

A ) 爬取目标:

比如我们现在需要爬取网页https://brands.cnblogs.com/ 中资讯列表数据。




B ) Html标签分析:
















专栏名称:div div div div div div h1 a;

专栏副标题:div.wrapper div.bannerpage div div div div p,副标题里面有两个P标签,获取时需要foreach循环获取;

文章页数:div div div div div div ul li a;

文章标题:div.article-item div.title h2;

文章摘要:div.article-item div.summary p;

文章作者:div.article-item div.post-info div.author span;

浏览数量:div.article-item div.post-info div.views span;

点赞人数:div.article-item div.post-info div.likes span;

缩略图片:div.article-item figure a img;

详情地址:div.article-item div.title h2 a;






/*** Website: http://sourceforge.net/projects/simplehtmldom/* Additional projects: http://sourceforge.net/projects/debugobject/* Acknowledge: Jose Solorzano (https://sourceforge.net/projects/php-html/)** Licensed under The MIT License* See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.** Authors:*   S.C. Chen*   John Schlick*   Rus Carroll*   logmanoriginal** Contributors:*   Yousuke Kumakura*   Vadim Voituk*   Antcs** Version Rev. 1.9.1 (291)*/
namespace Htbz\Api;define('HDOM_TYPE_ELEMENT', 1);
define('HDOM_TYPE_COMMENT', 2);
define('HDOM_TYPE_TEXT', 3);
define('HDOM_TYPE_ENDTAG', 4);
define('HDOM_TYPE_ROOT', 5);
define('HDOM_TYPE_UNKNOWN', 6);
define('HDOM_QUOTE_DOUBLE', 0);
define('HDOM_QUOTE_SINGLE', 1);
define('HDOM_QUOTE_NO', 3);
define('HDOM_INFO_BEGIN', 0);
define('HDOM_INFO_END', 1);
define('HDOM_INFO_QUOTE', 2);
define('HDOM_INFO_SPACE', 3);
define('HDOM_INFO_TEXT', 4);
define('HDOM_INFO_INNER', 5);
define('HDOM_INFO_OUTER', 6);
defined('DEFAULT_BR_TEXT') || define('DEFAULT_BR_TEXT', "\r\n");
defined('DEFAULT_SPAN_TEXT') || define('DEFAULT_SPAN_TEXT', ' ');
defined('MAX_FILE_SIZE') || define('MAX_FILE_SIZE', 600000);
define('HDOM_SMARTY_AS_TEXT', 1);function file_get_html($url,$use_include_path = false,$context = null,$offset = 0,$maxLen = -1,$lowercase = true,$forceTagsClosed = true,$target_charset = DEFAULT_TARGET_CHARSET,$stripRN = true,$defaultBRText = DEFAULT_BR_TEXT,$defaultSpanText = DEFAULT_SPAN_TEXT)
{if($maxLen <= 0) { $maxLen = MAX_FILE_SIZE; }$dom = new simple_html_dom(null,$lowercase,$forceTagsClosed,$target_charset,$stripRN,$defaultBRText,$defaultSpanText);/*** For sourceforge users: uncomment the next line and comment the* retrieve_url_contents line 2 lines down if it is not already done.*/$contents = file_get_contents($url,$use_include_path,$context,$offset,$maxLen);// $contents = retrieve_url_contents($url);if (empty($contents) || strlen($contents) > $maxLen) {$dom->clear();return false;}return $dom->load($contents, $lowercase, $stripRN);
}function str_get_html($str,$lowercase = true,$forceTagsClosed = true,$target_charset = DEFAULT_TARGET_CHARSET,$stripRN = true,$defaultBRText = DEFAULT_BR_TEXT,$defaultSpanText = DEFAULT_SPAN_TEXT)
{$dom = new simple_html_dom(null,$lowercase,$forceTagsClosed,$target_charset,$stripRN,$defaultBRText,$defaultSpanText);if (empty($str) || strlen($str) > MAX_FILE_SIZE) {$dom->clear();return false;}return $dom->load($str, $lowercase, $stripRN);
}function dump_html_tree($node, $show_attr = true, $deep = 0)
}class simple_html_dom_node
{public $nodetype = HDOM_TYPE_TEXT;public $tag = 'text';public $attr = array();public $children = array();public $nodes = array();public $parent = null;public $_ = array();public $tag_start = 0;private $dom = null;function __construct($dom){$this->dom = $dom;$dom->nodes[] = $this;}function __destruct(){$this->clear();}function __toString(){return $this->outertext();}function clear(){$this->dom = null;$this->nodes = null;$this->parent = null;$this->children = null;}function dump($show_attr = true, $depth = 0){echo str_repeat("\t", $depth) . $this->tag;if ($show_attr && count($this->attr) > 0) {echo '(';foreach ($this->attr as $k => $v) {echo "[$k]=>\"$v\", ";}echo ')';}echo "\n";if ($this->nodes) {foreach ($this->nodes as $node) {$node->dump($show_attr, $depth + 1);}}}function dump_node($echo = true){$string = $this->tag;if (count($this->attr) > 0) {$string .= '(';foreach ($this->attr as $k => $v) {$string .= "[$k]=>\"$v\", ";}$string .= ')';}if (count($this->_) > 0) {$string .= ' $_ (';foreach ($this->_ as $k => $v) {if (is_array($v)) {$string .= "[$k]=>(";foreach ($v as $k2 => $v2) {$string .= "[$k2]=>\"$v2\", ";}$string .= ')';} else {$string .= "[$k]=>\"$v\", ";}}$string .= ')';}if (isset($this->text)) {$string .= " text: ({$this->text})";}$string .= ' HDOM_INNER_INFO: ';if (isset($node->_[HDOM_INFO_INNER])) {$string .= "'" . $node->_[HDOM_INFO_INNER] . "'";} else {$string .= ' NULL ';}$string .= ' children: ' . count($this->children);$string .= ' nodes: ' . count($this->nodes);$string .= ' tag_start: ' . $this->tag_start;$string .= "\n";if ($echo) {echo $string;return;} else {return $string;}}function parent($parent = null){// I am SURE that this doesn't work properly.// It fails to unset the current node from it's current parents nodes or// children list first.if ($parent !== null) {$this->parent = $parent;$this->parent->nodes[] = $this;$this->parent->children[] = $this;}return $this->parent;}function has_child(){return !empty($this->children);}function children($idx = -1){if ($idx === -1) {return $this->children;}if (isset($this->children[$idx])) {return $this->children[$idx];}return null;}function first_child(){if (count($this->children) > 0) {return $this->children[0];}return null;}function last_child(){if (count($this->children) > 0) {return end($this->children);}return null;}function next_sibling(){if ($this->parent === null) {return null;}$idx = array_search($this, $this->parent->children, true);if ($idx !== false && isset($this->parent->children[$idx + 1])) {return $this->parent->children[$idx + 1];}return null;}function prev_sibling(){if ($this->parent === null) {return null;}$idx = array_search($this, $this->parent->children, true);if ($idx !