
Someone emailed me last week about problems with a range named Database. For reasons known only to the hamsters that operate my brain wheels, that reminded me of Excel's Data Form. It's a built-in data entry tool, that lists all the fields in a table, with entry boxes for some fields, and the formula results showing. You can scroll through the records, or find specific records, based on criteria.

上周有人给我发送了电子邮件,询问有关数据库范围的问题。 由于只有操作我的大脑轮的仓鼠才知道的原因,这使我想起了Excel的数据表单。 这是一个内置的数据输入工具,它列出了表中的所有字段,并为某些字段提供了输入框,并显示了公式结果。 您可以根据条件滚动记录,或查找特定记录。

It's not a feature that I use too often, and when I looked for the Data Form command in the Excel 2007 Ribbon, it was missing! It looks like I'm not the only one who doesn't use the Excel Data Form too often.

这不是我经常使用的功能,当我在Excel 2007功能区中查找“数据表单”命令时,它丢失了! 看来我不是唯一一个不经常使用Excel数据表单的人。

访问Excel数据表单 (Access the Excel Data Form)

Even though the Data Form command is missing from the Excel 2007 Ribbon, you can still use it. A quick way to open the Data Form is the keyboard shortcut:

即使Excel 2007功能区中缺少“数据表单”命令,您仍然可以使用它。 打开数据表单的快速方法是键盘快捷键:

  • Press Alt + D, then type O

    Alt + D ,然后输入O

If you use the Data Form frequently, you can add its icon to the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT). There are instructions here for customizing the Excel QAT. You'll find the Form command in the "Commands Not in the Ribbon" category.

如果您经常使用数据表单,则可以将其图标添加到快速访问工具栏(QAT)。 这里有自定义Excel QAT的说明 。 您将在“不在功能区中的命令”类别中找到Form命令。

打开Excel数据表单 (Open the Excel Data Form)

To open the Data Form, select a cell in a table on the worksheet, then use the keyboard shortcut (Alt + D, O) or the icon on the QAT. It doesn't matter which cell in the table is selected -- the Data Form opens at the first record.

要打开数据表单,请在工作表上的表格中选择一个单元格,然后使用键盘快捷键(Alt + D,O)或QAT上的图标。 选择表中的哪个单元都没有关系-数据表单在第一条记录处打开。

使用Excel数据表单 (Use the Excel Data Form)

To open the Data Form, select a cell in a table on the worksheet, then use the keyboard shortcut (Alt + D, O) or the icon on the QAT. It doesn't matter which cell in the table is selected -- the Data Form opens at the first record.

要打开数据表单,请在工作表上的表格中选择一个单元格,然后使用键盘快捷键(Alt + D,O)或QAT上的图标。 选择表中的哪个单元都没有关系-数据表单在第一条记录处打开。

  • To add a new record, click New, and enter the data要添加新记录,请单击“新建”,然后输入数据
  • To scroll through the records, use the Up arrow and Down arrow keys, or use the scroll bar on the Data Form.若要滚动记录,请使用向上箭头和向下箭头键,或使用“数据表单”上的滚动条。
  • To edit a record, scroll to that record, and change the data in the entry boxes. While editing a record, you can click the Restore button, to restore the current values. To complete the edit, click Close, or move to the next record (scroll bar or arrow keys).要编辑记录,请滚动至该记录,然后在输入框中更改数据。 编辑记录时,可以单击“还原”按钮以还原当前值。 要完成编辑,请单击“关闭”,或移至下一条记录(滚动条或箭头键)。
  • To delete a record, scroll to that record, then click the Delete button要删除记录,请滚动至该记录,然后单击“删除”按钮
  • To find a specific records, or the first record that meets your criteria, click the Criteria button, and enter the criteria, then click Find Prev or Find Next.要查找特定记录或符合条件的第一条记录,请单击“条件”按钮,然后输入条件,然后单击“查找上一个”或“查找下一个”。

数据表格的怪癖和奥秘 (Data Form Quirks and Mysteries)

Here are a few things about the database that might surprise you. If you know of any other quirks, please share them in the comments below.

