OS X El Capitan comes with quite a few apps preinstalled, many of which are very useful…and some of which aren’t. Deleting these apps is simple: just drag them to the trash. Reinstalling them however, isn’t quite so cut and dried.

OS X El Capitan预装了很多应用程序,其中许多非常有用,而有些则没有。 删除这些应用程序很简单:只需将它们拖到垃圾箱即可。 然而,重新安装它们并没有那么干。

Let’s say that you decide to delete the Game Center app. Don’t worry, we won’t blame you if you do. or maybe you decided you don’t need Pages, iMovie, or Keynote. You won’t get much benefit by deleting them, but you can.

假设您决定删除Game Center应用。 不用担心,如果您这样做,我们也不会怪您。 也许您决定不需要Pages,iMovie或Keynote。 删除它们不会带来太多好处,但是可以。

But what if you decide later that you want them back?


Installing or reininstalling some apps, including Pages, Keynote, and GarageBand is very easy. Just open the App Store, search for the app you’re seeking, and install it.

安装或重新安装某些应用程序(包括Pages,Keynote和GarageBand)非常容易。 只需打开App Store,搜索所需的应用程序,然后安装它。

But other preinstalled apps aren’t on the App Store, which makes things a bit more complicated. On earlier versions of OS X, you could use the installation disc to reinstall the apps, but as of the most recent version of OS X–10.11 El Capitan–you need to reinstall the entire system.

但是其他预装的应用程序不在App Store上,这使事情变得更加复杂。 在OS X的早期版本上,可以使用安装光盘重新安装应用程序,但是从最新版本的OS X–10.11 El Capitan起,您需要重新安装整个系统。

如何还原默认应用 (How to Restore Default Apps)

Before we start, we should reiterate:  even if you think these third-party apps are indeed superior replacements, don’t delete the original, default apps. They’re not doing anything other than taking up an insignificant amount of disk space.

在开始之前,我们应该重申:即使您认为这些第三方应用程序确实是高级的替代品,也请不要删除原始的默认应用程序。 他们除了占用微不足道的磁盘空间外没有做任何其他事情。

That said, if you’re reading this article, then you probably already have. In that case, head over to the App Store and download the El Capitan installer (if you don’t have it in your Applications folder already).

也就是说,如果您正在阅读本文,那么您可能已经知道了。 在这种情况下,请转到App Store并下载El Capitan安装程序(如果您的Applications文件夹中还没有安装该程序)。

When you download and install El Capitan using the App Store, it’s important to know that it won’t erase your apps, documents, and other personal files, so when you reinstall OS X, your computer will appear just as you left it, except now you won’t be missing any apps.

当您使用App Store下载并安装El Capitan时,一定要知道它不会擦除您的应用程序,文档和其他个人文件,这一点很重要,因此,当您重新安装OS X时,您的计算机会像您离开时一样显示,除了现在您将不会丢失任何应用程序。

You don’t have to reinstall OS X immediately upon downloading it from the App Store. The system installer can be found in the Applications folder, so you can reinstall it anytime you want without having to download it all over again.

从App Store下载OS X后,无需立即重新安装OSX。 可以在“应用程序”文件夹中找到系统安装程序,因此您可以随时重新安装它,而无需重新下载。

In either case, once you initiate the installer, simply follow the prompts.


Another thing to note: you cannot use the latest version of a default app, such as the Mail or iCal version that comes with El Capitan on an earlier version of OS X. Upgrading is required if you want to have the latest, greatest of everything.

需要注意的另一件事:您不能使用默认应用程序的最新版本,例如OS X早期版本上El Capitan随附的Mail或iCal版本。如果要拥有最新,最好的所有功能,则需要升级。

If all goes well, this will solve your problem and your default apps will return. Just remember not to delete them again in the future, lest you want to go through this process again later down the line.

如果一切顺利,这将解决您的问题,并且默认应用程序将返回。 请记住不要在将来再次删除它们,以免您以后想再次执行此过程。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/250223/how-to-reinstall-os-xs-default-apps-in-el-capitan/

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