
  • A
  • C
  • D
  • F
  • H
  • I
  • L
  • M
  • N
  • P
  • s
  • T
  • U
  • V



ABI: Application Binary Interface
AC:Alignment Check;
ACPI: (1) Advanced Configuration & Power Interface http://www.acpi.info/
AF:Address Family,地址类型
AF_INET Internet IP Protocol v4; 对于 ip6 由专门的 地址类型
AF_UNIX: address format is UNIX pathname ; 以文件路径作为socket的地址格式
AI: (1) Address Info, in C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.16299.0\shared\ws2def.h
AIM: Application Interface Monitor
alnum: alphabetic & numeric
ALU: (1) Arithmetic Logic Units in Intel developer manual;(2) Alcatel-Lucent (Ended company)
AMD Advanced Micro Devices (AMD)
AMR: (1) Adaptive Multi-Rate, in RFC4867
AMR-WB: (1) Adaptive Multi-Rate Wideband , in RFC4867
APIC: Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller
argv: argument vector
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) code
ATCA: Advanced Telecom Computing Architecture
ATE:Alternate Test Environment
ATF:ARP table flag Kernel linux
ATM:Automatic teller machines
atoi: ASCII to integer
BCD: binary-coded decimal
BFD: (1) Bidirectional Forwarding Detection RFC5880/5881 (2)Binary File Descriptor https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_File_Descriptor_library
bm = Boyer-Moore
BPDU Bridge Protocol Data Unit
bsp: Board Support Package
BSP:Bootstrap Processor;引导自举处理器
bss: block started by symbol
BTB: (1) branch target buffers in Intel developer manual;


CaaS: Container as a service
CAD (computer-aided drafting/design)
CAM (Content Addressable Memory)
CAS: Compare and Swap, 原子操作的基础
CBC: (1) Cipher Block Chaining https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc1829.txt;
CBQ: Class-Based Queueing sch_cbq.c
CC: (1) C Complier https://www.computerhope.com/unix/ucc.htm
CC: condition code
CDR: Call detail record
CentOS: (1), Community Enterprise OS.
CF: Carry Flag, (1) Computer Systems A Programmer’s Perspective,
CFA: DWARF5 . Canonical Frame Address
CFI: DWARF5 :Call Frame Information
chdir: change (working) directory
CI: Connection Info in (1), openssh /servconf.c,
CIDR:Classless Inter-Domain Routing RFC4632 / 无类别的 类别的意思是:原来的A/B/C/D IP地址类
CMR:(1) Codec Mode Request; in RFC4867
cout: console out
COR - Clear On Read.
COW: copy on write
CPI:Cycles per Instruction (CPI)
CPIO: Copy In/Out
CPR:Capacity / Performance / Reliability
CRC: cyclic redundancy check
cred:CREDENTIALS,Linux Kernel系统里的身份证明模块
CRT: cathode ray tube (CRT)
CVS:Concurrent Version System
cwd: current working directory


DaaS Data as a Service
dentry: directory entry
DM: Drop Monitor
DMA: Direct Memory Access
DMI: Desktop Management Interface (man dmidecode)
DNF = Dandified YUM
DOS:Disk Operating System
DP: Dual processor, 双CPU
DPI: Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) ;; firewall
DSO: Dynamic Shared object 动态共享库
DRAM:dynamic random-access memory (DRAM).
DVR: Distributed Virtual Routers (分布式虚拟路由器)
EBS: AWS EBS(Elastic Block Storage).
ECMS: Extended Change Management System
EDD: edd= Enhanced Disk Drive https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-hardware-18/probing-edd-m…
EFI:Extensible Firmware Interface
ELF: Executable and Linkable Format
epoll: event poll
errno: error number
ESC:Ethernet Switch Card
ESDP:Extended SDP Control


fapolicyd - File Access Policy Daemon//https://people.redhat.com/sgrubb/fapolicyd/index.html
FBC: fabric bus controller;
FD: file descriptor
FI:Factory installation/Field installation;工厂安装与现场安装;安装的目的不同导致安装的内容不同。一个产品的两个阶段。
FIB:forwarding information base
FILO: First In, Last Out.
FS:Field Splitting
fua: force unit access https://linux.die.net/man/8/sg_read
Futex: Fast Userspace Mutex
GARP Generic Attribute Registration Protocol (802.1D)
GC: garbage-collected; https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/arp.7.html
GDT: Global Descriptor Table
gel: generic event logger
GF: (1) Gloris Field, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finite_field (2) Girl Friend
GFP: Get Free Page
gid: group ID
GOT: (1) Global offset table in gcc manual
gp: grace-period /kernel/rcutree.h
GPR: General Purpose Registers


HDD: Hard Disk Drive
hp:hotplug kernel/cpu.c
HPC: high-performance computing (HPC)
hrtimer: High resolution kernel timer


