Option Explicit
'| 程序:QQ农场辅助 [2012/02/04]
'| 制作:E旺 QQ 407542585
Dim http As XMLHttpClass
Dim header_Referer As String
Dim g_myFarmUrl As String, g_FriendUrl As String, g_timerCount As Long
Dim meHeight As Long, meWidth As Long
Dim meList1Height As Long, meList1Width As Long
'| 参数:qqUser    - [in]QQ号码
'|       qqPsw     - [in]QQ密码
'|       DengJi    - [out]等级
'|       JingYan   - [out]经验
'|       JinBi     - [out]金币
'|       FriendUrl - [out/Optional]好友页面的URL
'| 返回:Boolean(True-登录成功, False-登录失败)
Private Function 登录QQ农场(ByVal qqUser As String, ByVal qqPsw As String, ByRef DengJi As String, ByRef JingYan As String, ByRef JinBi As String, Optional ByRef FriendUrl As String = "1") As Boolean
Dim gUrl As String, Data, retB As Boolean
Dim pUrl As String, pData As String ', pRef As String
Dim verUrl As String, verPath As String, verCode As String
Dim i As Long, Arr, one As String, sName As String, sValue As String
showStatus "开始登录账号:" & qqUser, 2
Set http = Nothing
Set http = New XMLHttpClass
retB = False
gUrl = "http://pt.3g.qq.com/s?aid=nLogin"
Data = http.GetData(gUrl, gUrl, "", "utf-8")
header_Referer = gUrl
Data = SubstringExtraction(Data, "<form", "</form>", 1, 1)
pUrl = SubstringExtraction(Data, "action=""", """", 1, 0)
'pData = "login_url=http%3A%2F%2Fpt.3g.qq.com%2Fs%3Faid%3DnLogin&q_from=&loginTitle=%E6%89%8B%E6%9C%BA%E8%85%BE%E8%AE%AF%E7%BD%91&bid=0&go_url=http%3A%2F%2Finfo.3g.qq.com&qq=" & qqUser & "&pwd=" & qqPsw & "&loginType=3&loginsubmit=%E7%99%BB%E5%BD%95"
pData = "login_url=http%3A%2F%2Fpt.3g.qq.com%2Fs%3Faid%3DnLogin&q_from=&loginTitle=%E6%89%8B%E6%9C%BA%E8%85%BE%E8%AE%AF%E7%BD%91&bid=0&go_url=http%3A%2F%2Fnc.z.qq.com%2Ffarm%2Findex.jsp&qq=" & qqUser & "&pwd=" & qqPsw & "&loginType=3&loginsubmit=%E7%99%BB%E5%BD%95"
Data = http.PostData(pUrl, pData, header_Referer, "", "utf-8")
header_Referer = pUrl
If InStr(Data, ">退出</a>") Then
retB = True
If InStr(Data, "输入验证码") Then
showStatus "要求输入验证码!"
verUrl = SubstringExtraction(Data, "<img src=""", """", 1, 0)
verPath = App.Path & "\vCode.gif"
Call http.DownFile(verUrl, header_Referer, "", verPath)
verCodeForm.Picture1.Picture = LoadPicture(verPath)
verCode = InputBox("请输入窗体中显示的验证码", "输入验证码", "")
If verCode <> "" Then
Data = SubstringExtraction(Data, "<form action=""/handleLogin", "</form>", 1, 1)
pUrl = Left(header_Referer, InStr(8, header_Referer, "/") - 1)
pUrl = pUrl & SubstringExtraction(Data, "action=""", """", 1, 0) 'POST的地址
If CutSubstringToArray(Arr, Data, "<input", "/>", 1, 1) Then
pData = ""
For i = 0 To UBound(Arr)
one = Arr(i)
If one <> "" Then
sName = SubstringExtraction(one, "name=""", """", 1, 0)
sValue = SubstringExtraction(one, "value=""", """", 1, 0)
one = sName & "=" & sValue
If pData = "" Then
pData = one
pData = pData & "&" & one
End If
End If
pData = Replace(pData, "verify=NotFound", "verify=" & verCode) 'POST的数据
Data = http.PostData(pUrl, pData, header_Referer, "", "utf-8")
header_Referer = pUrl
If InStr(Data, ">退出</a>") Then
retB = True
End If
End If
End If
retB = False
End If
End If
If retB Then
showStatus "登录成功!"
DengJi = SubstringExtraction(Data, "等级:", " ", 1, 0)
JingYan = SubstringExtraction(Data, "经验:", "<", 1, 0)
JinBi = SubstringExtraction(Data, "金币:", "<", 1, 0)
If FriendUrl <> "1" Then
FriendUrl = SubstringExtraction(Data, "我的农场", "好友农场", 1, 0)
FriendUrl = SubstringExtraction(FriendUrl, "href=""", """", 1, 0)
End If
g_myFarmUrl = SubstringExtraction(Data, ">回我的应用</a>)<", ">我的农场</a", 1, 0)
g_myFarmUrl = SubstringExtraction(g_myFarmUrl, "href=""", """", 1, 0)
showStatus "登录失败!"
