Exercises 1

Scientific writing is to report a new finding.

Clarity in scientific writing is not important.

IMRAD is a logic organization in scientific writing.

The logic of IMRAD can be defined in three questions.

The contribution in scientific writing might be a new method or a new finding.

Cohesion is a macro organization in scientific writing.

Cohesion can be constructed by linking devices.

Linking devices are helpful in scientific writing.

Choose the incorrect one from the underlined words in the following sentence.

The recent observation of the reverse Hall-Petch relation in nanocrystalline ceramics offers a possible pathway to achieve enhanced ductility for traditional brittle ceramics via the nanosize effect, just as nanocrystalline metals and alloys. In addition, the underlying deformation mechanisms of nanocrystalline ceramics have not been well established.
In addition

Choose the incorrect one from the underlined words in the following sentence.

The main results (Fig. 1 and 2) presented by the authors are difficult to follow. For example, how results in Fig. 1 are different compared to Fig. 2 except that the units of effect size are different. Second, if authors have information on species richness differences among studies, why not use those differences as a covariate moderate to explain the variation in effect size which is shown in Fig. 1.

Choose the incorrect one from the underlined words in the following sentence.

In addition, the Hall-Petch relationship breaks down in metal alloys when grain size is reduced below a critical value, where the strength and hardness decrease with grain sizes. This is due to the activation of dislocations requires a higher stress than that of other deformation mechanisms such as GB sliding, GB diffusion, and GB rotation.
due to

Choose the incorrect one from the underlined words in the following sentence.

Even if thousands of users choose their own picture of the Eiffel Tower as their password object, ObPwd will generate unique strong passwords as they do not share identical photo objects.

Choose the incorrect one from the underlined words in the following sentence.

Participants had the option of recording password information, including hints; they were asked that they recorded such information and whether or not they used this on logins.
or not

Exercise 2

Tick the type of the citation system in the text.
… additive manufacturing (AM) is based on an incremental layer-by layer manufacturing [1]. As such, most relevant AM technologies commonly use powder or wire as a feedstock which is selectively melted by a focused heat source and consolidated in subsequent cooling to form a part [2,3]. AM has attracted much attention over the past ten years due to its immanent advantages, such as unrivalled design freedom and short lead times [4]. Herzog, et. al. 2016: 371.
Citation Order System

Tick the type of the citation system in the text.
Still, the use of gain-scheduling control applied to lighter-than-air aircrafts is scarcely mentioned in the scientifific literature (Masár & Stöhr, 2008; Moutinho & Azinheira, 2008; do Valle, Menegaldo, & Simoes, 2015; Yang & Yan, 2015). Moutinho, et al. 2016: 23
Name and Year System

Tick the type of the citation system in the text.
In this paper the Dryden model as described by Donald McLean (1990, pp. 130–134) is used. Moutinho, et al. 2016: 26.
Name and Year System

Tick the type of the citation system in the text.
People consistently choose “weak” passwords [7] for many reasons, including users trying to manage on average 25 password-protected accounts [8]. Losing strategies include blaming users, and imposing complex password rules. Some claim that choosing weak passwords (despite repeated advice otherwise) is a rational economic response [12]. Biddle et al., 2011:970.
Alphabet-Number System

Tick the type of the system for the following References.
[1] C. Emmelmann, J. Kranz, D. Herzog, E. Wycisk, Laser additive manufacturing of metals, in: V. Schmidt, M.R. Belegratis (Eds.), Laser Technology in Biomimetics, Springer, Heidelberg, 2013, pp. p143-161.
[2] B.E. Carroll, T.A. Palmer, A.M. Besse, Anisotropic tensile behavior of Ti-6Al-4V components fabricated with directed energy deposition additive manufacturing, Acta Mater. 87 (2015) 309-320.
[3] E. Brandl, F. Palm, V. Michailov, B. Viehweger, C. Leyens, Mechanical properties of additive manufactured titanium (Ti-6Al-4V) blocks deposited by a solid-state laser and wire, Mater. Des. 32 (2011) 4665-4675.
Alphabet-Number System

Tick the type of the system for the following References
Rugh, W. J., & Shamma, J. S. (2000). Research on gain scheduling. Automatica, 36, 1401–1425.
Skuza, J. R., Park, Y., & Kim, H. J. et al. (2014). Feasibility study of cargo airship transportation systems powered by new green energy technologies. Technical report. NASA Center for AeroSpace Information, NASA STI Program.
Stevens, B. L., & Lewis, F. L. (1992). Aircraft control and simulation. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Thomasson, P. G. (2000). Equations of motion of a vehicle in a moving flfluid. Journal of Aircraft, 37(July (4)), 630–639. http://dx.doi.org/10.2514/2.2645.
Yang, Y., & Yan, Y. (2015). Neural network gain-scheduling sliding mode control for three-dimensional trajectory tracking of robotic airships. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, 229(6), 529–540. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0959651815570353.
Name and Year System

Choose the incorrect one from the underlined words in the following sentence.
It has been expected that almost any gels could be converted into their corresponding aerogels.
any gels

Choose the incorrect one from the underlined words in the following sentence.
However, CDs were not successively arranged on the PEG chain but formed separate PPR domains due to the long PEG chain, because when the number of CD reach to 12, it tends to form PPR aggregates and induce phase separation.
reach to

Choose the incorrect one from the underlined words in the following sentence.
Thus, separation of ionic bioactive compounds can be achieved on a column packed with silica grafted with these copolymers by adjusting the column temperature rather than changing the composition of the mobile phase.

Choose the incorrect one from the underlined words in the following sentence.
Therefore, the charge density of the SID-10 surface was higher as compared to that of the SID-5 surface.
as compared to

Choose the incorrect one from the underlined words in the following sentence.
However, the presentation of the data are insufficient whereby only relations between plant diversity and biomass are shown, while the impacts of these relationships are not assessed or discussed.

Choose the incorrect one from the underlined words in the following sentence.
This time when it is taken is cumulative: it includes time taken for any failed attempts, until the point when a successful login occurs.
when it is taken

Choose the incorrect one from the underlined words in the following sentence.
Participants identified the type of file they chose for each password (e.g., music file, document). These file types were aggregated into categories, as they were listed in Table IV.
as they were listed

Choose the incorrect one from the underlined words in the following sentence.
Participants were asked using a different password object file for each website (as commonly advised), although this was not enforced.


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