== false && $idx > 0) {return $this->parent->children[$idx - 1];}return null;}function find_ancestor_tag($tag){global $debug_object;if (is_object($debug_object)) { $debug_object->debug_log_entry(1); }if ($this->parent === null) {return null;}$ancestor = $this->parent;while (!is_null($ancestor)) {if (is_object($debug_object)) {$debug_object->debug_log(2, 'Current tag is: ' . $ancestor->tag);}if ($ancestor->tag === $tag) {break;}$ancestor = $ancestor->parent;}return $ancestor;}function innertext(){if (isset($this->_[HDOM_INFO_INNER])) {return $this->_[HDOM_INFO_INNER];}if (isset($this->_[HDOM_INFO_TEXT])) {return $this->dom->restore_noise($this->_[HDOM_INFO_TEXT]);}$ret = '';foreach ($this->nodes as $n) {$ret .= $n->outertext();}return $ret;}function outertext(){global $debug_object;if (is_object($debug_object)) {$text = '';if ($this->tag === 'text') {if (!empty($this->text)) {$text = ' with text: ' . $this->text;}}$debug_object->debug_log(1, 'Innertext of tag: ' . $this->tag . $text);}if ($this->tag === 'root') {return $this->innertext();}// todo: What is the use of this callback? Remove?if ($this->dom && $this->dom->callback !== null) {call_user_func_array($this->dom->callback, array($this));}if (isset($this->_[HDOM_INFO_OUTER])) {return $this->_[HDOM_INFO_OUTER];}if (isset($this->_[HDOM_INFO_TEXT])) {return $this->dom->restore_noise($this->_[HDOM_INFO_TEXT]);}$ret = '';if ($this->dom && $this->dom->nodes[$this->_[HDOM_INFO_BEGIN]]) {$ret = $this->dom->nodes[$this->_[HDOM_INFO_BEGIN]]->makeup();}if (isset($this->_[HDOM_INFO_INNER])) {// todo: <br> should either never have HDOM_INFO_INNER or alwaysif ($this->tag !== 'br') {$ret .= $this->_[HDOM_INFO_INNER];}} elseif ($this->nodes) {foreach ($this->nodes as $n) {$ret .= $this->convert_text($n->outertext());}}if (isset($this->_[HDOM_INFO_END]) && $this->_[HDOM_INFO_END] != 0) {$ret .= '</' . $this->tag . '>';}return $ret;}function text(){if (isset($this->_[HDOM_INFO_INNER])) {return $this->_[HDOM_INFO_INNER];}switch ($this->nodetype) {case HDOM_TYPE_TEXT: return $this->dom->restore_noise($this->_[HDOM_INFO_TEXT]);case HDOM_TYPE_COMMENT: return '';case HDOM_TYPE_UNKNOWN: return '';}if (strcasecmp($this->tag, 'script') === 0) { return ''; }if (strcasecmp($this->tag, 'style') === 0) { return ''; }$ret = '';// In rare cases, (always node type 1 or HDOM_TYPE_ELEMENT - observed// for some span tags, and some p tags) $this->nodes is set to NULL.// NOTE: This indicates that there is a problem where it's set to NULL// without a clear happening.// WHY is this happening?if (!is_null($this->nodes)) {foreach ($this->nodes as $n) {// Start paragraph after a blank lineif ($n->tag === 'p') {$ret = trim($ret) . "\n\n";}$ret .= $this->convert_text($n->text());// If this node is a span... add a space at the end of it so// multiple spans don't run into each other.  This is plaintext// after all.if ($n->tag === 'span') {$ret .= $this->dom->default_span_text;}}}return $ret;}function xmltext(){$ret = $this->innertext();$ret = str_ireplace('<![CDATA[', '', $ret);$ret = str_replace(']]>', '', $ret);return $ret;}function makeup(){// text, comment, unknownif (isset($this->_[HDOM_INFO_TEXT])) {return $this->dom->restore_noise($this->_[HDOM_INFO_TEXT]);}$ret = '<' . $this->tag;$i = -1;foreach ($this->attr as $key => $val) {++$i;// skip removed attributeif ($val === null || $val === false) { continue; }$ret .= $this->_[HDOM_INFO_SPACE][$i][0];//no value attr: nowrap, checked selected...if ($val === true) {$ret .= $key;} else {switch ($this->_[HDOM_INFO_QUOTE][$i]){case HDOM_QUOTE_DOUBLE: $quote = '"'; break;case HDOM_QUOTE_SINGLE: $quote = '\''; break;default: $quote = '';}$ret .= $key. $this->_[HDOM_INFO_SPACE][$i][1]. '='. $this->_[HDOM_INFO_SPACE][$i][2]. $quote. $val. $quote;}}$ret = $this->dom->restore_noise($ret);return $ret . $this->_[HDOM_INFO_ENDSPACE] . '>';}function find($selector, $idx = null, $lowercase = false){$selectors = $this->parse_selector($selector);if (($count = count($selectors)) === 0) { return array(); }$found_keys = array();// find each selectorfor ($c = 0; $c < $count; ++$c) {// The change on the below line was documented on the sourceforge// code tracker id 2788009// used to be: if (($levle=count($selectors[0]))===0) return array();if (($levle = count($selectors[$c])) === 0) { return array(); }if (!isset($this->_[HDOM_INFO_BEGIN])) { return array(); }$head = array($this->_[HDOM_INFO_BEGIN] => 1);$cmd = ' '; // Combinator// handle descendant selectors, no recursive!for ($l = 0; $l < $levle; ++$l) {$ret = array();foreach ($head as $k => $v) {$n = ($k === -1) ? $this->dom->root : $this->dom->nodes[$k];//PaperG - Pass this optional parameter on to the seek function.$n->seek($selectors[$c][$l], $ret, $cmd, $lowercase);}$head = $ret;$cmd = $selectors[$c][$l][4]; // Next Combinator}foreach ($head as $k => $v) {if (!isset($found_keys[$k])) {$found_keys[$k] = 1;}}}// sort keysksort($found_keys);$found = array();foreach ($found_keys as $k => $v) {$found[] = $this->dom->nodes[$k];}// return nth-element or arrayif (is_null($idx)) { return $found; }elseif ($idx < 0) { $idx = count($found) + $idx; }return (isset($found[$idx])) ? $found[$idx] : null;}protected function seek($selector, &$ret, $parent_cmd, $lowercase = false){global $debug_object;if (is_object($debug_object)) { $debug_object->debug_log_entry(1); }list($tag, $id, $class, $attributes, $cmb) = $selector;$nodes = array();if ($parent_cmd === ' ') { // Descendant Combinator// Find parent closing tag if the current element doesn't have a closing// tag (i.e. void element)$end = (!empty($this->_[HDOM_INFO_END])) ? $this->_[HDOM_INFO_END] : 0;if ($end == 0) {$parent = $this->parent;while (!isset($parent->_[HDOM_INFO_END]) && $parent !