End If
登录QQ农场 = retB
End Function
'| 参数:FriendUrl - 好友页面的地址
'| 返回:String(URL列表,一行一条)
Private Function 取可操作的好友链接列表(ByVal FriendUrl As String, Optional nPage As Long = 1)
Dim gUrl As String, Data
Dim sp, i As Long, one As String, fUrl As String, returnData
showStatus "正在取好友页第" & nPage & "页。。。"
returnData = ""
Wait RandomizeNumber(200, 1000)
gUrl = FriendUrl
Data = http.GetData(gUrl, header_Referer, "", "utf-8")
header_Referer = gUrl
sp = Split(Data, "(摘取)")
If UBound(sp) > 0 Then
For i = 0 To UBound(sp) - 1
one = sp(i)
fUrl = Mid(one, InStrRev(one, "<a href=""") + 9)
fUrl = Left(fUrl, InStr(fUrl, """") - 1)
fUrl = Replace(fUrl, "&", "&")
returnData = returnData & fUrl & vbCrLf
End If
sp = Split(Data, "(除草)")
If UBound(sp) > 0 Then
For i = 0 To UBound(sp) - 1
one = sp(i)
fUrl = Mid(one, InStrRev(one, "<a href=""") + 9)
fUrl = Left(fUrl, InStr(fUrl, """") - 1)
fUrl = Replace(fUrl, "&", "&")
returnData = returnData & fUrl & vbCrLf
End If
If InStr(Data, "下页") Then
sp = Split(Data, "下页")
one = sp(0)
gUrl = Mid(one, InStrRev(one, "<a href=""") + 9)
gUrl = Left(gUrl, InStr(gUrl, """") - 1)
gUrl = Replace(gUrl, "&", "&")
Data = ""
returnData = returnData & 取可操作的好友链接列表(gUrl, nPage + 1)
End If
showStatus "取好友页第" & nPage & "页完毕!"
取可操作的好友链接列表 = returnData
End Function
'| 参数:FriendUrlList - 好友页面地址列表
'| 返回:String(URL列表,一行一条)
Private Function 取可操作的摘取链接地址(ByVal FriendUrlList As String)
Dim gUrl As String, Data, returnData
Dim spList, sp, one As String, X As Long, i As Long, fUrl As String
showStatus "取可摘取链接。。。"
returnData = ""
spList = Split(FriendUrlList, vbCrLf)
For X = 0 To UBound(spList)
showStatus "第" & (X + 1) & "页。。。"
one = spList(X)
If InStr(LCase(one), "http") Then
Wait RandomizeNumber(200, 600)
gUrl = one
Data = http.GetData(gUrl, header_Referer, "", "utf-8")
sp = Split(Data, ">摘取</a> ")
If UBound(sp) > 0 Then
For i = 0 To UBound(sp) - 1
one = sp(i)
fUrl = Mid(one, InStrRev(one, "<a href=""") + 9)
fUrl = Left(fUrl, InStr(fUrl, """") - 1)
fUrl = Replace(fUrl, "&", "&")
returnData = returnData & fUrl & vbCrLf
End If
sp = Split(Data, ">除草</a> ")
If UBound(sp) > 0 Then
For i = 0 To UBound(sp) - 1
one = sp(i)
fUrl = Mid(one, InStrRev(one, "<a href=""") + 9)
fUrl = Left(fUrl, InStr(fUrl, """") - 1)
fUrl = Replace(fUrl, "&", "&")
returnData = returnData & fUrl & vbCrLf
End If
sp = Split(Data, ">杀虫</a> ")
If UBound(sp) > 0 Then
For i = 0 To UBound(sp) - 1
one = sp(i)
fUrl = Mid(one, InStrRev(one, "<a href=""") + 9)
fUrl = Left(fUrl, InStr(fUrl, """") - 1)
fUrl = Replace(fUrl, "&", "&")
returnData = returnData & fUrl & vbCrLf
End If
sp = Split(Data, ">浇水</a> ")
If UBound(sp) > 0 Then
For i = 0 To UBound(sp) - 1
one = sp(i)
fUrl = Mid(one, InStrRev(one, "<a href=""") + 9)
fUrl = Left(fUrl, InStr(fUrl, """") - 1)
fUrl = Replace(fUrl, "&", "&")
returnData = returnData & fUrl & vbCrLf
End If
End If
If returnData = "" Then
showStatus "取摘取链接完毕,没有可摘取作物!"
showStatus "取摘取链接完毕,得到" & UBound(Split(returnData, vbCrLf)) & "个可摘取作物!"
