
  • 1. Idealized Sensor
    • 1.1 GPS接收器
    • 1.2 AIR Sensor 执行器信息传感器
    • 1.3 Beacon/OBU
  • 2. Detailed Sensor
    • 2.1 Camera Sensor
    • 2.2 Fish eye Camera
    • 2.3 Lidar
    • 2.4 Radar Sensor
    • 2.4 Ultrasonic Sensor
  • 3. Ground Truth Sensor
    • 3.1 Lane Marker Sensor
    • 3.2 Analytical Lane Marker Sensor
    • 3.3 Depth Camera
    • 3.4 Bounding Rectangle Sensor
    • 3.5 Object Camera Sensor
    • 3.6 Image Segmentation Sensor
    • 3.7 Point Cloud Sensor
  • 4 Tripod
  • 5 Physics Based
    • 5.1 Physics Based Camera Sensor
    • 5.2 V2X Transceiver


  • https://blog.csdn.net/zhanshen112/article/details/88565400


  • Idealized Sensor 理想传感器:包括了理论研究需要的传感器,适用于自动驾驶算法开发前期逻辑的验证。
  • Detailed Sensor详细传感器:真实存在的传感器,对应的是有相应的传感器模型,考虑了在实际使用过程中的传感器信息的损失等(例如:雷达就考虑了路径发散衰减、大气衰减和目标反射衰减,相机则考虑相机畸变等),适用于自动驾驶算法的鲁棒性验证
  • Ground-Truth Sensor真值传感器:提供的是真值(主要是视觉传感器),适用于算法的早期开发阶段

1. Idealized Sensor


  1. SELF snesor/GPS receiver 自车/GPS接收器
  2. AIR sensor( radar/lidar/ultrasonic ) 执行器信息接收器 (挖坑)
  3. Antenna&DSRC transmitter/receiver 天线和DSRC的发送器/接收器(挖坑)
  4. Beacon/OBU 信标(信号塔)/车载单元

1.1 GPS接收器



1.2 AIR Sensor 执行器信息传感器

Range[m] 从传感器坐标系到检测到目标物体的距离
Azimuth[deg] 方位角
Elevation[deg] 高程角
ID[n] 检测到目标的ID
Velocity[m/s] 目标物纵向速度
Heading[deg] 目标物的航向角(N-0 deg, E – 90 deg)


Bounding Box;检测边界
Center of Bounding Box; 检测中心
Cebter of Gravity;检测质心


1.3 Beacon/OBU


  • RF射频:OBU应位于Beacon的光束中
  • IR红外:OBU应位于Beacon的光束中,需要考虑遮挡
fast slower
no obstructed view (no occluded objects) obstructed view (occluded objects)

RF OBU体现为一个点,IR OBU体现为一个矩形box(尺寸可以编辑,默认0.1m)

  • Position & orientation 位置&方位角
  • Field of view 视野角度
  • Range 距离(Only Beacon,默认RF 50m IR 20m)
  • Cone angle (Only Beacon,默认45°)
  • Maximum number of detectable OBUs (Only Beacon,默认 5)
  • Maximum number of detectable beacons (Only OBU,默认 2)

2. Detailed Sensor

Detailed Sensor主要包括:

  1. Camera Sensor
  2. Fisheye Camera Sensor
  3. TIS:Technology Independent Sensor
  4. Lidar Sensor
  5. Radar Sensor
  6. Ultrasonic Sensor

2.1 Camera Sensor



  • Position & Orientation 位置和方位
  • Mono Vision /Stereo Vision 单目/双目
  • Field of View 视野范围
  • Resolution 分辨率
  • Frame-rate 帧频率
  • Color/monochrome 彩色/黑白
  • Misalignment (position / orientation)
  • Drift (偏移)

2.2 Fish eye Camera



2.3 Lidar


  • pulse time-of-flight ranging
  • beam modulation telemetry
    这两种模型中,laser scanner都包含了发射器和接收器。

  • 波长
  • 发散角(对激光雷达而言,一般是0.01-0.08度)
  • 最大目标输出数量(最大为5),针对最大目标输出数量,下面的图给出了更为具体的解释(下图max object to detect设置为3)


Signal name Description
ActiveBeamID[-] ID of the beam in the current simulation time step. Value is 0 when there’s no detection.
Range[m] Range at which the target object has been detected.
DopplerVelocity [m/s] Velocity of target point, relative to the sensor, along the beam.
DopplerVelocityX/Y/Z [ms-1] Velocity of target point, relative to the sensor, along the beam, decomposed into X,Y,Z of the sensor’s coordinate system.
Theta[deg] Azimuth angle in the sensor coordinate system at which the target is detected.
Phi[deg] Elevation angle in the sensor coordinate system at which the target is detected.
TargetID[-] Numerical ID of the detected target.
TargetTypeID[-] The Type ID of the detected object.
EnergyLoss[dB] Ratio received power / transmitted power.
Alpha[deg] Azimuthal incidence angle of Lidar on the target object.
Beta[deg] Elevation incidence angle of Lidar on the target object.