== null) {$end -= 1;$parent = $parent->parent;}$end += $parent->_[HDOM_INFO_END];}// Get list of target nodes$nodes_start = $this->_[HDOM_INFO_BEGIN] + 1;$nodes_count = $end - $nodes_start;$nodes = array_slice($this->dom->nodes, $nodes_start, $nodes_count, true);} elseif ($parent_cmd === '>') { // Child Combinator$nodes = $this->children;} elseif ($parent_cmd === '+'&& $this->parent&& in_array($this, $this->parent->children)) { // Next-Sibling Combinator$index = array_search($this, $this->parent->children, true) + 1;if ($index < count($this->parent->children))$nodes[] = $this->parent->children[$index];} elseif ($parent_cmd === '~'&& $this->parent&& in_array($this, $this->parent->children)) { // Subsequent Sibling Combinator$index = array_search($this, $this->parent->children, true);$nodes = array_slice($this->parent->children, $index);}// Go throgh each element starting at this element until the end tag// Note: If this element is a void tag, any previous void element is// skipped.foreach($nodes as $node) {$pass = true;// Skip root nodesif(!$node->parent) {$pass = false;}// Handle 'text' selectorif($pass && $tag === 'text' && $node->tag === 'text') {$ret[array_search($node, $this->dom->nodes, true)] = 1;unset($node);continue;}// Skip if node isn't a child node (i.e. text nodes)if($pass && !in_array($node, $node->parent->children, true)) {$pass = false;}// Skip if tag doesn't matchif ($pass && $tag !== '' && $tag !== $node->tag && $tag !== '*') {$pass = false;}// Skip if ID doesn't existif ($pass && $id !== '' && !isset($node->attr['id'])) {$pass = false;}// Check if ID matchesif ($pass && $id !== '' && isset($node->attr['id'])) {// Note: Only consider the first ID (as browsers do)$node_id = explode(' ', trim($node->attr['id']))[0];if($id !== $node_id) { $pass = false; }}// Check if all class(es) existif ($pass && $class !== '' && is_array($class) && !empty($class)) {if (isset($node->attr['class'])) {$node_classes = explode(' ', $node->attr['class']);if ($lowercase) {$node_classes = array_map('strtolower', $node_classes);}foreach($class as $c) {if(!in_array($c, $node_classes)) {$pass = false;break;}}} else {$pass = false;}}// Check attributesif ($pass&& $attributes !== ''&& is_array($attributes)&& !empty($attributes)) {foreach($attributes as $a) {list ($att_name,$att_expr,$att_val,$att_inv,$att_case_sensitivity) = $a;// Handle indexing attributes (i.e. "[2]")/*** Note: This is not supported by the CSS Standard but adds* the ability to select items compatible to XPath (i.e.* the 3rd element within it's parent).** Note: This doesn't conflict with the CSS Standard which* doesn't work on numeric attributes anyway.*/if (is_numeric($att_name)&& $att_expr === ''&& $att_val === '') {$count = 0;// Find index of current element in parentforeach ($node->parent->children as $c) {if ($c->tag === $node->tag) ++$count;if ($c === $node) break;}// If this is the correct node, continue with next// attributeif ($count === (int)$att_name) continue;}// Check attribute availabilityif ($att_inv) { // Attribute should NOT be setif (isset($node->attr[$att_name])) {$pass = false;break;}} else { // Attribute should be set// todo: "plaintext" is not a valid CSS selector!if ($att_name !== 'plaintext'&& !isset($node->attr[$att_name])) {$pass = false;break;}}// Continue with next attribute if expression isn't definedif ($att_expr === '') continue;// If they have told us that this is a "plaintext"// search then we want the plaintext of the node - right?// todo "plaintext" is not a valid CSS selector!if ($att_name === 'plaintext') {$nodeKeyValue = $node->text();} else {$nodeKeyValue = $node->attr[$att_name];}if (is_object($debug_object)) {$debug_object->debug_log(2,'testing node: '. $node->tag. ' for attribute: '. $att_name. $att_expr. $att_val. ' where nodes value is: '. $nodeKeyValue);}// If lowercase is set, do a case insensitive test of// the value of the selector.if ($lowercase) {$check = $this->match($att_expr,strtolower($att_val),strtolower($nodeKeyValue),$att_case_sensitivity);} else {$check = $this->match($att_expr,$att_val,$nodeKeyValue,$att_case_sensitivity);}if (is_object($debug_object)) {$debug_object->debug_log(2,'after match: '. ($check ? 'true' : 'false'));}if (!$check) {$pass = false;break;}}}// Found a match. Add to list and clear nodeif ($pass) $ret[$node->_[HDOM_INFO_BEGIN]] = 1;unset($node);}// It's passed by reference so this is actually what this function returns.if (is_object($debug_object)) {$debug_object->debug_log(1, 'EXIT - ret: ', $ret);}}protected function match($exp, $pattern, $value, $case_sensitivity){global $debug_object;if (is_object($debug_object)) {$debug_object->debug_log_entry(1);}if ($case_sensitivity === 'i') {$pattern = strtolower($pattern);$value = strtolower($value);}switch ($exp) {case '=':return ($value === $pattern);case '!=':return ($value !== $pattern);case '^=':return preg_match('/^' . preg_quote($pattern, '/') . '/', $value);case '$=':return preg_match('/' . preg_quote($pattern, '/') . '$/', $value);case '*=':return preg_match('/' . preg_quote($pattern, '/') . '/', $value);case '|=':/*** [att|=val]** Represents an element with the att attribute, its value* either being exactly "val" or beginning with "val"* immediately followed by "-" (U+002D).*/return strpos($value, $pattern) === 0;case '~=':/*** [att~=val]** Represents an element with the att attribute whose value is a* whitespace-separated list of words, one of which is exactly* "val". If "val" contains whitespace, it will never represent* anything (since the words are separated by spaces). Also if* "val" is the empty string, it will never represent anything.*/return in_array($pattern, explode(' ', trim($value)), true);}return false;}protected function parse_selector($selector_string){global $debug_object;if (is_object($debug_object)) { $debug_object->debug_log_entry(1); }/*** Pattern of CSS selectors, modified from mootools (https://mootools.net/)** Paperg: Add the colon to the attribute, so that it properly finds* <tag attr:ibute="something" > like google does.** Note: if you try to look at this attribute, you MUST use getAttribute* since $dom->x:y will fail the php syntax check.** Notice the \[ starting the attribute? and the @? following? This* implies that an attribute can begin with an @ sign that is not* captured. This implies that an html attribute specifier may start* with an @ sign that is NOT captured by the expression. Farther study* is required to determine of this should be documented or removed.