
  • 1 单机平台
    • 1.1 四旋翼硬件组装
      • a)注意
    • 1.2 机载板环境配置
    • 1.3 飞控参数配置
      • a)注意
    • 1.4 实飞全流程
  • 2 多机通信
    • 2.1 多机ip地址存储
    • 2.2 ROS主机地址设置
    • 2.3 实飞验证

1 单机平台


  1. 组装飞机,实现遥控器手飞
  2. 加入机载板,实现板载控制飞机自主飞行

1.1 四旋翼硬件组装


  • 机架
  • 桨叶
  • 电池,电机,电调
  • 飞控,选的pixhawkV4
  • 飞控配件:安全开关,电流计等
  • 接收机
  • 遥控器


  1. 电调有适配的电池,要根据电调参数选择合适的电池大小
  2. 搭建完成后要注意飞控绑结实了,否则手控飞不稳不排除飞控本身没粘牢抖动的可能

1.2 机载板环境配置

ROS的安装教程:2021-06-01 Ubuntu 1604安装ROS+ ROS初始化失败的解决方案

sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-mavros ros-kinetic-mavros-extras
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mavlink/mavros/master/mavros/scripts/install_geographiclib_datasets.sh


1.3 飞控参数配置


 - EKF2_HGT_MODE改为vision模式- EKF2_AID_MASK勾选vision_position_fusion和vision_yaw_fusion两项,勾选结果应为24,如果用的是新版QGC可能勾选后结果会错误为7,建议用老版地面站对这一项设置


MAV_1_CONFIG = TELEM 2 (MAV_1_CONFIG is often used to map the TELEM 2 port)
MAV_1_MODE = Onboard
SER_TEL2_BAUD = 921600 (921600 or higher recommended for applications like log streaming or FastRTPS)飞控1.9以下版本0 to disable MAVLink output on TELEM2 (default)921600 to enable MAVLink output at 921600 baud, 8N1 (recommended)57600 to enable MAVLink output at 57600 baud, 8N1157600 to enable MAVLink in OSD mode at 57600 baud257600 to enable MAVLink in listen-only mode at 57600 baud



  1. 飞控1.8版本的ekf2融合有问题,飞控的自身定位数据经常会丢失重置,不建议烧
  2. 选择MAV_X_CONFIG都可以,匹配就行

1.4 实飞全流程




roslaunch vrpn_cient_ros sample.launch server:=改成你自己motive发布的ip



  • 硬件:我采用的串口线连接,这里方法任选,但要确保你知道你选用的树莓派什么端口
  • 软件:树莓派下起mavros:
roslaunch mavros px4.launch fcu_url:=/dev/ttyUSB0:921600



#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <geometry_msgs/PoseStamped.h>
#include <mavros_msgs/CommandBool.h>
#include <mavros_msgs/SetMode.h>
#include <mavros_msgs/State.h>mavros_msgs::State current_state;
void state_cb(const mavros_msgs::State::ConstPtr& msg){current_state = *msg;
}int main(int argc, char **argv)
{ros::init(argc, argv, "offb_node");ros::NodeHandle nh;ros::Subscriber state_sub = nh.subscribe<mavros_msgs::State>("/uav0/mavros/state", 10, state_cb);ros::Publisher local_pos_pub = nh.advertise<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>("/uav0/mavros/setpoint_position/local", 10);//the setpoint publishing rate MUST be faster than 2Hzros::Rate rate(20.0);/确认和飞控连上了///while(ros::ok() && !current_state.connected){ros::spinOnce();//处理回调函数rate.sleep();//std::cout << "connected" << std::endl;//if(!current_state.connected){std::cout << "zhixing" << std::endl;}}std::cout << "connected" << std::endl;//给期望点,发geometry_msgs::PoseStamped pose;pose.pose.position.x = 0;pose.pose.position.y = 0;pose.pose.position.z = 1;//确定数据连接??for(int i = 100; ros::ok() && i > 0; --i){local_pos_pub.publish(pose);ros::spinOnce();rate.sleep();}std::cout << "first" << std::endl;while(ros::ok()){if( current_state.mode != "OFFBOARD"){//local_pos_pub.publish(pose);std::cout << current_state.mode << std::endl;std::cout << "unchanged" << std::endl;}else std::cout << current_state.mode << std::endl;std::cout << "fei!" << std::endl;local_pos_pub.publish(pose);ros::spinOnce();rate.sleep();}return 0;