2.3 附 - Lidar Equation

对于采用脉冲time of flight这种测量方法,假设trt_rtr​为发射端发生信号到接收端收到信号的时间,ccc为光速,在PreScan中为常数,则Range RRR与trt_rtr​之间的关系可以表达如下:
2R=trc2R = t_r c2R=tr​c


2.4 Radar Sensor

Radar Sensor是一个更加详细的TIS传感器版本,与TIS传感器有所区别的是:

  • 增加项:

    1. 支持对Antenna Gain Maps的使用
    2. 将大气衰减建模为频率和降雨的函数
    3. 可由外部提供扫描模式(即Simulink提供)
    4. 改进的Radar模型
  • 删减项:
    1. 运用在Lidar上的pencil beam功能被移除了
    2. 分层阵列扫描功能被移除了(可以用多个Radar Sensor实现)


Signal name Description
ActiveBeamID[-] ID of the beam in the current simulation time step. Value is 0 when there’s no detection.
Range[m] Range at which the target object has been detected.
DopplerVelocity [ms-1] Velocity of target point, relative to the sensor, along the line-of-sight between sensor and target point.
DopplerVelocityX/Y/Z[ms-1] Velocity of target point, relative to the sensor, along the line-of-sight between sensor and target point, decomposed into X,Y,Z of the sensor’s coordinate system.
Theta[deg] Azimuth angle in the sensor coordinate system at which the target is detected.
Phi[deg] Elevation angle in the sensor coordinate system at which the target is detected.
TargetID[-] Numerical ID of the detected target.
TargetTypeID[-] The Type ID of the detected object.
EnergyLoss[dB] Ratio received power / transmitted power.
Alpha[deg] Azimuthal incidence angle of the Radar beam on the target object.
Beta[deg] Elevation incidence angle of the Radar beam on the target object.


类型 工作形式 频率 覆盖距离 水平视角 应用场景
SRR短距雷达 脉冲 24GHz 30m ±65°~±80° BSD、PA、LCA、FCW、RCW
MRR中距离雷达 连续波/脉冲 24GHz / 76-77GHz 70m ±40°~±50° LCA
LRR长距离雷达 连续波/脉冲 76-77GHz 200m ±4°~±8° ACC

2.4 Ultrasonic Sensor



signal name description
ObjectDetection[-] Indicates if an object is detected. (1 if an object is detected, 0 otherwise)
Range[m] Range at which the target object has been detected.
DopplerVelocity [ms-1] Velocity of target point, relative to the sensor, along the line-of-sight between sensor and target point.
DopplerVelocityX/Y/Z[ms-1] Velocity of target point, relative to the sensor, along the line-of-sight between sensor and target point, decomposed into X,Y,Z of the sensor’s coordinate system.
Theta[deg] Azimuth angle in the sensor coordinate system at which the target is detected.
Phi[deg] Elevation angle in the sensor coordinate system at which the target is detected.
TargetID[-] Numerical ID of the detected target.
TargetTypeID[-] The Type ID of the detected object.
EnergyLoss[dB] Ratio received power / transmitted power, same as ΔSPL.
Alpha[deg] Azimuthal incidence angle of sound wave on the target object.
Beta[deg] Elevation incidence angle of sound wave on the target object.

3. Ground Truth Sensor

3.1 Lane Marker Sensor

lane marker传感器提供道路上存在的车道线信息。


  • sliceCout [int] 前视距离数量
  • ScanAtSensor [sub-bus:LaneMarkerSliceData]
  • ScanAtDistance1(,2,3)

3.2 Analytical Lane Marker Sensor



在Simulink中可视化车道线,可以借助Prescan提供的’ALMS XY Polynomial Plot’实现,该模块利用open('PreScanUsefulBlocks')查找。

3.3 Depth Camera


d=z2znear224−zd = \frac{z^2}{z_{near}2^{24} - z}d=znear​224−zz2​

3.4 Bounding Rectangle Sensor

bounding rectangle传感器提供传感器可检测目标的包围矩形信息,并为相机的bounding rectangle算法做参考。例如行人识别算法,实现照明条件不良情况下的行人检测,输出按距离排序。


