Facebook’s data transfer tool allows you to transfer your photos and videos to Dropbox and Koofr without manually downloading every album and reuploading them. If you’ve used the tool to move images to Google Photos, you’ll be right at home.

Facebook的数据传输工具可让您将照片和视频传输到Dropbox和Koofr,而无需手动下载每个相册并重新上传它们。 如果您使用过该工具将图片移至Google相册 ,那么您将可以在家。

From your computer, visit Facebook’s website and log into your account. Click the drop-down arrow found in the top-right corner and then select “Settings & Privacy.”

在您的计算机上,访问Facebook的网站并登录您的帐户。 点击右上角的下拉箭头,然后选择“设置和隐私”。

In the Settings & Privacy menu, click the “Settings” button.


Select the “Your Facebook Information” tab from the left-side pane and then click the “View” button next to the “Transfer A Copy Of Your Photos Or Videos” listing.


You first need to specify the destination of the data transfer. You have three options: Google Photos, Dropbox, and Koofr. Pick your desired cloud storage service from the “Choose Destination” drop-down.

您首先需要指定数据传输的目的地。 您有三个选择:Google相册,Dropbox和Koofr。 从“选择目的地”下拉列表中选择所需的云存储服务。

Unfortunately, Facebook only lets you send either your pictures or your videos in one go. If you want to migrate your entire media library from Facebook, you have to perform this transfer twice.

不幸的是,Facebook只允许您一次性发送图片或视频。 如果要从Facebook迁移整个媒体库,则必须执行两次传输。

At the time of writing, you can’t manually choose which photos, in particular, you want to move. Facebook will copy and transfer everything uploaded to your account. Click the “Next” button once you have decided what you’d like to export first.

在撰写本文时,您无法手动选择要移动的照片,尤其是。 Facebook将复制并转移上传到您帐户的所有内容。 确定要先导出的内容后,单击“下一步”按钮。

On the next screen, Facebook will ask you to sign in into your cloud storage account.


Authenticate yourself, click “Allow,” and grant Facebook permission to add photos and videos to your library.


When you return to Facebook, click the “Confirm Transfer” button to start the transfer process.


The tool runs in the background, so you can close the tab if you want. To check its progress, simply revisit the transfer tool’s page, and the “Activity” section will show you the transfer’s status. The social network will send you a notification once it’s completed.

该工具在后台运行,因此您可以根据需要关闭选项卡。 要检查其进度,只需重新访问转移工具的页面,“活动”部分将向您显示转移的状态。 社交网络完成后会向您发送通知。

Facebook transfers your photos and videos in the same album structure that they are available on your profile. Therefore, you will find a new folder called “Photo Transfer” that houses subfolders such as Profile Pictures, Cover Photos, and so on.

Facebook以与您个人资料中可用的相册结构相同的相册结构传输您的照片和视频。 因此,您将找到一个名为“ Photo Transfer”的新文件夹,其中包含子文件夹,如“个人资料图片”,“封面照片”等。

On your smartphone or tablet, the steps largely remain the same. Start by launching the Facebook app on your iPhone, iPad, or Android device.

在智能手机或平板电脑上,步骤基本保持不变。 首先在iPhone , iPad或Android设备上启动Facebook应用程序。

Open the “Settings” menu by tapping the three-line icon located in the bottom-right corner.


Scroll down, and under “Settings & Privacy,” select the “Settings” option.


Next, in the “Your Facebook Information Section,” tap “Transfer A Copy Of Your Photos Or Videos.”


From there, enter your Facebook password and hit “Continue.”


Choose your destination and whether you’d like to transfer your photos or videos and then tap “Next.”


Type in your cloud storage account’s credentials to sign in and grant Facebook permission to add data to your library. Back in the Facebook app, select “Confirm Transfer” to begin the process.

输入您的云存储帐户的凭据以登录并授予Facebook权限以将数据添加到您的库中。 返回Facebook应用程序,选择“确认转移”以开始该过程。

Your transfer will run in the background. Facebook will notify you when your photos and/or videos have successfully been moved.

您的转移将在后台运行。 当您的照片和/或视频成功移动后,Facebook会通知您。

If you’re looking to quit Facebook, you might also want to grab an archive of the rest of your data with the download tool.

如果您想退出Facebook ,则可能还想使用下载工具获取其余数据的存档 。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/688951/how-to-transfer-your-facebook-photos-and-videos-to-dropbox/


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