)的一般问题和解答。 我们希望您喜欢我们认为是新SQL Server时代开始的文章。

Here is a list of FAQs:


哪些Linux发行版支持新SQL Server vNext? (What Linux Distributions support the new SQL Server vNext?)

There are several Linux Distributors (distribution) like Ubuntu, Red Hat, Fedora, CentOS, Debian, OpenSuse and more. The following distribution currently supports SQL Server:

有几个Linux发行商(发行商),例如Ubuntu,Red Hat,Fedora,CentOS,Debian,OpenSuse等。 以下发行版当前支持SQL Server:

  • Red Hat 7.2 红帽7.2
  • Ubuntu Linux 16.04 Ubuntu Linux 16.04
  • SUSE v12 SP2 SUSE v12 SP2

This list may change in the future.


我是Linux世界的新手,但我想学习。 我可以从哪里开始练习? (I am new in the Linux world, but I would like to learn. Where can I start practicing?)

There is a nice virtual lab that can be a good way to start practicing Red Hat Linux here:

有一个不错的虚拟实验室,可以成为在此处开始练习Red Hat Linux的好方法:

  • TechNet Virtual Lab: Introduction to SQL Server on Linux for SQL Server Administrators – Red Hat TechNet虚拟实验室:面向SQL Server管理员的Linux上SQL Server简介– Red Hat

If you want to learn fast and avoid wasting time installing a new OS, this lab will help you a lot to learn the commands and the OS:


The lab includes a manual with the instructions to practice.


Red Hat与Ubuntu和SUSE中SQL Server安装是否有任何区别? (Is there any differences in the SQL Server Installation in Red Hat vs Ubuntu and SUSE?)

Yes, the steps are slightly different. Microsoft separated the installation instructions for each distribution.

是的,步骤略有不同。 Microsoft分离了每个发行版的安装说明。

For Red Hat, follow this link to install it:

对于Red Hat,请通过以下链接进行安装:

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Installation 红帽企业Linux安装

For Ubuntu, follow this link to install it:


  • Ubuntu installation Ubuntu安装

For SUSE, follow this link to install it:


  • SUSE Linux installation SUSE Linux安装

在Linux上安装SQL Server vNext的安装要求是什么? (What are the installation requirements to install SQL Server vNext on Linux?)

3.25GB of memory in all the Linux distribution. In SUSE, you also require XFS or EXT4 file systems.

所有Linux发行版中的内存为3.25GB。 在SUSE中,您还需要XFS或EXT4文件系统。

在Linux上安装SQL Server vNext的步骤是什么? (What are the steps to install SQL Server vNext on Linux?)

Here you have the steps for each distribution:


  • Install SQL Server on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 在Red Hat Enterprise Linux上安装SQL Server
  • Install SQL Server on Ubuntu 在Ubuntu上安装SQL Server
  • Install SQL Server on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 在SUSE Linux Enterprise Server上安装SQL Server

SQL Server vNext安装程序中是否包含SQL代理? (Is the SQL Agent included in SQL Server vNext installer?)

No, the SQL Agent must be installed separately. It is an optional package. For more information about installing the SQL Agent on Linux, refer to this link:

否,必须单独安装SQL Agent。 这是一个可选软件包。 有关在Linux上安装SQL Agent的更多信息,请参考以下链接:

  • Install SQL Server Agent on Linux 在Linux上安装SQL Server代理

哪些其他功能和工具是应单独安装的可选软件包? (Which other features and tools are optional packages that should be installed separately?)

The BCP, sqlcmd and full text search. They are all optional packages.

BCP,sqlcmd和全文本搜索。 它们都是可选软件包。

For more information about installing BCP and sqlcmd, refer to this link:


  • Install sqlcmd and bcp the SQL Server command-line tools on Linux 在Linux上安装sqlcmd和bcp SQL Server命令行工具

Azure和Linux和SQL Server vNext中是否有虚拟机模板? (Is there a Virtual Machine template in Azure with Linux and SQL Server vNext?)

Yes, there is a template for Linux Red Hat 7.2 in Azure with SQL Server vNext. In the future, there will be more templates.

是的,Azure中有一个带SQL Server vNext的Linux Red Hat 7.2模板。 将来会有更多的模板。

Azure中是否支持SQL Server vNext? (Is SQL Server vNext supported in Azure?)

Yes, you can install in a Virtual Machine vNext in any supported distribution.

是的,您可以通过任何受支持的发行版安装在Virtual Machine vNext中。

我听说了有关SQL Server上的Docker和Linux的信息。 Docker是什么?与SQL Server和Linux有什么关系? (I heard something about Docker and Linux on SQL Server. What is Docker and what does it has to do with SQL Server and Linux?)

Docker is an Open-source project that is used to automate the deployment of applications including SQL Server. You can use Docker on Linux, Mac and Windows to create a container with SQL Server on Docker. It is a great tool to deploy your application in different environments.

Docker是一个开源项目,用于自动部署包括SQL Server在内的应用程序。 您可以在Linux,Mac和Windows上使用Docker在Docker上使用SQL Server创建一个容器。 这是在不同环境中部署应用程序的好工具。

For more information about Docker, refer to this link: Official images for Microsoft SQL Server on Linux for Docker Engine

有关Docker的更多信息,请参考以下链接: Linux上用于Docker Engine的Microsoft SQL Server的官方映像

可以使用哪些SQL Server工具连接到Linux上SQL Server vNext? (What SQL Server tools can be used to connect to SQL Server vNext on Linux?)

You can use SSMS and SSDT from your Windows Machine to connect to vNext in Linux (make sure to use the last version). You can also use Visual Studio in Linux to connect to your vNext Linux Database.