在Simulink中可视化bounding box,可以借助Prescan提供的’BRS data on Camera image’实现,该模块利用open('PreScanUsefulBlocks')查找。

3.5 Object Camera Sensor

OCS传感器检测所有标记为sensor detectable的目标物。


Signal Description
Object ID [-] Numerical ID of the detected object.
ObjectTypeID [-] The Type ID of the detected object.
Left [-] Horizontal screen coordinate of the left side of the bounding box
Right [-] Horizontal screen of the right side of the bounding box
Bottom [-] Vertical screen coordinate of the bottom side of the bounding box
Top [-] Vertical screen coordinate of the top side of the bounding box
Range [m] Range at which the target object has been detected. The distance to the nearest point is returned.
RangeX [m] X component of the Range, in sensor coordinates.
RangeY [m] Y component of the Range, in sensor coordinates.
RangeZ [m] Z component of the Range, in sensor coordinates.
DopplerVelocity [m/s] Velocity of target point, relative to the sensor, along the line-of-sight between sensor and target point.
DopplerVelocityX/Y/Z[m/s] Velocity of target point, relative to the sensor, along the line-of-sight between sensor and target point, decomposed into X,Y,Z of the sensor’s coordinate system.
Theta [deg] Azimuth angle in the sensor’s coordinate system at which the target is detected.
Phi [deg] Elevation angle in the sensor’s coordinate system at which the target is detected.

3.6 Image Segmentation Sensor


3.7 Point Cloud Sensor


Parameter Description Defaut Min. Max.
FoV in Azimuth[deg] The horizontal field of view of the sensor in degrees. 60 0.1 120
FoV in Elevation[deg] For each azimuth direction, the same vertical field of view in degrees. 30 0.1 60
#horizontal samples The number of equi-angular-distant samples in the azimuth direction. 320 1 3840
#vertical samples The number of equi-angular-distant samples in the elevation direction. 160 1 2160


PCS mux for World Position

PCS mux for World Position and Intensity

PCS mux for Range.

PCS mux for Range and Intensity.

Data Model API通过matlab脚本提供了对传感器参数的便捷式访问。

%% Sample code for configuring the PCS via the Data Model API
%% Part 1
% Get the model
models = prescan.experiment.readDataModels();
% Find camera sensor CameraSensor_1
sensorData = prescan.sensors.findByName(models, 'PointCloudSensor_1');% Exit the script when the sensor is not found
if isempty(sensorData)
display('Sensor with the specified name is not found.');
end%% Part 2
% Create copies of point cloud sensor structures
sensor = models.(sensorData{1}.modelName).sensor{sensorData{1}.indices(1)};
pointCloudSensor = sensor.pointCloudSensor;
sensorBase = sensor.sensorBase;
% Update settings
pointCloudSensor.sensorOutputMode = 'worldPosition'; % Can also be 'range'.
pointCloudSensor.outputIntensity = false;
pointCloudSensor.nearClippingDistance = 0.1; % [m]
pointCloudSensor.farClippingDistance = 150; % [m]
pointCloudSensor.extrapolateRange = true;
pointCloudSensor.sampleAccuracy.x = 0.05; % [deg]
pointCloudSensor.sampleAccuracy.y = 0.05; % [deg]
pointCloudSensor.integerOutput = false; % Do not use sensorOutputMode =
%'worldPosition' with integerOutput = true.
% Doing so will result in undefined
%sensorBase.name = 'PointCloudSensor_1';
sensorBase.fovAzimuth = 60 * pi/180; % [rad]
sensorBase.fovElevation = 30 * pi/180; % [rad]
sensor.resolution.x = 320; % [#samples]
sensor.resolution.y = 160; % [#samples]
sensor.frameRate = int32(20); % [Hz]% Configure sensor's pose, defaults depend on the actor it is placed on.
% sensorBase.relativePose.position.x = 1.56; % [m]
% sensorBase.relativePose.position.y = 0; % [m]
% sensorBase.relativePose.position.z = 1.22; % [m]
% sensorBase.relativePose.orientation.roll = 0; % [rad]
% sensorBase.relativePose.orientation.pitch = 0; % [rad]
% sensorBase.relativePose.orientation.yaw = 0; % [rad]
% Copy updated structures back into the model.
sensor.pointCloudSensor = pointCloudSensor;
sensor.sensorBase = sensorBase;
models.cameramodel.sensor{1} = sensor;%% Part 3
% Run the experiment for 10 seconds
simOut = prescan.experiment.runWithDataModels(models, 'StopTime', '10.0');

4 Tripod


5 Physics Based

5.1 Physics Based Camera Sensor

5.2 V2X Transceiver



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