文章来源:HDFS DataNode Scanners and Disk Checker Explained









Block Scanner & Volume Scanner

每个datanode有一个block scanner,一个block scanner包含有多个volume scanner,每个volume scanner扫描一个磁盘。这里是多线程的。volume scanner需要读取全部磁盘的数据,验证每一个block,我们称这个为常规扫描(regular scans)。因为要真实读取数据,这是一个重IO的操作,这里会有个限速器。

除了常规扫描外,volume scanner还维护了一份suspicious blocks(怀疑有问题的blocks列表),它是在出现读写错误的时候(不管是来自于client或者datanode),并且不是网络错误,加进这个列表里面。volume scanner会优先检查这些文件。

每个volume有一个block cursor来保存扫描进度,重启datanode也可以接着上次干活。


dfs.block.scanner.volume.bytes.per.second  每秒最多扫描的字节数,Default value is 1M. Setting this to 0 will disable the block scanner.

dfs.datanode.scan.period.hours 每次扫描间隔多长时间,如果扫描提前完成了,就等。如果超过时间都没完成,就一直做完。Default value is 3 weeks (504 hours). Setting this to 0 will use the default value. Setting this to a negative value will disable the block scanner.

Directory Scanners


如果一个block被标记为corrupted,会通过block report汇报给namenode,namenode安排从其他完好的replicas复制过来。


dfs.datanode.directoryscan.throttle.limit.ms.per.sec controls how many milliseconds per second a thread should run. Note that this limit is taken per thread, not an aggregated value for all threads. Default value is 1000, meaning the throttling is disabled. Only values between 1 and 1000 are valid.

dfs.datanode.directoryscan.threads controls the maximum number of threads a directory scanner can have in parallel. Default value is 1.

dfs.datanode.directoryscan.interval controls the interval, in seconds, that the directory scanner thread runs. Setting this to a negative value disables the directory scanner. Default value is 6 hours (21600 seconds).

Disk Checker



While block scanners and directory scanners are activated on DataNode startup and scans periodically, the disk checker only runs on-demand, with the disk checker thread lazily created. Specifically, the disk checker only runs if an IOException is caught on the DataNode during regular I/O operations (e.g. closing a block or metadata file, directory scanners reporting an error, etc.).


The reason to have the disk checker is that, if something goes wrong at the volume level, HDFS should detect it and stop trying to write to that volume. On the other hand, removing a volume is non-trivial and has wide impacts, because it will make all the blocks on that volume inaccessible, and HDFS has to handle all the under-replicated blocks due to the removal. Therefore, disk checker performs the most basic checks, with a very conservative logic to consider a failure.


Volume Scanner是做磁盘数据的检查,一个DataNode由多块磁盘组成。

Directory Scanners 负责内存和硬盘数据保持一致。

Disk Checker 负责磁盘健康性的偏硬件方面的检查。

参考 <http://fatkun.com/2017/07/hdfs-health-check.html>


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