** Matches selectors in this order:** [0] - full match** [1] - tag name*     ([\w:\*-]*)*     Matches the tag name consisting of zero or more words, colons,*     asterisks and hyphens.** [2] - id name*     (?:\#([\w-]+))*     Optionally matches a id name, consisting of an "#" followed by*     the id name (one or more words and hyphens).** [3] - class names (including dots)*     (?:\.([\w\.-]+))?*     Optionally matches a list of classs, consisting of an "."*     followed by the class name (one or more words and hyphens)*     where multiple classes can be chained (i.e. ".foo.bar.baz")** [4] - attributes*     ((?:\[@?(?:!?[\w:-]+)(?:(?:[!*^$|~]?=)[\"']?(?:.*?)[\"']?)?(?:\s*?(?:[iIsS])?)?\])+)?*     Optionally matches the attributes list** [5] - separator*     ([\/, >+~]+)*     Matches the selector list separator*/// phpcs:ignore Generic.Files.LineLength$pattern = "/([\w:\*-]*)(?:\#([\w-]+))?(?:|\.([\w\.-]+))?((?:\[@?(?:!?[\w:-]+)(?:(?:[!*^$|~]?=)[\"']?(?:.*?)[\"']?)?(?:\s*?(?:[iIsS])?)?\])+)?([\/, >+~]+)/is";preg_match_all($pattern,trim($selector_string) . ' ', // Add final ' ' as pseudo separator$matches,PREG_SET_ORDER);if (is_object($debug_object)) {$debug_object->debug_log(2, 'Matches Array: ', $matches);}$selectors = array();$result = array();foreach ($matches as $m) {$m[0] = trim($m[0]);// Skip NoOpsif ($m[0] === '' || $m[0] === '/' || $m[0] === '//') { continue; }// Convert to lowercaseif ($this->dom->lowercase) {$m[1] = strtolower($m[1]);}// Extract classesif ($m[3] !== '') { $m[3] = explode('.', $m[3]); }/* Extract attributes (pattern based on the pattern above!)* [0] - full match* [1] - attribute name* [2] - attribute expression* [3] - attribute value* [4] - case sensitivity** Note: Attributes can be negated with a "!" prefix to their name*/if($m[4] !== '') {preg_match_all("/\[@?(!?[\w:-]+)(?:([!*^$|~]?=)[\"']?(.*?)[\"']?)?(?:\s+?([iIsS])?)?\]/is",trim($m[4]),$attributes,PREG_SET_ORDER);// Replace element by array$m[4] = array();foreach($attributes as $att) {// Skip empty matchesif(trim($att[0]) === '') { continue; }$inverted = (isset($att[1][0]) && $att[1][0] === '!');$m[4][] = array($inverted ? substr($att[1], 1) : $att[1], // Name(isset($att[2])) ? $att[2] : '', // Expression(isset($att[3])) ? $att[3] : '', // Value$inverted, // Inverted Flag(isset($att[4])) ? strtolower($att[4]) : '', // Case-Sensitivity);}}// Sanitize Separatorif ($m[5] !== '' && trim($m[5]) === '') { // Descendant Separator$m[5] = ' ';} else { // Other Separator$m[5] = trim($m[5]);}// Clear Separator if it's a Selector Listif ($is_list = ($m[5] === ',')) { $m[5] = ''; }// Remove full match before adding to resultsarray_shift($m);$result[] = $m;if ($is_list) { // Selector List$selectors[] = $result;$result = array();}}if (count($result) > 0) { $selectors[] = $result; }return $selectors;}function __get($name){if (isset($this->attr[$name])) {return $this->convert_text($this->attr[$name]);}switch ($name) {case 'outertext': return $this->outertext();case 'innertext': return $this->innertext();case 'plaintext': return $this->text();case 'xmltext': return $this->xmltext();default: return array_key_exists($name, $this->attr);}}function __set($name, $value){global $debug_object;if (is_object($debug_object)) { $debug_object->debug_log_entry(1); }switch ($name) {case 'outertext': return $this->_[HDOM_INFO_OUTER] = $value;case 'innertext':if (isset($this->_[HDOM_INFO_TEXT])) {return $this->_[HDOM_INFO_TEXT] = $value;}return $this->_[HDOM_INFO_INNER] = $value;}if (!isset($this->attr[$name])) {$this->_[HDOM_INFO_SPACE][] = array(' ', '', '');$this->_[HDOM_INFO_QUOTE][] = HDOM_QUOTE_DOUBLE;}$this->attr[$name] = $value;}function __isset($name){switch ($name) {case 'outertext': return true;case 'innertext': return true;case 'plaintext': return true;}//no value attr: nowrap, checked selected...return (array_key_exists($name, $this->attr)) ? true : isset($this->attr[$name]);}function __unset($name){if (isset($this->attr[$name])) { unset($this->attr[$name]); }}function convert_text($text){global $debug_object;if (is_object($debug_object)) { $debug_object->debug_log_entry(1); }$converted_text = $text;$sourceCharset = '';$targetCharset = '';if ($this->dom) {$sourceCharset = strtoupper($this->dom->_charset);$targetCharset = strtoupper($this->dom->_target_charset);}if (is_object($debug_object)) {$debug_object->debug_log(3,'source charset: '. $sourceCharset. ' target charaset: '. $targetCharset);}if (!empty($sourceCharset)&& !empty($targetCharset)&& (strcasecmp($sourceCharset, $targetCharset) != 0)) {// Check if the reported encoding could have been incorrect and the text is actually already UTF-8if ((strcasecmp($targetCharset, 'UTF-8') == 0)&& ($this->is_utf8($text))) {$converted_text = $text;} else {$converted_text = iconv($sourceCharset, $targetCharset, $text);}}// Lets make sure that we don't have that silly BOM issue with any of the utf-8 text we output.if ($targetCharset === 'UTF-8') {if (substr($converted_text, 0, 3) === "\xef\xbb\xbf") {$converted_text = substr($converted_text, 3);}if (substr($converted_text, -3) === "\xef\xbb\xbf") {$converted_text = substr($converted_text, 0, -3);}}return $converted_text;}static function is_utf8($str){$c = 0; $b = 0;$bits = 0;$len = strlen($str);for($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {$c = ord($str[$i]);if($c > 128) {if(($c >= 254)) { return false; }elseif($c >= 252) { $bits = 6; }elseif($c >= 248) { $bits = 5; }elseif($c >= 240) { $bits = 4; }elseif($c >= 224) { $bits = 3; }elseif($c >= 192) { $bits = 2; }else { return false; }if(($i + $bits) > $len) { return false; }while($bits > 1) {$i++;$b = ord($str[$i]);if($b < 128 || $b > 191) { return false; }$bits--;}}}return true;}function get_display_size(){global $debug_object;$width = -1;$height = -1;if ($this->tag !