

Activation of M Records from DataStore Object Terminated


I am trying to activate the records in my ODS and getting the error above. I have been able to successfully load and activate many request, but now am having trouble with the activation. The record count hasn't increased, and I have looked at the setting in RSODSO_SETTINGS.

In the Monitor, if I look at the Status tab, it is green and show updated successfully. However, if I look at the Details Tab, this is where I see the error. Prior to the activation error, I see a couple red entries that read - "Process 000065 returned with errors". Then, "Process BCTL_D4F7R7KEUZ78FXJ3MO1RXM4Q4 could not be terminated. Terminate manually".

When I look at the contents on the ODS, it shows the same number in the New Data as the request I can't get to activate.

I've also tried correcting the error in RSRV-->Elementary Test-->ODS Objects-->Check the Status of the Generated Program of a Data Store Object and have had no luck.

Any direction would be greatly appreciated.

Keith J



Hi Keith Johnson & sheela

Thank you for youe response, I have solved the problem by deleting that particular request entry from the tables using se16




源文档 <http://forums.sdn.sap.com/thread.jspa?threadID=1110498>


Applies To

SAP BI 7.0


Sometimes there arises a situation, wherein you need to change the status of a request that is getting loaded via a DTP. This article describes the solution for this scenario.

Author's Bio

Rahul Bhandare is currently working in Patni Computer Systems Ltd as a SAP BW Consultant since last two years. He is mainly involved in Development & Production Support maintenance related work to SAP BI.


Consider following situations

1.     DTP load for DSO is running more than its due time i.e. (taking more time to load data) and hence stays in yellow state for a long time and you want to stop the load to the DSO by changing the status of the loading request from yellow to red manually, but you deleted the ongoing background job for the DTP load.

2.     A master data load through DTP failed as the background job for DTP failed with a short dump and you want to start a new DTP load but you cannot as there is a message saying “The old request is still running”. You cannot change the status for the old request to red or green as there is message “QM-action not allowed for master data”. You cannot delete the old request due to the message “Request cannot be locked for delete”.


When old request in Scenario 1 & 2 is in yellow status and you are not able to change / delete the request, it’s actually in a pseudo status. This request sits in table RSBKREQUEST with processing type as 5 in data elements USTATE, TSTATE and this 5 is actually "Active" status which is obviously wrong.One of the possible solutions is to ask a basis person to change the status to 3 in both USTATE and TSTATE and then it allows reloading the data. Once the data is successfully loaded, you can delete the previous bad request even though it is still in yellow. Once the request is deleted, the request status gets updated as "4" in table RSBKREQUEST.

There is one more alternative solution, wherein you can manually change the status of the old request to red or green by using the function module RSBM_GUI_CHANGE_USTATE.

Following are the steps to change the QM Status of a yellow request to red/green by using RSBM_GUI_CHANGE_USTATE

1. Select Request Id from target.

2. Go to SE37 and execute the function module RSBM_GUI_CHANGE_USTATE.

3. Enter Request Id here and execute it.

4. Then change the status of the request to either red/green.

5. Request will have the status you selected in step 4 and delete the request if turned to red.

Related Content

For more information, visit the http://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/sdn/nw-bi


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