2 多机通信


2.1 多机ip地址存储




sudo gedit /etc/hostname


sudo gedit /etc/hosts

往里面填,例(中间的空格用tap) uav1    uav2

2.2 ROS主机地址设置


sudo gedit ~/.bashrc


export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://legion:11311


2.3 实飞验证



<?xml version="1.0"?>
<launch><!-- UAV0 --><arg name="m_ID" default="fly1"/><arg name="ID_qiu" default="1"/><group ns="$(arg m_ID)"><!-- MAVROS and vehicle configs --><arg name="ID" value="0"/><arg name="fcu_url" default="/dev/ttyAMA0:921600"/><!-- MAVROS --><include file="$(find mavros)/launch/px4.launch"><arg name="fcu_url" value="$(arg fcu_url)"/><arg name="gcs_url" value=""/><arg name="tgt_system" value="$(eval 1 + arg('ID'))"/><arg name="tgt_component" value="1"/><arg name="log_output" default="screen" /><arg name="fcu_protocol" default="v2.0" /><arg name="respawn_mavros" default="false" /></include></group><!-- 这边给每个节点取名不同,且给坐标转换节点传入名字参数便于区分话题--><node pkg="m2puav_pkg" type="m2puav" name="$(arg m_ID)" ><param name="ID" type="int" value="$(arg ID_qiu)"/></node>


