
时间:2020-08-24 12:12 | 栏目:娱乐 | 点击:次


His best-known work that is ___________ all praise can be seen in the museum.A.withB.beyondC.withoutHe wrote the article ____ three days.A.atB.inC.onD.by..Millions of people gave freely_____the starving people’s appeal.A.in charge ofB.in case ofC.in resTo understand the grammar of the sentence, you must break it ____into parts.A.downB.upC.offD.outDo you often hear____ your brother?A.ofB.from C.out ofD.about24.After the stong earthquake, the local farmers are greatly_________money to rebuild the damaged buThe boy is waiting ____ his sister and they will go to the hospital to wait ____ their sick mother.AIt happened ____ the Long March.A.duringB.inC.atD.forShanghai is __ the east of Nanjing.A.inB.toC.fromD.om.being late for the important meeting, the secretary got fired form her job.A.With regard toB.In casMary dropped in ____ Mr Smith, but he wasn' t at home, so she went to drop in ____ Mr Smith's officeThe large grassland, reaching out far away, looks extremely beautiful ______ the blue and clean sky.___ a teacher, he is strict with his students.A.LikeB.AsC.BeD.AboutThe jet fighters were waiting at the airfield, ________ radar searching the skyA.withB.whileC.butD.fMr Li, who is in charge __ our class, will have a talk __you.A.in…forB.of…withC.of…forD.to…with—I am afraid the manager can’t see you until 5 o’clock.—Oh, _____ I won’t wait.A.no doubtB.after all16.Nobody knows who is the first one to add fertilizer ___ the soil to make plants grow better.A.toB32.—Mr Jack appears very charming in public, talkative, kind, generous, enthusiastic…—Oh, enough! __It is possible that ______ 2030, cars and airplanes will run on the new fuel.A.byB.onC.untilD.atHe went to Beijing and returned ____ three days.A.inB.beforeC.laterD.afterThe boy is waiting ____ his sister and they will go to the hospital to wait ____ their sick mother.AYou must apologize ______ your mother ______ your rudeness.A.to; toB.for; toC.to; forD.for; forCould you tell me what Americans live ___?A.inB.onC.aboutD.forShanghai is __ the east of Nanjing.A.inB.toC.fromD.omOur enemy bills have been increasing steadily. these costs,our telephone costs have doubled over theIf you run ____ two hares you will catch neither.A.intoB.afterC.offD.out of18. ---- Are you free after school? ---- Sorry. I’ve planned to treat a friend of mine to dinner ___My sister became famous ___ her first short story “The Moon”.A.inB.forC.onD.aboutWe walked ____ the Tian An Men Square to the Museum of Chinese History.A.acrossB.throughC.byD.pastMany activities will be held __________ the visiting guests from America.A.in memory ofB.in honor ofAll of us are going there by bus __ by bike.A.insteadB.instead ofC.take the place ofD.take placeHis grandfather died ____ the wound that the enemy soldier had given him .and then his grand-mother Tom didn’t go to school __ the rain.A.becauseB.because ofC.asD.forNow plastic has been widely used ___ wood and metal.A.in the place ofB.insteadC.in place ofD.insteadFresh air is good ____ your health.A.atB.for C.ofD.toWang Jing is sitting __ my right.A.inB.onC.besideD.at15. She was lifting handfuls of fine sand and letting it pour __________ her fingers.A.acrossB.inC.tThe Great Wall took _ a new look after the People\s Republic of China was founded.A.forB.onC.inD.atThis is a common mistake ____ students.A.betweenB.overC.amongD.aboutMr. Smith insists on doing some running even __ a cold morning.A.inB.onC.ofD.at____ the sun, nothing would grow.A.ForB.WithC.UnderD.Without___ a teacher, he is strict with his students.A.LikeB.AsC.BeD.About.______the silence for the pauses,we could hear each other’s breathing and could almost hear our own-- When do you need to pay the balance?-- ______ December 31.A.InB.ByC.DuringD.WithinThere is no decision yet ______ when the work might start.A.due toB.as toC.in addition toD.owing to32.—Mr Jack appears very charming in public, talkative, kind, generous, enthusiastic…—Oh, enough! __32. ––When will you be back, Peter?––________a couple of days. A.On B.InC.ForD.ByHe is said to be ___ the office.A.fit forB.fitC.fit aboutD.fit to32. An online survey at sina.com suggested more than four in five said the present rules would not b.I hurried to the accident spot only to find two dogs happily enjoyed what was left ____the cake andYou ought to write a”T”true in front of the statement.Each mistake that you make you’ll lose one poiTom hit Steven ___ the head, but Steven struck Tom ___ the face.A.on, inB.in. onC.in, inD.on, onHis grandfather died ____ the wound that the enemy soldier had given him .and then his grand-mother .being late for the important meeting, the secretary got fired form her job.A.With regard toB.In casWe walked ____ the Tian An Men Square to the Museum of Chinese History.A.acrossB.throughC.byD.past32. ––When will you be back, Peter?––________a couple of days. A.On B.InC.ForD.ByFresh air is good ____ your health.A.atB.for C.ofD.toDon’t be afraid ___ mistakes when you speak English.A.to makeB.of makingC.that makeD.makingDella sold her hair ___ her will.A.forB.againstC.toD.aboutAll of us are going there by bus __ by bike.A.insteadB.instead ofC.take the place ofD.take place


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