以下是有关数据库的一些信息,可能会让您感到惊讶。 如果您知道其他任何怪癖,请在下面的评论中分享。

  • If there is a range named Database on the worksheet, it will open in the Data Form, even you have selected a cell in a different table. Ah, that's what reminded me of Data Forms, when I got the Database question.如果在工作表上有一个名为Database的范围,即使您已在另一个表中选择了一个单元格,该范围也会在Data Form中打开。 啊,那是当我遇到数据库问题时让我想起数据表单的。
  • The width of the boxes in the Data Form is connected to the widest column in the underlying table. If you widen that column, the Data Form will adjust automatically.数据表单中框的宽度连接到基础表中最宽的列。 如果您扩大该列,则数据表单将自动调整。
  • If numeric columns are too narrow, and some cells show number signs, those number signs are shown in the Data Form, even if its data entry boxes are wide enough to show the number. And unlike the worksheet, where you can point to a cell with number signs, and see a popup with the value, there's no such feature in the Data Form.如果数字列太窄,并且某些单元格显示数字符号,则即使数据输入框的宽度足以显示数字,这些数字符号也会显示在数据表单中。 与工作表不同,在工作表中,您可以指向带有数字符号的单元格,并看到带有值的弹出窗口,而在数据表单中则没有这种功能。
  • But even the number sign quirk has a quirk! Sometimes the numbers are shown in the Data Form, even if the numbers signs show on the worksheet. In the screen shot below, the Cost column is slightly wider, and now the numbers can be seen in the Data Form.但是,即使数字符号怪癖也有怪癖! 有时即使工作表上显示数字符号,数据表中也会显示数字。 在下面的屏幕快照中,“成本”列稍宽一些,现在可以在“数据表单”中看到数字。
  • Data Validation lists, and other data validation settings, are ignored. For example, there's a drop down list in the Product column on the worksheet, but not in the Data Form. You can type any value in the Product cell, despite the restrictions on the worksheet.数据验证列表和其他数据验证设置将被忽略。 例如,在工作表的“产品”列中有一个下拉列表,但在“数据表单”中没有。 尽管有工作表上的限制,但是您可以在“产品”单元格中键入任何值。
  • After editing a record, if you click Find Prev or Find Next, the changes are not saved.编辑记录后,如果单击“查找上一个”或“查找下一个”,则不会保存更改。

增强型数据表格 (Enhanced Data Form)

If you like the built-in Excel Data Form, you'll like John Walkenbach's Enhanced Data Form even better. It's a free download for the full version (either Excel 2007 and later, or Excel 2003 and earlier).

如果您喜欢内置的Excel数据表单,那么您会更喜欢John Walkenbach的增强数据表单。 完整版本(Excel 2007和更高版本,或者Excel 2003和更低版本)可以免费下载。

NOTE: John Walkenbach's Excel site was sold, and the Enhanced Data Form is no longer available there. However, you can still download the file, from the Wayback Machine website, on this copy of John's download page.

注意 :John Walkenbach的Excel网站已售出,并且那里不再提供增强数据表格。 但是,您仍然可以从Wayback Machine网站的John的下载页面的此副本上下载文件 。

  • The J-Walk Enhanced Data Form automatically creates a drop down list, if the data validation list is based on a range with the same name as the field. In this example, the data validation list in column B is based on the Product named range.如果数据验证列表基于与该字段同名的范围,则J-Walk增强数据表单会自动创建一个下拉列表。 在此示例中,B列中的数据验证列表基于产品命名范围。
  • Another benefit of the J-Walk Enhanced Data Form is that it opens at the record that's currently selected.J-Walk增强数据表单的另一个好处是,它将在当前选定的记录处打开。
  • Also, you can drag the bottom right corner, to adjust the size of the form, and the data entry boxes.另外,您可以拖动右下角以调整表单和数据输入框的大小。

您是否使用数据表? (Do You Use the Data Form?)

What about you -- do you use the Excel Data Form? Did you know that it existed? Are there any other Data Form quirks that you know about? ___________

那您呢-您是否使用Excel数据表单? 你知道它存在吗? 您是否还知道其他数据表格怪癖? ___________

翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2010/08/02/mysteries-of-the-excel-data-form/




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