/*** the control part of multi uavs*/
#ifndef UAV_H
#define UAV_H#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <geometry_msgs/PoseStamped.h>
#include <geometry_msgs/TwistStamped.h>
#include <geometry_msgs/Vector3Stamped.h>
#include <mavros_msgs/CommandBool.h>
#include <mavros_msgs/SetMode.h>
#include <mavros_msgs/State.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <math.h>
#include <vector>using namespace std;double angel_bet(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2);class UAV
public://Output & input pos is in the world coordination//ID_NUM of the UAVint UAV_ID;//Desired position in the formation coordinationfloat x_f;float y_f;float z_f;//dangerbool danger = false;//ROS node & subscriber & publisherros::NodeHandle nh;ros::Subscriber Position;ros::Subscriber Velocity;ros::Subscriber state_sub;ros::Publisher local_pos_pub;ros::ServiceClient arming_client;ros::ServiceClient set_mode_client;//UAV state & position & velocitymavros_msgs::State current_state;geometry_msgs::PoseStamped pos;geometry_msgs::TwistStamped ve;//ConstructorUAV() {}UAV(int _UAV_ID, float _x_f, float _y_f, int _z_f){Set_UAV(_UAV_ID, _x_f, _y_f, _z_f);}//initiate UAVvoid Set_UAV(int _UAV_ID, float _x_f, float _y_f, int _z_f){UAV_ID = _UAV_ID;x_f = _x_f;y_f = _y_f;z_f = _z_f;//Create string of uav_path  e.g. "/uav0"// string uav_num = "/qiu";// string UAV_num = "/QIU";string uav_num = "/fly";string UAV_num = "/FLY";uav_num = uav_num + to_string(UAV_ID);UAV_num = UAV_num + to_string(UAV_ID);//ROS definitionPosition = nh.subscribe<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>("/vrpn_client_node" + UAV_num + "/pose", 10, boost::bind(&UAV::UAV_INFO_P, this, _1));Velocity = nh.subscribe<geometry_msgs::TwistStamped>(uav_num + "/mavros/local_position/velocity_local", 10, boost::bind(&UAV::UAV_INFO_V, this, _1));state_sub = nh.subscribe<mavros_msgs::State>(uav_num + "/mavros/state", 10, boost::bind(&UAV::state_cb, this, _1));local_pos_pub = nh.advertise<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>(uav_num + "/mavros/setpoint_position/local", 10);arming_client = nh.serviceClient<mavros_msgs::CommandBool>(uav_num + "/mavros/cmd/arming");set_mode_client = nh.serviceClient<mavros_msgs::SetMode>(uav_num + "/mavros/set_mode");}//Output desired position, consider the offsetvoid send_pos(geometry_msgs::PoseStamped &pos_d){local_pos_pub.publish(pos_d);};//State callback fcnvoid state_cb(const mavros_msgs::State::ConstPtr &msg){current_state = *msg;}//Position callback fcnvoid UAV_INFO_P(const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped::ConstPtr &msg){pos = *msg;}//Velocity callback fcnvoid UAV_INFO_V(const geometry_msgs::TwistStamped::ConstPtr &msg){ve = *msg;}}; //class UAV endclass VP_desired
public:float x;float y;float z;float psi;float vx;float vy;float vz = 0.3;float circle_rad = 0.2;ros::NodeHandle nh;ros::Subscriber Target;geometry_msgs::PoseStamped position;//constructorVP_desired(float _psi, float _x, float _y, float _z, float _vx, float _vy){set_vp_desired(_psi,  _x, _y, _z,  _vx,  _vy);}void set_vp_desired(float _psi, float _x, float _y, float _z, float _vx, float _vy){x = _x;y = _y;z = _z;psi = _psi;vx = _vx;vy = _vy;Target = nh.subscribe<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>("/vrpn_client_node/TARGET/pose", 10, boost::bind(&VP_desired::target_cb,this,_1));}void target_cb(const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped::ConstPtr &msg){position = *msg;}void reverse_position(UAV &uav){x = uav.pos.pose.position.x - uav.x_f * cos(psi) + uav.y_f * sin(psi);y = uav.pos.pose.position.y - uav.y_f * cos(psi) - uav.x_f * sin(psi);z = uav.pos.pose.position.z;cout << "x:" << x << "                      y:" << y << "                       z:" << z <<"\r\n";}void VP_desir_pose_update(int state, float hz){float point_angel=0;switch (state){case 2: //起飞z += vz / hz;if (z >= 1)z = 1   ;break;case 3: //直线vx = 0.6;x += vx / hz;break;case 4: //圆形point_angel = angel_bet(x - 0.0, y - 0.0, 0.0, -1.0); //角速度0.2rad/s,半径3m,circle_rad / hzvx = circle_rad * sqrt((0.0 - x) * (0.0 - x) + (0.0 - y) * (0.0 - y)) * cos(point_angel);vy = circle_rad * sqrt((0.0 - x) * (0.0 - x) + (0.0 - y) * (0.0 - y)) * sin(point_angel);x += vx / hz;y += vy / hz;z = 1.5;break;case 5: //降落z -= vz / hz;if (z <= 0)z = 0;break;case 6://悬停break;case 7://追人x=position.pose.position.x;y=position.pose.position.y;break;case 10:break;default:ROS_INFO("Waiting State! ");break;}cout << "期望点"<<"                     x:" << x << "                      y:" << y << "                       z:" << z <<"\r\n";}}; //class VP_desired endclass VirtualPoint
public:float psi;float x;float y;float z;float vx = 0;float vy = 0;ros::NodeHandle nh;ros::Publisher pos_vp ;geometry_msgs::PoseStamped position;//ConstructorVirtualPoint(float _psi, float _x, float _y, float _z){psi = _psi;x = _x;y = _y;z = _z;pos_vp=nh.advertise<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>("/vp/pose",10);}//Virtual point controllervoid VP_Controller(UAV &uav, geometry_msgs::PoseStamped &pos_d){pos_d.pose.position.x = uav.x_f * cos(psi) - uav.y_f * sin(psi) + x; maybe wrongpos_d.pose.position.y = uav.y_f * cos(psi) + uav.x_f * sin(psi) + y;if (uav.danger)pos_d.pose.position.z = 0;elsepos_d.pose.position.z = z + uav.z_f;position.pose.position.x=x;position.pose.position.y=y;position.pose.position.z=z;pos_vp.publish(position);}
}; //class VirtualPoint endclass ArtificialField
public:float a0;float k0;float k1;float k2;float r0;float r_0;//ConstructorArtificialField(float (&af_para)[5]){a0 = af_para[0];k0 = af_para[1];k1 = af_para[2];k2 = af_para[3];r0 = af_para[4];r_0 = r0 + k0 * a0;}//saturation fcnvoid sat(geometry_msgs::PoseStamped &pos){float x = pos.pose.position.x;float y = pos.pose.position.y;float norm = sqrt(x * x + y * y);if (norm > a0){pos.pose.position.x *= a0 / norm;pos.pose.position.y *= a0 / norm;}}void sat(float &x, float &y){float norm = sqrt(x * x + y * y);if (norm > a0){x *= a0 / norm;y *= a0 / norm;}}
}; //class ArtificialField endclass AF_VP : public ArtificialField
public:float obs_x;float obs_y;//constructorAF_VP(float _obs_x, float _obs_y, float (&af_para)[5]) : ArtificialField(af_para){obs_x = _obs_x;obs_y = _obs_y;}//controllervoid AF_controller(VirtualPoint &vp, VP_desired &vp_d){float ksi_wp_x = vp_d.x + k0 * vp_d.vx;float ksi_wp_y = vp_d.y + k0 * vp_d.vy;float ksi_vp_x = vp.x + k0 * 0; big problem!!!! no velocity feedbackfloat ksi_vp_y = vp.y + k0 * 0;float ksi_obs_x = obs_x;float ksi_obs_y = obs_y;float _ksi_wp_x = ksi_vp_x - ksi_wp_x;float _ksi_wp_y = ksi_vp_y - ksi_wp_y;float _ksi_obs_x = ksi_vp_x - ksi_obs_x;float _ksi_obs_y = ksi_vp_y - ksi_obs_y;float a = k1;float norm_ksi_obs = sqrt(_ksi_obs_x * _ksi_obs_x + _ksi_obs_y * _ksi_obs_y);float offset = 0.000001;float b = k2 / ((norm_ksi_obs - r_0) * (norm_ksi_obs - r_0) + offset) / (norm_ksi_obs + offset);float tmp_x = -a * _ksi_wp_x ;//+ b * _ksi_obs_x;float tmp_y = -a * _ksi_wp_y ;//+ b * _ksi_obs_y;sat(tmp_x, tmp_y);vp.x += tmp_x/10;vp.y += tmp_y/10;vp.z = vp_d.z;vp.psi = vp_d.psi;cout <<"跟随点"<<"                      x:" << vp.x << "                       y:" << vp.y << "                        z:" << vp.z <<"\r\n";}
}; //class AF_VP endclass AF_formation : public ArtificialField
public://constructorAF_formation(float (&af_para)[5]) : ArtificialField(af_para){}//controllervoid AF_Controller(UAV &uav, vector<UAV> &uav_avoid, geometry_msgs::PoseStamped &pos_d){float ksi_x = uav.pos.pose.position.x + k0 * uav.ve.twist.linear.x;float ksi_y = uav.pos.pose.position.y + k0 * uav.ve.twist.linear.y;pos_d.pose.position.x = 0;pos_d.pose.position.y = 0;pos_d.pose.position.z = uav.z_f;for (auto ptr = uav_avoid.begin(); ptr != uav_avoid.end(); ptr++){float ksi_tmp_x = ptr->pos.pose.position.x + k0 * ptr->ve.twist.linear.x;float ksi_tmp_y = ptr->pos.pose.position.x + k0 * ptr->ve.twist.linear.x;ksi_tmp_x = ksi_x - ksi_tmp_x;ksi_tmp_y = ksi_y - ksi_tmp_y;float norm_ksi = sqrt(ksi_tmp_x * ksi_tmp_x + ksi_tmp_y * ksi_tmp_y);float offset = 0.000001;float b = k2 / ((norm_ksi - r_0) * (norm_ksi - r_0) + offset) / (norm_ksi + offset);pos_d.pose.position.x += b * ksi_tmp_x;pos_d.pose.position.y += b * ksi_tmp_y;}sat(pos_d);pos_d.pose.position.x += uav.pos.pose.position.x;pos_d.pose.position.y += uav.pos.pose.position.y;}
