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本文首先从端到端系统的角度总结了自动机器学习在各个流程中的研究成果(如下图),然后着重对最近广泛研究的神经结构搜索(Neural Architecture Search, NAS)进行了总结,最后讨论了一些未来的研究方向。




现如今不断有公开数据集涌现出来,例如MNIST,CIFAR10,ImageNet等等。我们也可以通过一些公开的网站获取各种数据集,例如Kaggle, Google Dataset Search以及Elsevier Data Search等等。但是对于一些特殊的任务,尤其是医疗或者涉及到个人隐私的任务,由于数据很难获取,所以通常很难找到一个合适的数据集或者数据集很小。解决这一问题主要有两种思路:数据生成和数据搜索。



  • Cubuk, EkinD., et al. "Autoaugment: Learning augmentation policies fromdata." arXiv preprint arXiv:1805.09501 (2018).


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  • Xie, Ziang,et al. "Data noising as smoothing in neural network languagemodels." arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.02573 (2017).

  • Yu, Adams Wei,et al. "Qanet: Combining local convolution with global self-attention forreading comprehension." arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.09541 (2018).


  • Karras, Tero, Samuli Laine, and Timo Aila. "A style-basedgenerator architecture for generative adversarial networks." Proceedingsof the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2019.


  • Brockman, Greg, et al. "Openai gym." arXiv preprintarXiv:1606.01540 (2016).


  • Roh, Yuji, Geon Heo, and Steven Euijong Whang. "A survey ondata collection for machine learning: a big data-ai integrationperspective." arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.03402(2018).

  • Yarowsky, David. "Unsupervised word sense disambiguationrivaling supervised methods." 33rd annual meeting of the associationfor computational linguistics. 1995.

  • Zhou, Yan, and Sally Goldman. "Democraticco-learning." 16th IEEE International Conference on Tools withArtificial Intelligence. IEEE, 2004.


  • Krishnan,Sanjay, and Eugene Wu. "Alphaclean: Automatic generation of data cleaningpipelines." arXiv preprint arXiv:1904.11827 (2019).

  • Chu, Xu, etal. "Katara: A data cleaning system powered by knowledge bases andcrowdsourcing." Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGMOD InternationalConference on Management of Data. ACM, 2015.

  • Krishnan,Sanjay, et al. "Activeclean: An interactive data cleaning framework formodern machine learning." Proceedings of the 2016 InternationalConference on Management of Data. ACM, 2016.

  • Krishnan,Sanjay, et al. "SampleClean: Fast and Reliable Analytics on DirtyData." IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 38.3 (2015): 59-75.





  • H. Vafaie and K. De Jong, “Evolutionary feature spacetransformation,” in Feature Extraction, Construction and Selection. Springer,1998, pp. 307–323

  • J. Gama, “Functional trees,” Machine Learning, vol. 55, no. 3, pp.219–250, 2004.

  • D. Roth and K. Small, “Interactive feature space construction usingsemantic information,” in Proceedings of the Thirteenth Conference onComputational Natural Language Learning. Association for Computational Linguistics,2009, pp. 66–74.


  • Q. Meng, D. Catchpoole, D. Skillicom, and P. J. Kennedy, “Relationalautoencoder for feature extraction,” in 2017 International Joint Conference onNeural Networks (IJCNN). IEEE, 2017, pp. 364–371.

  • O. Irsoy and E. Alpaydın, “Unsupervised feature extraction withautoencoder trees,” Neurocomputing, vol. 258, pp. 63–73, 2017.


模型生成的方式主要有两种:一是基于传统的机器学习方法生成模型,例如SVM,decision tree等,已经开源的库有Auto-sklearn和TPOT等。另一种是是神经网络结构搜索(NAS)。我们会从两个方面对NAS进行总结,一是NAS的网络结构,二是搜索策略。


1)整体结构(entire structure):


  • B. Zoph and Q. V. Le, “Neural architecture search with reinforcementlearning.” [Online]. Available:http://arxiv.org/abs/1611.01578

  • H. Pham, M. Y. Guan, B. Zoph, Q. V. Le, and J. Dean, “Efficientneural architecture search via parameter sharing,” vol. ICML. [Online].Available: http://arxiv.org/abs/1802.03268

2)基于单元结构(cell-based structure):


  • H. Pham, M. Y. Guan, B. Zoph, Q. V. Le, and J. Dean, “Efficientneural architecture search via parameter sharing,” vol. ICML. [Online].Available: http://arxiv.org/abs/1802.03268

  • B. Zoph, V. Vasudevan, J. Shlens, and Q. V. Le, “Learningtransferable architectures for scalable image recognition.” [Online].Available: http://arxiv.org/abs/1707.07012

  • Z. Zhong, J. Yan, W. Wu, J. Shao, and C.-L. Liu, “Practicalblock-wise neural network architecture generation.” [Online]. Available:http://arxiv.org/abs/1708.05552

  • B. Baker, O. Gupta, N. Naik, and R. Raskar, “Designing neuralnetwork architectures using reinforcement learning,” vol. ICLR. [Online].Available: http://arxiv.org/abs/1611.02167

  • E. Real, S. Moore, A. Selle, S. Saxena, Y. L. Suematsu, J. Tan, Q.Le, and A. Kurakin, “Large-scale evolution of image classifiers.” [Online].Available: http://arxiv.org/abs/1703.01041

  • E. Real, A. Aggarwal, Y. Huang, and Q. V. Le, “Regularized evolutionfor image classifier architecture search.” [Online]. Available:http://arxiv.org/abs/1802.01548

3)层次结构(hierarchical structure)


  • H. Liu, K. Simonyan, O. Vinyals, C. Fernando, and K. Kavukcuoglu,“Hierarchical representations for efficient architecture search,” in ICLR, p.13

4)基于网络态射结构(network morphism-based structure):


  • T. Chen, I. Goodfellow, and J. Shlens, “Net2net: Acceleratinglearning via knowledge transfer,” arXiv preprint arXiv:1511.05641, 2015.

  • T. Elsken, J. H. Metzen, and F. Hutter, “Efficient multi-objectiveneural architecture search via lamarckian evolution.” [Online]. Available:http://arxiv.org/abs/1804.09081

  • H. Cai, T. Chen, W. Zhang, Y. Yu, and J. Wang, “Efficientarchitecture search by network transformation,” in Thirty-Second AAAIConference on Artificial Intelligence, 2018



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  • J. Gonzalez, “Gpyopt: A bayesian optimization framework in python,”http://github.com/SheffieldML/GPyOpt, 2016

  • J. Snoek, H. Larochelle, and R. P. Adams, “Practical bayesianoptimization of machine learning algorithms,” in Advances in neural informationprocessing systems, 2012, pp. 2951–2959.

  • S. Falkner, A. Klein, and F. Hutter, “BOHB: Robust and efficienthyperparameter optimization at scale,” p. 10.

  • F. Hutter, H. H. Hoos, and K. Leyton-Brown, “Sequential model-basedoptimization for general algorithm configuration,” in Learning and IntelligentOptimization, C. A. C. Coello, Ed. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, vol. 6683, pp.507–523. [Online]. Available:http://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-642-25566-3 40

  • J. Bergstra, D. Yamins, and D. D. Cox, “Making a science of modelsearch: Hyperparameter optimization in hundreds of dimensions for visionarchitectures,” p. 9.

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5、终身学习(lifelong learn)



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