android 指纹添加

So you have a shiny new Android phone, equipped with a security-friendly fingerprint scanner. Congratulations! But did you know that, while useful on its own, you can actually make the fingerprint scanner do more than just unlock your phone? An app called Fingerprint Gestures can take that little scanner to the next level.

因此,您将拥有一台闪亮的新Android手机,并配备了安全友好的指纹扫描仪。 恭喜你! 但是您知道吗,尽管它本身很有用,但实际上可以使指纹扫描仪做更多的事情,而不仅仅是解锁手机吗? 名为“指纹手势”的应用程序可以将小型扫描仪带入新的高度。

Basically, this app allows you to do more with your phone’s fingerprint scanner. Much like the way Google’s Pixel phones can use the swipe down gesture on the scanner to show the notification shade, Fingerprint Gestures can bring this functionality (and a lot more) to basically any phone with a fingerprint scanner.

基本上,此应用可让您使用手机的指纹扫描仪执行更多操作。 就像Google的Pixel手机可以使用扫描仪上的向下滑动手势来显示通知阴影的方式一样,指纹手势可以将此功能(以及更多功能)带给任何配备指纹扫描仪的手机。

Go ahead and give it an install using the link above—it’s free to install and use, though there’s a $1.49 Premium option to get rid of ads and unlock all the app’s features. Let’s talk about some of the stuff it can do.

继续并使用上面的链接进行安装-尽管可以使用$ 1.49的高级选项来摆脱广告并解锁应用程序的所有功能,但可以免费安装和使用。 让我们谈谈它可以做的一些事情。

NOTE: Fingerprint Gestures will not work if you’re using an older device that doesn’t have either Google’s or Samsung’s fingerprint APIs enabled. So some older devices with fingerprint scanners may not be supported. Similarly, if you’re using a more affordable handset with a fingerprint scanner, there’s a chance it could be using its own system instead of Google’s API. A surefire way to know if it’s not using Google’s API is to check your Android version: if it’s Lollipop or below, then it’s not using Google’s API and Fingerprint Gestures won’t work.

注意:如果您使用的旧设备未启用Google或Samsung的指纹API,则指纹手势将不起作用。 因此,可能不支持某些带有指纹扫描仪的旧设备。 同样,如果您使用价格更便宜的手持设备和指纹扫描仪,则很有可能会使用自己的系统而不是Google的API。 确定是否使用Google API的一种可靠方法是检查您的Android版本:如果是Lollipop或更低版本,则说明它不使用Google API,并且指纹手势将不起作用。

Also, Fingerprint Gestures will put a persistent notification in your notification shade. This is a sticking point for a lot of people, but I haven’t found it to be all that intrusive. It offers access to the app’s settings for quick changes and modifications, which I can appreciate. Unfortunately, there’s no way to disable it at this time, so it’s all or nothing.

另外,“指纹手势”将在您的通知阴影中放置一个持久性通知。 这是很多人的症结所在,但我还没有发现它那么麻烦。 它提供了对应用程序设置的访问权限,可进行快速更改和修改,我非常感谢。 不幸的是,目前无法禁用它,因此全部或全部无效。

Fine with both of those? Alright, let’s get started.

这两个都好吗? 好吧,让我们开始吧。

指纹手势入门 (Getting Started with Fingerprint Gestures)

Once you fire the app up, the first thing you’ll need to do is enable it. Toggle that little slider at the top to start using the app.

启动应用程序后,您需要做的第一件事就是启用它。 切换顶部的小滑块即可开始使用该应用程序。

With the app enabled, you could start setting up your gestures for Single Tap, Double Tap, and Fast Tap/Swipe gestures. But! I’d actually recommend scrolling down a bit and checking out Demo Mode first.

启用该应用程序后,您可以开始为“单击”,“双击”和“快速点击/滑动”手势设置手势。 但! 我实际上建议您向下滚动一点,然后先查看演示模式。

Basically, demo mode gives you an easy way to test out how Fingerprint Gestures is going to react with your phone’s particular model of fingerprint scanner. With this mode enabled, you’ll get a toast notification showing how the app sees each particular action—go through each one (single tap, double tap, and swipe) to get a feel for how the app will react to the specific actions. This will help you a lot when trying to actually use it later.

基本上,演示模式为您提供了一种简单的方法来测试“指纹手势”将如何与手机的特定型号的指纹扫描仪React。 启用此模式后,您将收到一个吐司通知,其中显示了应用程序如何看待每个特定操作-逐一(单击,双击和轻扫)以了解应用程序对特定操作的React。 当以后尝试实际使用它时,这将对您有很大帮助。

After you’ve played with that for a while, you can go ahead and disable it, otherwise you’ll get a toast notification every time you touch the fingerprint scanner. That could get annoying fast.

玩了一段时间后,可以继续禁用它,否则,每次触摸指纹扫描仪时,您都会收到吐司通知。 那可能会很快变得烦人。

设置手势 (Setting Up Your Gestures)

Scrolling back up to the “Gestures” section, you can now start customizing each gesture. Tap on and gesture to set its action.

向上滚动回到“手势”部分,您现在可以开始自定义每个手势。 点按并手势以设置其动作。

There are a slew of options to choose from here. This is probably a good time to point out that if you’re using a rooted device, Fingerprint Gestures is incredibly powerful. You can definitely still use it on a non-rooted handset, but to get access to everything it can do, a rooted phone will be required.