}; //class AF_formation endclass FormationDistance
public:vector<UAV> formation;vector<vector<float>> distance;int num;float safe_distance;//ConstructorFormationDistance(vector<UAV> _formation, float _safe_distance){int len = _formation.size();num = len;formation = _formation;distance = vector<vector<float>>(len, vector<float>(len, -1));safe_distance = _safe_distance;}//Calculate distancevoid GetDistance(){for (int i = 0; i < num; i++){for (int j = i + 1; j < num; j++){distance[i][j] = sqrt((formation[i].pos.pose.position.x - formation[j].pos.pose.position.x) *(formation[i].pos.pose.position.x - formation[j].pos.pose.position.x) +(formation[i].pos.pose.position.y - formation[j].pos.pose.position.y) *(formation[i].pos.pose.position.y - formation[j].pos.pose.position.y));}}}//Find if there are distance bigger than safe_distancebool HasAF(int id){bool has_af = false;for (int i = 0; i < num; i++){if (distance[i][id] < safe_distance || distance[id][i] < safe_distance){has_af = true;break;}}return has_af;}//Find UAVs whose distance with uav(id) are bigger than safe_distancevoid IsAF(int id, vector<UAV> &af_uav){for (int i = 0; i < num; i++){if (distance[i][id] < safe_distance || distance[id][i] < safe_distance){af_uav.push_back(formation[i]);}}}
}; //class FormationDistance endbool IsConnected(vector<UAV> &uav_formation)
{for (auto ptr = uav_formation.begin(); ptr != uav_formation.end(); ptr++){if (ptr->current_state.connected == false)return false;}return true;
}bool IsOffboard(vector<UAV> &uav_formation)
{for (auto ptr = uav_formation.begin(); ptr != uav_formation.end(); ptr++){if (ptr->current_state.mode != "OFFBOARD")return false;}return true;
}bool IsLand(vector<UAV> &uav_formation)
{for (auto ptr = uav_formation.begin(); ptr != uav_formation.end(); ptr++){if (ptr->current_state.mode != "AUTO.LAND")return false;}return true;
}bool IsArming(vector<UAV> &uav_formation)
{for (auto ptr = uav_formation.begin(); ptr != uav_formation.end(); ptr++){if (ptr->current_state.armed == false)return false;}return true;
}bool IsHieghtSafe(vector<UAV> &uav_formation)
{float safe_high = 3;for (auto ptr = uav_formation.begin(); ptr != uav_formation.end(); ptr++){if (ptr->pos.pose.position.z >= safe_high){return false;}}return true;
}double angel_bet(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
{double multi = x1 * x2 + y1 * y2;double fenmu1 = sqrt(x1 * x1 + y1 * y1);double fenmu2 = sqrt(x2 * x2 + y2 * y2);if (x1 > 0){return acos(multi / (fenmu1 * fenmu2));}else{return 2 * M_PI - acos(multi / (fenmu1 * fenmu2));}
/*** @file offb_node.cpp* @brief Offboard control example node, written with MAVROS version 0.19.x, PX4 Pro Flight* Stack and tested in Gazebo SITL*/#include "cen_fly/uav.h"using namespace std;#define TTY_PATH "/dev/tty"
#define STTY_US "stty raw -echo -F "
#define STTY_DEF "stty -raw echo -F "//read from keyboard
int get_char()
{fd_set rfds;struct timeval tv;int ch = -1;FD_ZERO(&rfds);FD_SET(0, &rfds);tv.tv_sec = 0;tv.tv_usec = 0; //设置等待超时时间//检测键盘是否有输入if (select(1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv) > 0){ch = getchar();}return ch;
}int main(int argc, char **argv)