== 'img') {return false;}// See if there is aheight or width attribute in the tag itself.if (isset($this->attr['width'])) {$width = $this->attr['width'];}if (isset($this->attr['height'])) {$height = $this->attr['height'];}// Now look for an inline style.if (isset($this->attr['style'])) {// Thanks to user gnarf from stackoverflow for this regular expression.$attributes = array();preg_match_all('/([\w-]+)\s*:\s*([^;]+)\s*;?/',$this->attr['style'],$matches,PREG_SET_ORDER);foreach ($matches as $match) {$attributes[$match[1]] = $match[2];}// If there is a width in the style attributes:if (isset($attributes['width']) && $width == -1) {// check that the last two characters are px (pixels)if (strtolower(substr($attributes['width'], -2)) === 'px') {$proposed_width = substr($attributes['width'], 0, -2);// Now make sure that it's an integer and not something stupid.if (filter_var($proposed_width, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT)) {$width = $proposed_width;}}}// If there is a width in the style attributes:if (isset($attributes['height']) && $height == -1) {// check that the last two characters are px (pixels)if (strtolower(substr($attributes['height'], -2)) == 'px') {$proposed_height = substr($attributes['height'], 0, -2);// Now make sure that it's an integer and not something stupid.if (filter_var($proposed_height, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT)) {$height = $proposed_height;}}}}// Future enhancement:// Look in the tag to see if there is a class or id specified that has// a height or width attribute to it.// Far future enhancement// Look at all the parent tags of this image to see if they specify a// class or id that has an img selector that specifies a height or width// Note that in this case, the class or id will have the img subselector// for it to apply to the image.// ridiculously far future development// If the class or id is specified in a SEPARATE css file thats not on// the page, go get it and do what we were just doing for the ones on// the page.$result = array('height' => $height,'width' => $width);return $result;}function save($filepath = ''){$ret = $this->outertext();if ($filepath !== '') {file_put_contents($filepath, $ret, LOCK_EX);}return $ret;}function addClass($class){if (is_string($class)) {$class = explode(' ', $class);}if (is_array($class)) {foreach($class as $c) {if (isset($this->class)) {if ($this->hasClass($c)) {continue;} else {$this->class .= ' ' . $c;}} else {$this->class = $c;}}} else {if (is_object($debug_object)) {$debug_object->debug_log(2, 'Invalid type: ', gettype($class));}}}function hasClass($class){if (is_string($class)) {if (isset($this->class)) {return in_array($class, explode(' ', $this->class), true);}} else {if (is_object($debug_object)) {$debug_object->debug_log(2, 'Invalid type: ', gettype($class));}}return false;}function removeClass($class = null){if (!isset($this->class)) {return;}if (is_null($class)) {$this->removeAttribute('class');return;}if (is_string($class)) {$class = explode(' ', $class);}if (is_array($class)) {$class = array_diff(explode(' ', $this->class), $class);if (empty($class)) {$this->removeAttribute('class');} else {$this->class = implode(' ', $class);}}}function getAllAttributes(){return $this->attr;}function getAttribute($name){return $this->__get($name);}function setAttribute($name, $value){$this->__set($name, $value);}function hasAttribute($name){return $this->__isset($name);}function removeAttribute($name){$this->__set($name, null);}function remove(){if ($this->parent) {$this->parent->removeChild($this);}}function removeChild($node){$nidx = array_search($node, $this->nodes, true);$cidx = array_search($node, $this->children, true);$didx = array_search($node, $this->dom->nodes, true);if ($nidx !== false && $cidx !== false && $didx !== false) {foreach($node->children as $child) {$node->removeChild($child);}foreach($node->nodes as $entity) {$enidx = array_search($entity, $node->nodes, true);$edidx = array_search($entity, $node->dom->nodes, true);if ($enidx !== false && $edidx !== false) {unset($node->nodes[$enidx]);unset($node->dom->nodes[$edidx]);}}unset($this->nodes[$nidx]);unset($this->children[$cidx]);unset($this->dom->nodes[$didx]);$node->clear();}}function getElementById($id){return $this->find("#$id", 0);}function getElementsById($id, $idx = null){return $this->find("#$id", $idx);}function getElementByTagName($name){return $this->find($name, 0);}function getElementsByTagName($name, $idx = null){return $this->find($name, $idx);}function parentNode(){return $this->parent();}function childNodes($idx = -1){return $this->children($idx);}function firstChild(){return $this->first_child();}function lastChild(){return $this->last_child();}function nextSibling(){return $this->next_sibling();}function previousSibling(){return $this->prev_sibling();}function hasChildNodes(){return $this->has_child();}function nodeName(){return $this->tag;}function appendChild($node){$node->parent($this);return $node;}}class simple_html_dom
{public $root = null;public $nodes = array();public $callback = null;public $lowercase = false;public $original_size;public $size;protected $pos;protected $doc;protected $char;protected $cursor;protected $parent;protected $noise = array();protected $token_blank = " \t\r\n";protected $token_equal = ' =/>';protected $token_slash = " />\r\n\t";protected $token_attr = ' >';public $_charset = '';public $_target_charset = '';protected $default_br_text = '';public $default_span_text = '';protected $self_closing_tags = array('area' => 1,'base' => 1,'br' => 1,'col' => 1,'embed' => 1,'hr' => 1,'img' => 1,'input' => 1,'link' => 1,'meta' => 1,'param' => 1,'source' => 1,'track' => 1,'wbr' => 1);protected $block_tags = array('body' => 1,'div' => 1,'form' => 1,'root' => 1,'span' => 1,'table' => 1);protected $optional_closing_tags = array(// Not optional, see// https://www.w3.org/TR/html/textlevel-semantics.html#the-b-element'b' => array('b' => 1),'dd' => array('dd' => 1, 'dt' => 1),// Not optional, see// https://www.w3.org/TR/html/grouping-content.html#the-dl-element'dl' => array('dd' => 1, 'dt' => 1),'dt' => array('dd' => 1, 'dt' => 1),'li' => array('li' => 1),'optgroup' => array('optgroup' => 1, 'option' => 1),'option' => array('optgroup' => 1, 'option' => 1),'p' => array('p' => 1),'rp' => array('rp' => 1, 'rt' => 1),'rt' => array('rp' => 1, 'rt' => 1),'td' => array('td' => 1, 'th' => 1),'th' => array('td' => 1, 'th' => 1),'tr' => array('td' => 1, 'th' => 1, 'tr' => 1),);function __construct($str = null,$lowercase = true,$forceTagsClosed = true,$target_charset = DEFAULT_TARGET_CHARSET,$stripRN = true,$defaultBRText = DEFAULT_BR_TEXT,$defaultSpanText = DEFAULT_SPAN_TEXT,$options = 0){if ($str) {if (preg_match('/^http:\/\//i', $str) || is_file($str)) {$this->load_file($str);} else {$this->load($str,$lowercase,$stripRN,$defaultBRText,$defaultSpanText,$options);}}// Forcing tags to be closed implies that we don't trust the html, but// it can lead to parsing errors if we SHOULD trust the html.if (!