还有的选择在这里选择。 这可能是一个指出的好时机,如果您使用的是植根设备,则“指纹手势”功能非常强大。 当然,您仍然可以在没有根目录的手机上使用它,但是要访问它可以执行的所有操作,将需要有根目录的手机。

That said, let’s take a quick look at everything you can get the app to do:


  • Icon Touch Panel: This brings up a panel with nine customizable shortcuts.


  • Navigation: Back, Home, and Recent app keys, all from your fingerprint scanner.


  • Power Button: Bring up the power menu, and even restart the phone on rooted handsets.


  • Scrolling (Root required): Scroll up or down in apps.


  • Notifications: Open or toggle the notification or quick settings panels.


  • Media Controls (Android 6.0+): Play/Pause, skip song, or play previous track.

    媒体控件(Android 6.0+):播放/暂停,跳过歌曲或播放上一曲目。

  • Settings: Toggle auto-rotate (6.0+), turn on the flashlight (6.0+), or toggle the ringer.


  • App: Launch an app or app shortcut (like Nova activity, for example).


  • Other: Search, take a screenshot (root only), launch Google Assistant (root only), toggle multi-window (7.0+), or switch to the previous app (7.0+).

    其他:搜索,截屏(仅root用户),启动Google Assistant(仅root用户),切换多窗口(7.0+)或切换到上一个应用程序(7.0+)。

Like I said, it can do a lot.


To set an action, simply tap on it. Some of the choices will require a bit more interaction, but it all depends on which one you choose. The one that will require the most setup is Icon Touch Panel, but you won’t actually do anything more with it until the first time you launch it. With that, let’s take a closer look at it before we move on to the rest of the features.

要设置一个动作,只需点击它。 有些选择将需要更多交互,但是这完全取决于您选择哪一个。 需要最多设置的一个是Icon Touch Panel,但是直到第一次启动它,您实际上不会对其进行任何操作。 这样一来,让我们在继续其余功能之前仔细研究一下。

So, for the sake of this example, let’s say you selected Icon Touch Panel as your double tap feature. When you execute this command, the panel will show up with blank options that look like fingerprints—tap any of them to set that particular shortcut. The center option leads back to the main Fingerprint Gestures settings.

因此,就本例而言,假设您选择了“图标触摸面板”作为双击功能。 当您执行此命令时,面板将显示空白选项,看起来像指纹-轻按任意一个以设置特定的快捷方式。 中间选项返回到主要的“指纹手势”设置。

Once you’ve set a gesture for the entries, you’re all set. It’s basically a quick way to access a lot of the things that Fingerprint Gestures can do all in one place. It’s neat.

为条目设置手势后,就一切就绪。 基本上,这是一种快速访问指纹手势可以在一个地方完成的所有事情的方法。 干净利落

It’s also worth mentioning that certain functions of the app—like launching the Recents menu, for example—will require Accessibility access. The good news is then you try to set any gesture that requires this, it will let you know with a popup. Just tap “OK” to automatically be transported to Accessibility.

还值得一提的是,应用程序的某些功能(例如,启动“最近”菜单)将需要访问辅助功能。 好消息是,您尝试设置需要此操作的任何手势时,都会弹出一个窗口,让您知道。 只需点击“确定”即可自动传输到辅助功能。

From here, find “Fingerprint Gestures,” tap that entry, and turn it on. Easy peasy. You can back out of this setting once it’s on.

在这里找到“指纹手势”,点击该条目,然后将其打开。 十分简单。 启用后,您可以退出此设置。

And that’s pretty much all there is to setting Fingerprint Gestures up. It’s really simple, but incredibly effective.

设置指纹手势几乎就是了。 这确实很简单,但是却非常有效。

设置指纹手势的配置文件和高级选项 (Setting Fingerprint Gestures’ Profiles and Advanced Options)

You can also set particular profiles in Fingerprint Gestures. This means you could set the app up for different situations—like work or home, for example. To save a profile, simply jump into the Profiles menu, then tap “New profile.” Name the profile, then tap “Create” to save it.

您还可以在“指纹手势”中设置特定的配置文件。 这意味着您可以针对不同的情况(例如工作或家庭)设置应用程序。 要保存配置文件,只需跳入“配置文件”菜单,然后点击“新配置文件”。 命名配置文件,然后点击“创建”以保存它。

From that point forward, if you ever want to revert back to those particular settings, you’ll just have to head back into the Profiles menu, select it, and choose “Set”.


There are also a handful of advanced options in Fingerprint Gestures, with “Allow only registered fingerprints” being one of my personal favorites. Basically, with this enabled, only your fingerprints will be able to execute the Single Tap gesture. That’s only one of the gestures, but still better than nothing.

指纹手势中还有一些高级选项,“仅允许注册的指纹”是我个人最喜欢的之一。 基本上,启用此功能后,只有您的指纹才能执行“单击”手势。 那只是手势之一,但总比没有好。

Otherwise, you can set the double tap delay time if you’d like (though I find the default 1000ms option to be perfect), as well as move the Icon Touch Panel to the bottom of the screen instead of the middle, and switch from the Google API to the Samsung API (which is only for Samsung users on Lollipop or above).

否则,您可以根据需要设置双击延迟时间(尽管我发现默认的1000ms选项是完美的),也可以将Icon Touch Panel移到屏幕底部而不是中间,然后从Google API转换为Samsung API(仅适用于Lollipop或更高版本的Samsung用户)。


android 指纹添加

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