您可以在Windows机器上使用SSMS和SSDT连接到Linux中的vNext(确保使用最新版本)。 您也可以在Linux中使用Visual Studio连接到vNext Linux数据库。

You can also use the traditional sqlcmd, bcp, sqlpackage and there are some new tools like the mssql-conf and DMVTools. Mssql-conf is used to configure ports, directories, traces, etc. The new DMVTool is used to access Dynamic Management Views through the command line. You can also connect using connectors like ADO.NET, OLEDB, JDBC, Node.js, PHP, Python, etc.

您还可以使用传统的sqlcmd,bcp,sqlpackage,并且有一些新工具,例如mssql-conf和DMVTools。 Mssql-conf用于配置端口,目录,跟踪等。新的DMVTool用于通过命令行访问动态管理视图。 您还可以使用ADO.NET,OLEDB,JDBC,Node.js,PHP,Python等连接器进行连接。

You can also use PowerShell on windows to access to your SQL Server vNext.

您还可以在Windows上使用PowerShell来访问SQL Server vNext。

如何安装这些工具? (How can I install these tools?)

To install these tools, follow these instructions:


  • Install SQL Server tools on Linux 在Linux上安装SQL Server工具

Linux上SQL Server是否支持SSIS和SSAS,SSRS,MDS,DQS,R服务? (Does SQL Server on Linux support SSIS and SSAS, SSRS, MDS, DQS, R Services?)

Yes, however you need SSDT in a Windows machine to connect to SSIS, SSAS, SSRS. This may change in the future.

是的,但是您需要Windows机器中的SSDT才能连接到SSIS,SSAS,SSRS。 将来可能会改变。

如何将Windows上SQL Server数据库迁移到Linux上SQL Server vNext? (How can I migrate my SQL Server Database on Windows to SQL Server vNext on Linux? )

There are several ways:


  • back up your database in Windows, copy to Linux and restore it. 在Windows中备份数据库,复制到Linux并还原它 。
  • You can also export and import a BACPAC file from Windows to Linux.
  • 您还可以将BACPAC文件从Windows 导出和导入到Linux。
  • SSMA). SSMA )。
  • It is also possible to use SSIS. 也可以使用SSIS。
  • It is also possible to use the cross-platform Distributed Availability Group to migrate from Windows to Linux or vice versa. 也可以使用跨平台的分布式可用性组从Windows迁移到Linux,反之亦然。

是否可以将数据从其他外部数据库(例如Oracle,DB2)迁移到SQL Server vNext? (Is it possible to migrate data from other external databases like Oracle, DB2 to SQL Server vNext?)

Yes, with SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) you can import data from the following databases:

是的,使用SQL Server Migration Assistant( SSMA ),您可以从以下数据库中导入数据:

  • Access 访问
  • DB2 DB2
  • Oracle Oracle
  • Sybase Sybase公司

SSMA requires a Windows computer to install it. If SSMA cannot migrate your data, you can always use SSIS for a more sophisticated and customized migration.

SSMA需要Windows计算机才能安装。 如果SSMA无法迁移数据,则始终可以使用SSIS进行更复杂和自定义的迁移。

SQL Server vNext是否在Linux上支持故障转移群集? (Does SQL Server vNext support failover clusters on Linux?)

Yes, you can configure a shared-storage with high availability in Red Hat and Linux. There are technologies like Pacemaker that are used as a cluster resource manager.

是的,您可以在Red Hat和Linux中配置具有高可用性的共享存储。 有诸如Pacemaker之类的技术可用作集群资源管理器。

SQL Server vNext支持哪些安全功能? (What security features are supported in SQL Server vNext?)

There are several features supported like:


  • Transparent Data Encryption 透明数据加密
  • Backup encryption 备份加密
  • Cell-level encryption 单元级加密
  • Transport Layer Security 传输层安全
  • Secure Socket Layer 安全套接字层
  • Always Encrypted 始终加密
  • SQL Authentication SQL验证
  • AD Authentication AD认证
  • Row-level security 行级安全
  • Dynamic Data Masking 动态数据屏蔽

SQL Server vNext是否支持始终在线可用性组? (Does SQL Server vNext support Always On Availability Groups?)

Yes, vNext support Always On Availability Groups currently in SUSE, Red Hat and Ubuntu. This feature supports Multidatabase failover, transparent failover, multiple sync and async replicas, manual and automatic failover.

是的,vNext支持当前在SUSE,Red Hat和Ubuntu中使用的Always On可用性组。 此功能支持多数据库故障转移,透明故障转移,多个同步和异步副本,手动和自动故障转移。

vNext中是否有Microsoft认证? (Is there a Microsoft certification in vNext?)

By the moment, no. However, it might be included in the new SQL Server certifications.

目前,没有。 但是,它可能包含在新SQL Server认证中。

结论 (Conclusions)

SQL Server vNext is the new SQL Server who tends to be multiplatform. SQL Server is now moving outside the Microsoft world and becoming the most dangerous Oracle enemy (currently the most popular Database in the world).

SQL Server vNext是倾向于多平台的新SQL Server。 SQL Server现在正迁移到Microsoft世界之外,并成为最危险的Oracle敌人(当前是世界上最受欢迎的数据库)。

We expect to have more supported tools and functionality in the future. Today, there are several tools that can only be installed on Windows, but this may change in the near future.

我们希望将来有更多受支持的工具和功能。 今天,有几种工具只能安装在Windows上,但是在不久的将来可能会改变。

翻译自: https://www.sqlshack.com/sql-server-vnext-microsoft-love-linux/

abp vnext

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