
Ranta Images/ShutterstockRanta图片/快门

TFW is an internet acronym that you’ll usually find on social networking sites and in memes all over the web. But what does TFW mean, where did the acronym come from, and how do you use it?

TFW是Internet的首字母缩写,通常会在社交网站和整个网络的模因中找到。 但是TFW是什么意思,首字母缩写从何而来,以及如何使用它?

那种感觉何时 (That Feel When)

TFW is an internet acronym that stands for “that feel when.” This acronym is usually accompanied by a funny or emotive picture (like the one featured above), and it’s used to provide emotional context or commentary to a situation.

TFW是互联网的首字母缩写,代表“那时候感觉到”。 该首字母缩略词通常伴随着一幅有趣的或带有情感色彩的图片(例如上面的图片),用于提供情境或对情况的评论。

In a way, TFW is more like a meme than an actual acronym you use in a sentence, like FOMO. It usually follows a strict format, where a sentence beginning with TFW is often (but not always) accompanied by an emotive photo. This sentence can be relevant to your life, like “TFW your bathroom floods,” or it could simply be a joke, like “TFW your friends also know about Pennywise the clown.”

在某种程度上,TFW更像是一个模因,而不是您在句子中使用的实际首字母缩写,例如FOMO 。 它通常遵循严格的格式,其中以TFW开头的句子通常(但不总是)带有情感照片。 这句话可能与您的生活相关,例如“ TFW您的浴室泛滥”,也可能只是个玩笑,例如“ TFW您的朋友也知道小丑Pennywise”。

That’s not to say that TFW always follows a strict meme format. On its own, TFW indicates to readers that a message or post contains an emotional context. So, it’s possible for “TFW” to mean something on its own without being accompanied by a picture or messages.

这并不是说TFW始终遵循严格的模因格式。 TFW本身会向读者指示消息或帖子包含情感上下文。 因此,“ TFW”有可能自己表示某些东西而没有图片或消息。

So in some cases, you might reply to a ridiculous or hateful Facebook with a basic “TFW.” People who know what TFW means should understand that you’re saying “this post is absolutely bonkers!” Similarly, you could reply to an unexpected message from an ex with “TFW,” or reply to a funny photo with “TFW.”

因此,在某些情况下,您可能会使用基本的“ TFW”回复可笑或可恶的Facebook。 知道TFW意味着什么的人应该了解您在说“这篇文章绝对是傻瓜!” 同样,您可以使用“ TFW”回复来自前任的意外消息,或使用“ TFW”回复有趣的照片。

TFW的词源 (Etymology of TFW)

Some people swear that TFW actually stands for “that face when.” And in a way, they might be right.

有人发誓TFW实际上代表“当面时的表情”。 在某种程度上,它们可能是正确的。

Back in 2009, people on the 4chan music board (called /mu/) started saying “MFW,” or “my face when.” Oddly enough, MFW was used in the same way that TFW is used today. People would post a funny photo of a face along with a sentence like “MFW people call chess a sport.”

早在2009年,4chan音乐板上的人(称为/ mu /)就开始说“ MFW”或“何时我的脸”。 奇怪的是,MFW的使用方式与当今TFW的使用方式相同。 人们会在脸上贴上一张有趣的照片,并加上“ MFW人们称国际象棋为一项运动”之类的句子。

Google TrendsGoogle趋势

Around this same time, the word “feel” developed as slang for the word “feeling.” Memes like “I know that feel bro” started to spread across the internet, and the “Feels Guy” reaction image became a common piece of internet and nerd culture.

大约在同一时间,“感觉”一词发展为“感觉”一词的语。 像“我知道那家伙”这样的模因开始在互联网上传播,“感觉家伙”的React形象成为互联网和书呆子文化的共同组成部分。

Like MFW, the Feels Guy meme was used to respond to emotional situations. But while MFW usually conveyed disgust or awe, the Feels Guy meme was used to describe a feeling of shame, doubt, sadness, or emasculation.

像MFW一样,Feels Guy模因也被用来应对情绪状况。 但是,虽然MFW通常会带来厌恶或敬畏之情,但“ Feels Guy”模因却被用来形容羞耻,怀疑,悲伤或割的感觉。

Know Your Meme了解你的模因

Evidently, these two similar ideas merged to become TFW in 2010 or 2011—that’s when TFW was first properly defined on the Urban Dictionary. While the grammatical usage of TFW hasn’t changed much since then, the word has become a lot more broad. It’s a useful acronym for expressing emotions on the internet, a place that’s notorious for its emotional opacity.

显然,这两个相似的想法在2010或2011年合并成为TFW,那时TFW首次在Urban Dictionary上得到了正确定义。 从那以后,尽管TFW的语法用法并没有太大变化,但这个词已经变得更加广泛。 这是在互联网上表达情感的有用首字母缩写,这个地方因情感上的不透明而臭名昭著。

您如何使用TFW? (How Do You Use TFW?)

If you throw TFW at the beginning of a sentence, readers will intuitively look for emotional context. You could say “TFW there’s no bologna in the fridge,” or “TFW you’re almost home and the low fuel light comes on.” Either way, people will try to pull emotional meaning from the sentences.

如果您将TFW放在句子开头,则读者会直观地寻找情感背景。 您可以说“ TFW冰箱里没有博洛尼亚汽水”,或“ TFW您快要回家了,低燃油灯就亮了。” 无论哪种方式,人们都会尝试从句子中提取情感含义。

While you could use these sentences on their own, TFW works best when accompanied with a photo or GIF. You could technically use any photo, but it’s best to use photos of emotive faces. The more emotion in the photo, the easier it is for people to gauge the correct emotional context from your use of TFW.

尽管您可以单独使用这些句子,但TFW与照片或GIF一起使用时效果最佳。 从技术上讲,您可以使用任何照片,但是最好使用带有情感表情的照片。 照片中的情感越多,人们越容易通过使用TFW来评估正确的情感背景。


As mentioned earlier, you can also use TFW without any accompanying words or photos. Just make sure that the situation has an obvious emotional context first. While a lone “TFW” is a conversation about dogs doesn’t make much sense, replying “TFW” to an annoying or mean-spirited text message can communicate an idea like “get out of my inbox” or “how do you expect me to respond to this?”

如前所述,您也可以使用TFW,而无需附带任何文字或图片。 只需确保情况首先具有明显的情感环境即可。 虽然一个单独的“ TFW”是关于狗的对话没有多大意义,但回复“ TFW”给烦人或刻薄的短信则可以传达“从我的邮箱中取出”或“你如何期望我”这样的想法对此做出回应?”

TFW you find a whole new world of freaky internet words. If you’re just catching up with some of the language that’s commonly found online, check out our articles on words like TLDR and YEET.

TFW您会发现一个怪异的互联网单词的全新世界。 如果您只是想赶上在线上常见的某些语言,请查看我们有关TLDR和YEET之类的词的文章。



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