{ros::init(argc, argv, "test");//one_test// int num_of_uav = 1;// int id[num_of_uav] = {6};// float x_f[num_of_uav] = {1};// float y_f[num_of_uav] = {0};// float z[num_of_uav] = {0};//initiate uav para// int num_of_uav = 6;// int id[num_of_uav] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};// float x_f[num_of_uav] = {2, 2, 0, 0, -2, -2};// float y_f[num_of_uav] = {1.5, -1.5, 1.5, -1.5, 1.5, -1.5};// float z[num_of_uav] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};// float x_f_new[num_of_uav] = {2, 2, 0, 0, -2, -2};// float y_f_new[num_of_uav] = {1, -1, 2, -2, 1, -1};//float z[num_of_uav] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};int num_of_uav = 5;int id[num_of_uav] = {1, 3, 4, 5, 6};float x_f[num_of_uav] = {0, 0, 0, -2, -2};float y_f[num_of_uav] = {0, 1.5, -1.5, 1.5, -1.5};float z[num_of_uav] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};float x_f_new[num_of_uav] = {2, 0, 0, -2, -2};float y_f_new[num_of_uav] = {0, 1, -1, 2, -2};initiate uav formationvector<UAV> uav_formation(num_of_uav);for (int i = 0; i < num_of_uav; i++){uav_formation[i].Set_UAV(id[i], x_f[i], y_f[i], z[i]);}VirtualPoint initiateVirtualPoint vp(0.0, 0, 3, 0);VP_desired vp_d(0.0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0);//     VirtualPoint vp(0.0, 2, -1, 0);// VP_desired vp_d(0.0, 2, -1, 0, 0, 0);float vp_af_para[5] = {0.3, 5.5, 100, 1.0, 1};AF_VP vp_af(200, 200, vp_af_para);set ros rate 20hzros::Rate rate(20.0);cout << "uav formation begin!" << endl;send a few set_points before startinggeometry_msgs::PoseStamped mypos;//读取指令int state = 1; //initial state is waitingconst int waiting = 1;const int takeoff = 2;const int line = 3;const int circle = 4;const int land = 5;const int hover = 6;const int chase = 7;const int change=8;bool emergency_hover = false;while (ros::ok() && !IsConnected(uav_formation)){ros::spinOnce();rate.sleep();}cout << "connected !" << endl;cout << "mission begin!" << endl;while (ros::ok()){get_char initiateint ch = 0;system(STTY_US TTY_PATH);//最好能打印状态float distance_tmp[num_of_uav];keyboard hover & height protectch = get_char();//cout<<ch<<"\r\n";if (ch == 'w'){state = 1;}if (ch == 'u'){state = 2;}if (ch == 'l'){state = 3;}if (ch == 'y'){state = 4;}if (ch == 'd'){state = 5;emergency_hover = false;}if (ch == 'h'){state = 6;emergency_hover = true;}if (ch == 'c'){state = 7;}if (ch == 'b'){state = 8;}if (ch == 'k'){system(STTY_DEF TTY_PATH);cout << "program end"<< "\r\n";return 0;}if (ch == 's' || !IsHieghtSafe(uav_formation)){state=10;emergency_hover = true;cout << "Stopped!"<< "\r\n";}if (emergency_hover == true){for (int i = 0; i < num_of_uav; i++){vp.VP_Controller(uav_formation[i], mypos);uav_formation[i].send_pos(mypos);}goto ROS_UPDATE;}switch (state){case waiting:cout << "Waiting..."<< "\r\n";break;case takeoff:cout << "Takeoff"<< "\r\n";break;case line:cout << "Line"<< "\r\n";break;case circle:cout << "Circle"<< "\r\n";break;case land:cout << "Landing"<< "\r\n";break;case hover:cout << "Hovering"<< "\r\n";break;case chase:cout << "Chasing"<< "\r\n";break;default:cout << "no such command!"<< "\r\n";break;}for (int i = 0; i < num_of_uav; i++){cout << "| uav" << i << " : " << uav_formation[i].current_state.mode << " | ";}cout << "\r\n";if (state == 1){vp_d.reverse_position(uav_formation[0]);vp_d.VP_desir_pose_update(state, 20);vp_af.AF_controller(vp, vp_d);for (int i = 0; i < num_of_uav; i++){vp.VP_Controller(uav_formation[i], mypos);uav_formation[i].send_pos(mypos);}ros::spinOnce();rate.sleep();}else if (state == 6){vp_d.reverse_position(uav_formation[0]);vp_d.VP_desir_pose_update(state, 20);vp_af.AF_controller(vp, vp_d);for (int i = 0; i < num_of_uav; i++){vp.VP_Controller(uav_formation[i], mypos);uav_formation[i].send_pos(mypos);}}else if (state == 8){vp_d.VP_desir_pose_update(state, 20);vp_af.AF_controller(vp, vp_d);for (int i = 0; i < num_of_uav; i++){uav_formation[i].Set_UAV(id[i], x_f_new[i], y_f_new[i], z[i]);vp.VP_Controller(uav_formation[i], mypos);uav_formation[i].send_pos(mypos);}}else{vp_d.VP_desir_pose_update(state, 20);vp_af.AF_controller(vp, vp_d);for (int i = 0; i < num_of_uav; i++){vp.VP_Controller(uav_formation[i], mypos);uav_formation[i].send_pos(mypos);}}ROS_UPDATE:ros::spinOnce();rate.sleep();}return 0;


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