End If
取可操作的摘取链接地址 = returnData
End Function
'| 参数:UrlList - 摘取地址列表
'| 返回:
Private Function 摘取除草杀虫浇水(ByVal UrlList As String)
Dim gUrl As String, Data
Dim spList, one As String, X As Long
spList = Split(UrlList, vbCrLf)
For X = 0 To UBound(spList)
one = spList(X)
If InStr(LCase(one), "http") Then
Wait RandomizeNumber(200, 600)
gUrl = one
Data = http.GetData(gUrl, header_Referer, "", "utf-8")
Data = SubstringExtraction(Data, "<p class=""txt-warning2"">", "</p", 1, 0)
If InStr(Data, "成功") Then
Data = Replace(Data, vbCrLf, "")
Data = Replace(Data, Chr(9), "")
Data = Replace(Data, "<br/>", "")
Data = Trim(Data)
showStatus Data
End If
End If
End Function
'| 取个人信息
Private Function 取账号明细() As Boolean
Dim Data, retB As Boolean
Dim DengJi As String, JingYan As String, JinBi As String
Data = http.GetData(g_myFarmUrl, "", "", "utf-8")
retB = False
If InStr(Data, "退出") Then
DengJi = SubstringExtraction(Data, "等级:", " ", 1, 0)
JingYan = SubstringExtraction(Data, "经验:", "<", 1, 0)
JinBi = SubstringExtraction(Data, "金币:", "<", 1, 0)
Me.Text1.Text = "等级:" & DengJi & vbCrLf & "经验:" & JingYan & vbCrLf & "金币:" & JinBi & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & Time
retB = True
Me.Text1.Text = "请先登录"
End If
取账号明细 = retB
End Function
Private Sub Check1_Click()
If Check1 Then
g_timerCount = 1
Me.Timer1.Interval = 1000
Me.Timer1.Enabled = True
showStatus "开始自动偷菜", 8
Me.Timer1.Enabled = False
showStatus "停止自动偷菜", 8
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim qqUser As String, qqPsw As String, Data
Dim DengJi As String, JingYan As String, JinBi As String
Dim friendArray, linkList As String
Command1.Enabled = False
qqUser = Me.Text2.Text
qqPsw = Me.Text3.Text
If 登录QQ农场(qqUser, qqPsw, DengJi, JingYan, JinBi, g_FriendUrl) Then
Me.Text1.Text = "等级:" & DengJi & vbCrLf & "经验:" & JingYan & vbCrLf & "金币:" & JinBi
Me.Check1.Enabled = True
If MsgBox("登录成功,是否自动偷菜?", 4, "EnVon") = vbYes Then
Me.Check1.Value = 1
End If
Me.Check1.Enabled = False
MsgBox "登录失败"
End If
If 2 = 3 Then
If g_FriendUrl <> "" Then
Data = 取可操作的好友链接列表(g_FriendUrl)
Data = 取可操作的摘取链接地址(Data)
Call 摘取除草杀虫浇水(Data)
End If
End If
Command1.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
Call 取账号明细
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
meHeight = Me.Height
meWidth = Me.Width
meList1Height = Me.List1.Height
meList1Width = Me.List1.Width
Me.Timer1.Enabled = False
g_timerCount = 1
Set http = New XMLHttpClass
Me.Check1.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Resize()
On Error Resume Next
Dim h As Long, w As Long
h = Me.Height - meHeight
w = Me.Width - meWidth
Me.List1.Height = meList1Height + h
Me.List1.Width = meList1Width + w
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
Set http = Nothing
End Sub
Private Function CQ(ss)
Dim i, s
For i = 1 To Len(ss)
s = s & Chr(Asc(Mid(ss, i, 1)) + 11)
CQ = s
End Function
Private Sub showStatus(s, Optional ByVal m As Long)
If m = 2 Then Me.List1.Clear
List1.AddItem Time & Chr(9) & s
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
Dim Data
If g_timerCount = 1 Then
If 取账号明细 Then
showStatus "开始偷菜。。。", 8
Data = 取可操作的好友链接列表(g_FriendUrl)
Data = 取可操作的摘取链接地址(Data)
Call 摘取除草杀虫浇水(Data)
showStatus "登录超时或者与服务器断开,无法偷菜,请先登录!", 8
Check1.Value = 0
Timer1.Enabled = False
End If
If g_timerCount Mod 5 = 0 Then showStatus "休息中。。。"
End If
g_timerCount = g_timerCount + 1
If g_timerCount >= RandomizeNumber(30, 60) Then
showStatus "检测好友农场。。。", 2
g_timerCount = 1
End If
End Sub



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