IA32: Intel Architecture 32 bits
IaaS Infrastructure as a Service
icase: ignore case
IDA: (1) ID Allocator ID分配器, /include/linux/idr.h
IDE: (1) Integrated development environments
IDR,ID resource 和IDA关联 https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/core-api/idr.html
IDT:Interrupt descriptor table 、arch/x86/kernel/idt.c
IDTR: Interrupt Descriptor Table Register
IIFE:Immediately invoke function expression
ifr: interface request, structure used by socket ioctl
IGMP Internet Group Management Protocol
IHL: (1) IP header length RFC 791
IMUX IMS Multiplexer
ILP32: Int Long Pointer 32 bit, 是32位机的标配
ILP:Instruction-Level Parallelism (ILP)
inf: infinity
initrd: init ram disk
inode: index node: is a data structure containing metadata for a file system object, including permissions, timestamps, and data pointers.
INTG:interrput gate : arch/x86/kernel/idt.c
IOMMU:I/O Memory Management Unit (IOMMU).
IP: instruction pointer
ISA:Instruction-Set Architecture
ISP:Internet Service Providers (ISPs)
ISR:interrupt service routine
KA: keep alive
KMA: Kernel Memory Allocator
kmp = Knuth-Pratt-Morris
KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine)


lba:Logic block address https://linux.die.net/man/8/sg_read
lbcast: limited broadcast kernel/include/linux/in.h
lc: line card
LCD: liquid crystal display (LCD)
LD: load balance
ldd: (1) Library Dependency from “man ldd” in Linux
lhs: (1) left-hand side
LIR:Local Internet Registries
LL:Low Latency
llc: low level controller
llio: Low-Level Input/Output
LP64: Long Pointer 64 bit, long和pointer类型都是64位
lsm: Linux Security Module
LSN - Local Secure Network
LT: (1) LibTool https://www.gnu.org/software/libtool/manual/libtool.pdf
LTS:long-term support (LTS).
LTZ: local time zone
LVT:Local Vector Table (LVT) intel cpu
LVM: Logical Volume Manager


MIPs, or 2.5 millions of instructions per second
MLE: (1) Maximum Likelihood Estimate
mmap:memory map
MMU: Memory Management Unit
MSB: most significant address bits
MSI: message signal interrupt
MSR:Model-Specific Register; Machine specific registers
MTU Maximum Transmission Unit
Mutex:(1) Mutual Exclusive,互斥。Linux mutex


NA: Not apply
NaN: Not a Number
NB:拉丁nota bene, 英语是Note Well
NBO:Network Byte Order
NBP: Network Bootstrap Program (NBP) mu
NUD(neighbor unreachability detection)
NL New line linux kernel ASM_NL
nlh: netlink header
noarch: no specific for any architecture, for all arch, https://www.lifewire.com/what-is-noarch-package-2193808
nptl: Native POSIX Threads Library
NR: Number
NT: Note Type, Linux kernel: NT_FILE
NTH: Not throw : glibc :__REDIRECT_NTH
NUMA: Non-uniorm Memory Access, 非一致内存访问
NVM: Non-Volatile-Memory https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/24769/Non-Volatile-Memory-NVM-Update-Utility-for-Intel-Ethernet-Network-Adapter-700-Series
NVRAM: nonvolatile random-access memory
O_RDONLY: Open flag for read only
OEM: original equipment manufacturer
OF: Overflow Flag
OFO: out of order;这个有点牵强
OFS: output field separator
OH: Optional Header
OOO: out of order ; out of office
opcode: operation code
OS: Operating System
os: object-suffixes-noshared := ( f i l t e r − o u t . o s , (filter-out .os, (filter−out.os,(object-suffixes)) , glibc
osc: Openstack command
OSD: OSD: Object based Storage Device
OSPF: (1) Open shortest Path first, RFC 2328
OVS: Open virtual switch