$forceTagsClosed) {$this->optional_closing_array = array();}$this->_target_charset = $target_charset;}function __destruct(){$this->clear();}function load($str,$lowercase = true,$stripRN = true,$defaultBRText = DEFAULT_BR_TEXT,$defaultSpanText = DEFAULT_SPAN_TEXT,$options = 0){global $debug_object;// prepare$this->prepare($str, $lowercase, $defaultBRText, $defaultSpanText);// Per sourceforge http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2949097&group_id=218559&atid=1044037// Script tags removal now preceeds style tag removal.// strip out <script> tags$this->remove_noise("'<\s*script[^>]*[^/]>(.*?)<\s*/\s*script\s*>'is");$this->remove_noise("'<\s*script\s*>(.*?)<\s*/\s*script\s*>'is");// strip out the \r \n's if we are told to.if ($stripRN) {$this->doc = str_replace("\r", ' ', $this->doc);$this->doc = str_replace("\n", ' ', $this->doc);// set the length of content since we have changed it.$this->size = strlen($this->doc);}// strip out cdata$this->remove_noise("'<!\[CDATA\[(.*?)\]\]>'is", true);// strip out comments$this->remove_noise("'<!--(.*?)-->'is");// strip out <style> tags$this->remove_noise("'<\s*style[^>]*[^/]>(.*?)<\s*/\s*style\s*>'is");$this->remove_noise("'<\s*style\s*>(.*?)<\s*/\s*style\s*>'is");// strip out preformatted tags$this->remove_noise("'<\s*(?:code)[^>]*>(.*?)<\s*/\s*(?:code)\s*>'is");// strip out server side scripts$this->remove_noise("'(<\?)(.*?)(\?>)'s", true);if($options & HDOM_SMARTY_AS_TEXT) { // Strip Smarty scripts$this->remove_noise("'(\{\w)(.*?)(\})'s", true);}// parsing$this->parse();// end$this->root->_[HDOM_INFO_END] = $this->cursor;$this->parse_charset();// make load function chainablereturn $this;}function load_file(){$args = func_get_args();if(($doc = call_user_func_array('file_get_contents', $args)) !== false) {$this->load($doc, true);} else {return false;}}function set_callback($function_name){$this->callback = $function_name;}function remove_callback(){$this->callback = null;}function save($filepath = ''){$ret = $this->root->innertext();if ($filepath !== '') { file_put_contents($filepath, $ret, LOCK_EX); }return $ret;}function find($selector, $idx = null, $lowercase = false){return $this->root->find($selector, $idx, $lowercase);}function clear(){if (isset($this->nodes)) {foreach ($this->nodes as $n) {$n->clear();$n = null;}}// This add next line is documented in the sourceforge repository.// 2977248 as a fix for ongoing memory leaks that occur even with the// use of clear.if (isset($this->children)) {foreach ($this->children as $n) {$n->clear();$n = null;}}if (isset($this->parent)) {$this->parent->clear();unset($this->parent);}if (isset($this->root)) {$this->root->clear();unset($this->root);}unset($this->doc);unset($this->noise);}function dump($show_attr = true){$this->root->dump($show_attr);}protected function prepare($str, $lowercase = true,$defaultBRText = DEFAULT_BR_TEXT,$defaultSpanText = DEFAULT_SPAN_TEXT){$this->clear();$this->doc = trim($str);$this->size = strlen($this->doc);$this->original_size = $this->size; // original size of the html$this->pos = 0;$this->cursor = 1;$this->noise = array();$this->nodes = array();$this->lowercase = $lowercase;$this->default_br_text = $defaultBRText;$this->default_span_text = $defaultSpanText;$this->root = new simple_html_dom_node($this);$this->root->tag = 'root';$this->root->_[HDOM_INFO_BEGIN] = -1;$this->root->nodetype = HDOM_TYPE_ROOT;$this->parent = $this->root;if ($this->size > 0) { $this->char = $this->doc[0]; }}protected function parse(){while (true) {// Read next tag if there is no text between current position and the// next opening tag.if (($s = $this->copy_until_char('<')) === '') {if($this->read_tag()) {continue;} else {return true;}}// Add a text node for text between tags$node = new simple_html_dom_node($this);++$this->cursor;$node->_[HDOM_INFO_TEXT] = $s;$this->link_nodes($node, false);}}protected function parse_charset(){global $debug_object;$charset = null;if (function_exists('get_last_retrieve_url_contents_content_type')) {$contentTypeHeader = get_last_retrieve_url_contents_content_type();$success = preg_match('/charset=(.+)/', $contentTypeHeader, $matches);if ($success) {$charset = $matches[1];if (is_object($debug_object)) {$debug_object->debug_log(2,'header content-type found charset of: '. $charset);}}}if (empty($charset)) {// https://www.w3.org/TR/html/document-metadata.html#statedef-http-equiv-content-type$el = $this->root->find('meta[http-equiv=Content-Type]', 0, true);if (!empty($el)) {$fullvalue = $el->content;if (is_object($debug_object)) {$debug_object->debug_log(2,'meta content-type tag found'. $fullvalue);}if (!empty($fullvalue)) {$success = preg_match('/charset=(.