141. Which  tablespaces are mandatory  in an Oracle database  for  it  to be operational? (Choose all  that 
A.Undo tablespace 
B.USERS tablespace 
C.SYSAUX tablespace 
D.SYSTEM tablespace 
E.Temporary tablespace 
Answer: CD


The SYSTEM Tablespace

The SYSTEM tablespace is a necessary administrative tablespace included with the database when it is created. Oracle Database uses SYSTEMto manage the database.

The SYSTEM tablespace includes the following information, all owned by the SYS user:

  • The data dictionary

  • Tables and views that contain administrative information about the database

  • Compiled stored objects such as triggers, procedures, and packages

The SYSTEM tablespace is managed as any other tablespace, but requires a higher level of privilege and is restricted in some ways. For example, you cannot rename or drop the SYSTEM tablespace.

The SYSAUX Tablespace

The SYSAUX tablespace is an auxiliary tablespace to the SYSTEM tablespace. The SYSAUX tablespace provides a centralized location for database metadata that does not reside in the SYSTEM tablespace. It reduces the number of tablespaces created by default, both in the seed database and in user-defined databases.

Several database components, including Oracle Enterprise Manager and Oracle Streams, use the SYSAUX tablespace as their default storage location. Therefore, the SYSAUX tablespace is created automatically during database creation or upgrade.

During normal database operation, the database does not allow the SYSAUX tablespace to be dropped or renamed. If the SYSAUX tablespace becomes unavailable, then core database functionality remains operational. The database features that use the SYSAUX tablespace could fail, or function with limited capability.

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