


























German trademark registration application qualification

Under German Trademark Law, an applicant for trademark registration may be an enterprise, institution, social organization, businessman or natural person in any country or region


Trademark pattern

A pattern wishing to be protected must be provided upon application.

If the font in the text trademark is not commonly used by the Patent Office, such as a graphic design trademark, or a combination trademark and a specified color trademark, four drawings must be provided. If color protection is needed, color must be specified in the application. Registered three-dimensional trademarks need to submit four identical plane drawings. Most likely need six different angles of view of this trademark ( each four ).


German Trademark Registration Application Process


1. Query its registered trademark to exclude the same or similar prior registration information ;

2. Sign ' trademark agency agreement ' ;

3. Submit registration application information to the German Trademark Office.


List of information for German trademark registration application

1. Documentation of the applicant 's identity ( a copy of the business licence is provided upon application by the enterprise, such as a copy of the personal identity card upon application by the individual and a business licence of the individual with the individual in charge ) ;

( 2 ) One electronic document of trademark pattern ( the best is to use trademark pattern normally ) ;

3. The goods or services used by the designated trademark ( ' Niss International Classification Table ' provided by the agent company ).

The time required for German trademark registration application

1. Time required for acceptance : about 4 weeks ;

2. Registration time : 3-9 months.


Objection Procedure for German Trademark Registration

After the trademark registration announcement, the prior obligee may raise an objection within three months. The objection is made in two copies. If the objection is established, the registration will be revoked. If there is no objection in these three months, the trademark will be officially registered, and the trademark right will be revoked only if the revocation procedure is published.


Protection period of German trademark

The protection period is ten years, from the application date to the last day of the month after ten years. After that, it will continue for ten years each time. The renewal must be made before the last day of the protection period. If the fee has not been paid on this day, the Patent Office will notify the registered person that his trademark will be revoked. Within six months after the notice is served, the registrant can still propose a renewal, but it must pay an extra fee.


Notes on Registering German Trademarks

1. Revocation of German trademark

The owner of the trademark right can give up the registered trademark in whole or in part ( referring to some goods or services ) at any time. In the application process, you can withdraw at any time, or reduce the goods or services project.


2. German trademark rejection reply

The time limit of German trademark rejection reply is generally 2 months, which is calculated from the date of the rejection notice.


3. Audio trademark registration

The degree to which the sound trademark can be protected is related to its overall sound effect. Any trademark application may require additional instructions.


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