PaaS Plartform as a Service
PC: Performance Counters
PCI-SIG:Peripheral Component Interconnect Special Interest Group ()
PCRE - Perl Compatible Regular Expressions
pdf: (1) probability density function,
PF: Physical Function; Parity Flag
PFME:Process flag Memory allocation include/linux/sched.h
pfn: pointer to function
pfn: Page Frame Number //
PI: Priority Inheritance
PIC: (1) position-independent code in gcc manual
PID: process ID
PIT,Programmable Interval Timer;
PLCC:(1) Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier, intel 82C54, CHMOS PROGRAMMABLE INTERVAL TIMER
plist: priority-sorted list
PM:Power Manager
PM:Performance Manager
PMC: Performance (Monitoring) Counters
PMTU: (1) Path MTU, RFC 1191/RFC 8201
POSIX: (1) Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX), in man types.h of Linux;
pps: Packet per second
ppvid: process virtual id
proc: processes
PSI: Performance schema instrumentation interface // mariadb
psz:Pointer to null-terminated string ///http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/tividd/td/netview390/leal1mst/en_US/HTML/leal1m12.htm
PTB: (1) Packet Too Big RFC 8201
PTI: Page Table Isolation / CPU feature
pwd: print working directory
PXE: Preboot Execution Environment (PXE)
ramfs: RAM file system
rc: (1) Release Candidate Linux Kernel version https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/4822/meaning-of-rc5-in-linux-ke…
RAX: Register Accumulator register
RCS:Rich Communication Suite; RCS adds IPbased messaging services that are an evolution to legacy SMS and MMS - messaging
RCX: Register Counter register, 计数寄存器
RDX: Register Data Register. an extension of the RAX;
RDI: Register Destination index. for writing
REM: Redundancy Manager
rhs: (1) right-hand side, 右手边
RIR:Regional Internet Registries (RIRs),
rlimt: Resource Limit
RPDB: (1) Routing Policy Data base; http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man8/ip-rule.8.html
RPL: Requestor Privilege Level
RPM:revolutions per minute (RPM),
RSA: the reliability, availability, and serviceability (RAS)
RSI: Register Source Index, for loop, for reading
RSS:Resident set size (RSS):
RST(P):Rapid Spinning Tree (Protocol)
rsyslogd: Reliable and extended syslogd


sa: Socket Address
SaaS Software as a Service
sar: System activity report
sar: System activity reporter
SDN: Software defined Network
SDP: Software-Defined Pins (82599 Intel 网卡)
SEV-ES: AMD Secure Encrypted Virtualization-Encrypted State (SEV-ES)
SF: Sign Flag
sh: super header //arch/sh/
SIGHUP: Signal terminal hangup
SIPI:startup-IPI (SIPI). 起始cpu 发过来的ipi
sll: (1) Socket Link Layer, in Linux kernel;
SLIT: System Locality Information Table (linux 、drivers/acpi/numa/srat.c)
SMBIOS: System Management BIOS (man dmidecode)
SMC:Shared Memory Communications
SMT: Simultaneous multithreading (SMT)
sockaddr_ll: Socket Address of Link Layer in Linux kernel include/uapi/linux/if_packet.h
SOL Serial Over LAN
SRAT: System Resource Affinity Table (linux 、drivers/acpi/numa/srat.c)
SSH: Secure Shell
SSL: (1) Secure Sockets Layer Protocol, https://www.openssl.org/
stderr: standard error
stdin: standard in
stdio.h: (1) Standard Input/Output header (book C Primer Plus);
stdout: standard out
subnet: sub-network.
SWS: (1) Silly Window Syndrome RFC 813;
sym:system monitor
sysfs:/sys/ 下存放到是和内核对象相关的信息// 关于device 设备的信息


TD: traffic dispatcher
TF: Trap Flag
TFO: (1) RFC 7413, tcp fast open
TIF:thread information flags kernel
TLS: (1) Transport Layer Security , https://www.openssl.org/ :
TLS:(2)Thread Local Storage
TOR: (1) Top of Rack switch, http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_a_top-of-rack_switch
TOS: Type of Service (IP)
TP: Thread pointer https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=96200
TS:Time Share、Time-Slice
TSC: Time Stamp Counter


uapi: User/userspace API in Linux kernel
UART: Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter /Documentation/devicetree/bindings/serial/8250.txt
UID: User ID
UMA: Uniform Memory Access, 一致内存访问
unistd: Unix Standard
uname: unix name
UAF:Use After Free
UD: undefined 在intel的cpu使用说明里有,未定义的指令,会触发异常中断
UE:User Equipment
UEFI:Unified Extensible Firmware Interface //https://uefi.org/sites/default/files/resources/UEFI_Spec_2_9_2021_03_18.pdf
UML:User Mode Linux; linux/Documentation/admin-guide/README.rst
UNAC:Universal Network ATCA Chassis
UP: (1) UniProcessor, https://github.com/torvalds/linux/commit/278d1ed65e25d80af7c3a112d707b3f70516ddb4
UTS: Unix Time Share https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/183717/whats-a-uts-namespace
UUID:Universally Unique ID.


VAL: Variable Argument List
VF: Virtual Function
VFIO:Virtual Function I/O
VFS: virtual File System
viz:that is to say; in other words
VLA: variable length arrays
VLAN:Virtual Local Area Network
VMDK: Virtual Machine Disk
VMM:Virtual Machine monitor
VMX:Virtual Machine Extension (intel dev manual)
VPS: Virtual private server; https://www.ibm.com/topics/vps
VPS: Video Program System; /linux-4.18.0-425.3.1.el8/drivers/media/i2c/tvp5150.c
VRRP:(1) Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol RFC 5798
VTEP VXLAN Tunnel End Point
VXLAN:Virtual eXtensible Local Area Network
WDOG: WatchDOG timer
WR WindRiver
WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get.
YUM = YellowDog Update Modifier
ZF: Zero Flag


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