+)/i',$fullvalue,$matches);if ($success) {$charset = $matches[1];} else {// If there is a meta tag, and they don't specify the// character set, research says that it's typically// ISO-8859-1if (is_object($debug_object)) {$debug_object->debug_log(2,'meta content-type tag couldn\'t be parsed. using iso-8859 default.');}$charset = 'ISO-8859-1';}}}}if (empty($charset)) {// https://www.w3.org/TR/html/document-metadata.html#character-encoding-declarationif ($meta = $this->root->find('meta[charset]', 0)) {$charset = $meta->charset;if (is_object($debug_object)) {$debug_object->debug_log(2, 'meta charset: ' . $charset);}}}if (empty($charset)) {// Try to guess the charset based on the content// Requires Multibyte String (mbstring) support (optional)if (function_exists('mb_detect_encoding')) {/*** mb_detect_encoding() is not intended to distinguish between* charsets, especially single-byte charsets. Its primary* purpose is to detect which multibyte encoding is in use,* i.e. UTF-8, UTF-16, shift-JIS, etc.** -- https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=38138** Adding both CP1251/ISO-8859-5 and CP1252/ISO-8859-1 will* always result in CP1251/ISO-8859-5 and vice versa.** Thus, only detect if it's either UTF-8 or CP1252/ISO-8859-1* to stay compatible.*/$encoding = mb_detect_encoding($this->doc,array( 'UTF-8', 'CP1252', 'ISO-8859-1' ));if ($encoding === 'CP1252' || $encoding === 'ISO-8859-1') {// Due to a limitation of mb_detect_encoding// 'CP1251'/'ISO-8859-5' will be detected as// 'CP1252'/'ISO-8859-1'. This will cause iconv to fail, in// which case we can simply assume it is the other charset.if (!@iconv('CP1252', 'UTF-8', $this->doc)) {$encoding = 'CP1251';}}if ($encoding !== false) {$charset = $encoding;if (is_object($debug_object)) {$debug_object->debug_log(2, 'mb_detect: ' . $charset);}}}}if (empty($charset)) {// Assume it's UTF-8 as it is the most likely charset to be used$charset = 'UTF-8';if (is_object($debug_object)) {$debug_object->debug_log(2, 'No match found, assume ' . $charset);}}// Since CP1252 is a superset, if we get one of it's subsets, we want// it instead.if ((strtolower($charset) == 'iso-8859-1')|| (strtolower($charset) == 'latin1')|| (strtolower($charset) == 'latin-1')) {$charset = 'CP1252';if (is_object($debug_object)) {$debug_object->debug_log(2,'replacing ' . $charset . ' with CP1252 as its a superset');}}if (is_object($debug_object)) {$debug_object->debug_log(1, 'EXIT - ' . $charset);}return $this->_charset = $charset;}protected function read_tag(){// Set end position if no further tags foundif ($this->char !== '<') {$this->root->_[HDOM_INFO_END] = $this->cursor;return false;}$begin_tag_pos = $this->pos;$this->char = (++$this->pos < $this->size) ? $this->doc[$this->pos] : null; // next// end tagif ($this->char === '/') {$this->char = (++$this->pos < $this->size) ? $this->doc[$this->pos] : null; // next// Skip whitespace in end tags (i.e. in "</   html>")$this->skip($this->token_blank);$tag = $this->copy_until_char('>');// Skip attributes in end tagsif (($pos = strpos($tag, ' ')) !== false) {$tag = substr($tag, 0, $pos);}$parent_lower = strtolower($this->parent->tag);$tag_lower = strtolower($tag);// The end tag is supposed to close the parent tag. Handle situations// when it doesn'tif ($parent_lower !== $tag_lower) {// Parent tag does not have to be closed necessarily (optional closing tag)// Current tag is a block tag, so it may close an ancestorif (isset($this->optional_closing_tags[$parent_lower])&& isset($this->block_tags[$tag_lower])) {$this->parent->_[HDOM_INFO_END] = 0;$org_parent = $this->parent;// Traverse ancestors to find a matching opening tag// Stop at root nodewhile (($this->parent->parent)&& strtolower($this->parent->tag) !== $tag_lower){$this->parent = $this->parent->parent;}// If we don't have a match add current tag as text nodeif (strtolower($this->parent->tag) !== $tag_lower) {$this->parent = $org_parent; // restore origonal parentif ($this->parent->parent) {$this->parent = $this->parent->parent;}$this->parent->_[HDOM_INFO_END] = $this->cursor;return $this->as_text_node($tag);}} elseif (($this->parent->parent)&& isset($this->block_tags[$tag_lower])) {// Grandparent exists and current tag is a block tag, so our// parent doesn't have an end tag$this->parent->_[HDOM_INFO_END] = 0; // No end tag$org_parent = $this->parent;// Traverse ancestors to find a matching opening tag// Stop at root nodewhile (($this->parent->parent)&& strtolower($this->parent->tag) !== $tag_lower) {$this->parent = $this->parent->parent;}// If we don't have a match add current tag as text nodeif (strtolower($this->parent->tag) !== $tag_lower) {$this->parent = $org_parent; // restore origonal parent$this->parent->_[HDOM_INFO_END] = $this->cursor;return $this->as_text_node($tag);}} elseif (($this->parent->parent)&& strtolower($this->parent->parent->tag) === $tag_lower) { // Grandparent exists and current tag closes it$this->parent->_[HDOM_INFO_END] = 0;$this->parent = $this->parent->parent;} else { // Random tag, add as text nodereturn $this->as_text_node($tag);}}// Set end position of parent tag to current cursor position$this->parent->_[HDOM_INFO_END] = $this->cursor;if ($this->parent->parent) {$this->parent = $this->parent->parent;}$this->char = (++$this->pos < $this->size) ? $this->doc[$this->pos] : null; // nextreturn true;}// start tag$node = new simple_html_dom_node($this);$node->_[HDOM_INFO_BEGIN] = $this->cursor;++$this->cursor;$tag = $this->copy_until($this->token_slash); // Get tag name$node->tag_start = $begin_tag_pos;// doctype, cdata & comments...// <!DOCTYPE html>// <![CDATA[ ... ]]>// <!-- Comment -->if (isset($tag[0]) && $tag[0] === '!') {$node->_[HDOM_INFO_TEXT] = '<' . $tag . $this->copy_until_char('>');if (isset($tag[2]) && $tag[1] === '-' && $tag[2] === '-') { // Comment ("<!--")$node->nodetype = HDOM_TYPE_COMMENT;$node->tag = 'comment';} else { // Could be doctype or CDATA but we don't care$node->nodetype = HDOM_TYPE_UNKNOWN;$node->tag = 'unknown';}if ($this->char === '>') { $node->_[HDOM_INFO_TEXT] .= '>'; }$this->link_nodes($node, true);$this->char = (++$this->pos < $this->size) ? $this->doc[$this->pos] : null; // nextreturn true;}// The start tag cannot contain another start tag, if so add as text// i.e. "<<html>"if ($pos = strpos($tag, '<') !