Part 3: 实现拼写纠错


  1. vocab.txt: 这是一个词典文件,作为判断单词是否拼错的依据,任何未出现在词典中的词都认为拼写错误。
  2. spell-errors.txt: 该文件记录了很多用户写错的单词和对应正确的单词,可以通过该文件确定每个正确的单词所对应的错误拼写方式,并计算出每个错误拼写方式出现的概率
  3. testdata.txt: 记录了一些包含拼写错误的单词的文档,用于最后测试


  1. 找出拼写错误的单词,不存在于词典中的单词都认为拼写错误
  2. 生成与错误单词编辑距离不大于2的候选单词,过滤掉不在词典中的单词
  3. 根据贝叶斯公示选择最合适的单词

Part 3.1 加载词典文件,根据错误单词,生成候选单词集合

vocab = set([line.strip() for line in open('vocab.txt')])def generate_candinates(wrong_word):"""word: 给定的输入(错误的输入)返回所有(valid)候选集合"""# 生成编辑距离为1的单词# 1.insert 2. delete 3. replace# appl: replace: bppl, cppl, aapl, abpl...#       insert: bappl, cappl, abppl, acppl....#       delete: ppl, apl, appletters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'splits = [(wrong_word[:i], wrong_word[i:]) for i in range(len(wrong_word) + 1)]inserts = [left + letter + right for left, right in splits for letter in letters]deletes = [left + right[1:] for left, right in splits]replaces = [left + letter + right[1:] for left, right in splits for letter in letters]candidates = set(inserts + deletes + replaces)# 过滤掉不存在于词典库里面的单词return [candi for candi in candidates if candi in vocab]# 生成编辑距离为2的单词
def generate_edit_two(wrong_word):def generate_edit_one(wrong_word):letters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'splits = [(wrong_word[:i], wrong_word[i:]) for i in range(len(wrong_word) + 1)]inserts = [left + letter + right for left, right in splits for letter in letters]deletes = [left + right[1:] for left, right in splits]replaces = [left + letter + right[1:] for left, right in splits for letter in letters]return set(inserts + deletes + replaces)candi_one = generate_edit_one(wrong_word)candi_list = []for candi in candi_one:candi_list.extend(generate_edit_one(candi))candi_two = set(candi_list)return [candi for candi in candi_two if candi in vocab]

Part 3.2 加载拼写错误的文件,统计正确单词被拼写成不同错误单词的次数

misspell_prob = {}for line in open('spell-errors.txt'):items = line.split(':')correct = items[0].strip()misspells = [item.strip() for item in items[1].split(',')]misspell_prob[correct] = {}for misspell in misspells:misspell_prob[correct][misspell] = 1 / len(misspells)

Part 3.3 加载语料库,统计正确单词出现在一句话中的次数,使用Bigram语言模型,只考虑一个单词和前后一个单词的关系

from nltk.corpus import reuters# 读取语料库
categories = reuters.categories()
corpus = reuters.sents(categories=categories)# 构建语言模型: bigram
term_count = {}
biagram_term_count = {}
for doc in corpus:doc = ['<s>']+docfor i in range(len(doc)-1):term = doc[i]biagram_term = doc[i:i+2]biagram_term = ' '.join(biagram_term)if term in term_count:term_count[term] += 1else:term_count[term] = 1if biagram_term in biagram_term_count:biagram_term_count[biagram_term] += 1else:biagram_term_count[biagram_term] = 1

Part 3.4 加载测试数据,找出拼写错误的单词,生成候选词并计算每个候选词的概率,找出概率最大的候选词作为正确单词

import numpy as np
V = len(term_count)with open('testdata.txt') as file:for line in file:items = line.split('\t')word_list = items[2].split()# word_list = ["I", "like", "playing"]for index, word in enumerate(word_list):word = word.strip(',.')if word not in vocab:candidates = generate_candinates(word)if len(candidates) == 0:candidates = generate_edit_two(word)probs = []prob_dict = {}# 对于每一个candidate, 计算它的prob# prob = p(correct)*p(mistake|correct)#       = log p(correct) + log p(mistake|correct)# 返回prob最大的candidatefor candi in candidates:prob = 0# a. 计算log p(mistake|correct)if candi in misspell_prob and word in misspell_prob[candi]:prob += np.log(misspell_prob[candi][word])else:prob += np.log(0.0001)# b. log p(correct),计算计算过程中使用了Add-one Smoothing的平滑操作# 先计算log p(word|pre_word)pre_word = word_list[index-1] if index > 0 else '<s>'biagram_pre = ' '.join([pre_word, word])if pre_word in term_count and biagram_pre in biagram_term_count:prob += np.log((biagram_term_count[biagram_pre]+1)/(term_count[pre_word]+V))elif pre_word in term_count:prob += np.log(1/(term_count[pre_word]+V))else:prob += np.log(1/V)# 再计算log p(next_word|word)if index+1 < len(word_list):next_word = word_list[index + 1]biagram_next = ' '.join([word, next_word])if word in term_count and biagram_next in biagram_term_count:prob += np.log((biagram_term_count[biagram_next]+1)/(term_count[word]+V))elif word in term_count:prob += np.log(1/(term_count[word]+V))else:prob += np.log(1/V)probs.append(prob)prob_dict[candi] = probif probs:max_idx = probs.index(max(probs))print(word, candidates[max_idx])print(prob_dict)else:print(word, False)


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  4. NLP项目(二)——拼写纠错

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