== false) {$tag = '<' . substr($tag, 0, -1);$node->_[HDOM_INFO_TEXT] = $tag;$this->link_nodes($node, false);$this->char = $this->doc[--$this->pos]; // prevreturn true;}// Handle invalid tag names (i.e. "<html#doc>")if (!preg_match('/^\w[\w:-]*$/', $tag)) {$node->_[HDOM_INFO_TEXT] = '<' . $tag . $this->copy_until('<>');// Next char is the beginning of a new tag, don't touch it.if ($this->char === '<') {$this->link_nodes($node, false);return true;}// Next char closes current tag, add and be done with it.if ($this->char === '>') { $node->_[HDOM_INFO_TEXT] .= '>'; }$this->link_nodes($node, false);$this->char = (++$this->pos < $this->size) ? $this->doc[$this->pos] : null; // nextreturn true;}// begin tag, add new node$node->nodetype = HDOM_TYPE_ELEMENT;$tag_lower = strtolower($tag);$node->tag = ($this->lowercase) ? $tag_lower : $tag;// handle optional closing tagsif (isset($this->optional_closing_tags[$tag_lower])) {// Traverse ancestors to close all optional closing tagswhile (isset($this->optional_closing_tags[$tag_lower][strtolower($this->parent->tag)])) {$this->parent->_[HDOM_INFO_END] = 0;$this->parent = $this->parent->parent;}$node->parent = $this->parent;}$guard = 0; // prevent infinity loop// [0] Space between tag and first attribute$space = array($this->copy_skip($this->token_blank), '', '');// attributesdo {// Everything until the first equal sign should be the attribute name$name = $this->copy_until($this->token_equal);if ($name === '' && $this->char !== null && $space[0] === '') {break;}if ($guard === $this->pos) { // Escape infinite loop$this->char = (++$this->pos < $this->size) ? $this->doc[$this->pos] : null; // nextcontinue;}$guard = $this->pos;// handle endless '<'// Out of bounds before the tag endedif ($this->pos >= $this->size - 1 && $this->char !== '>') {$node->nodetype = HDOM_TYPE_TEXT;$node->_[HDOM_INFO_END] = 0;$node->_[HDOM_INFO_TEXT] = '<' . $tag . $space[0] . $name;$node->tag = 'text';$this->link_nodes($node, false);return true;}// handle mismatch '<'// Attributes cannot start after opening tagif ($this->doc[$this->pos - 1] == '<') {$node->nodetype = HDOM_TYPE_TEXT;$node->tag = 'text';$node->attr = array();$node->_[HDOM_INFO_END] = 0;$node->_[HDOM_INFO_TEXT] = substr($this->doc,$begin_tag_pos,$this->pos - $begin_tag_pos - 1);$this->pos -= 2;$this->char = (++$this->pos < $this->size) ? $this->doc[$this->pos] : null; // next$this->link_nodes($node, false);return true;}if ($name !== '/' && $name !== '') { // this is a attribute name// [1] Whitespace after attribute name$space[1] = $this->copy_skip($this->token_blank);$name = $this->restore_noise($name); // might be a noisy nameif ($this->lowercase) { $name = strtolower($name); }if ($this->char === '=') { // attribute with value$this->char = (++$this->pos < $this->size) ? $this->doc[$this->pos] : null; // next$this->parse_attr($node, $name, $space); // get attribute value} else {//no value attr: nowrap, checked selected...$node->_[HDOM_INFO_QUOTE][] = HDOM_QUOTE_NO;$node->attr[$name] = true;if ($this->char != '>') { $this->char = $this->doc[--$this->pos]; } // prev}$node->_[HDOM_INFO_SPACE][] = $space;// prepare for next attribute$space = array($this->copy_skip($this->token_blank),'','');} else { // no more attributesbreak;}} while ($this->char !== '>' && $this->char !== '/'); // go until the tag ended$this->link_nodes($node, true);$node->_[HDOM_INFO_ENDSPACE] = $space[0];// handle empty tags (i.e. "<div/>")if ($this->copy_until_char('>') === '/') {$node->_[HDOM_INFO_ENDSPACE] .= '/';$node->_[HDOM_INFO_END] = 0;} else {// reset parentif (!isset($this->self_closing_tags[strtolower($node->tag)])) {$this->parent = $node;}}$this->char = (++$this->pos < $this->size) ? $this->doc[$this->pos] : null; // next// If it's a BR tag, we need to set it's text to the default text.// This way when we see it in plaintext, we can generate formatting that the user wants.// since a br tag never has sub nodes, this works well.if ($node->tag === 'br') {$node->_[HDOM_INFO_INNER] = $this->default_br_text;}return true;}protected function parse_attr($node, $name, &$space){$is_duplicate = isset($node->attr[$name]);if (!$is_duplicate) // Copy whitespace between "=" and value$space[2] = $this->copy_skip($this->token_blank);switch ($this->char) {case '"':$quote_type = HDOM_QUOTE_DOUBLE;$this->char = (++$this->pos < $this->size) ? $this->doc[$this->pos] : null; // next$value = $this->copy_until_char('"');$this->char = (++$this->pos < $this->size) ? $this->doc[$this->pos] : null; // nextbreak;case '\'':$quote_type = HDOM_QUOTE_SINGLE;$this->char = (++$this->pos < $this->size) ? $this->doc[$this->pos] : null; // next$value = $this->copy_until_char('\'');$this->char = (++$this->pos < $this->size) ? $this->doc[$this->pos] : null; // nextbreak;default:$quote_type = HDOM_QUOTE_NO;$value = $this->copy_until($this->token_attr);}$value = $this->restore_noise($value);// PaperG: Attributes should not have \r or \n in them, that counts as// html whitespace.$value = str_replace("\r", '', $value);$value = str_replace("\n", '', $value);// PaperG: If this is a "class" selector, lets get rid of the preceeding// and trailing space since some people leave it in the multi class case.if ($name === 'class') {$value = trim($value);}if (!$is_duplicate) {$node->_[HDOM_INFO_QUOTE][] = $quote_type;$node->attr[$name] = $value;}}protected function link_nodes(&$node, $is_child){$node->parent = $this->parent;$this->parent->nodes[] = $node;if ($is_child) {$this->parent->children[] = $node;}}protected function as_text_node($tag){$node = new simple_html_dom_node($this);++$this->cursor;$node->_[HDOM_INFO_TEXT] = '</' . $tag . '>';$this->link_nodes($node, false);$this->char = (++$this->pos < $this->size) ? $this->doc[$this->pos] : null; // nextreturn true;}protected function skip($chars){$this->pos += strspn($this->doc, $chars, $this->pos);$this->char = ($this->pos < $this->size) ? $this->doc[$this->pos] : null; // next}protected function copy_skip($chars){$pos = $this->pos;$len = strspn($this->doc, $chars, $pos);$this->pos += $len;$this->char = ($this->pos < $this->size) ? $this->doc[$this->pos] : null; // nextif ($len === 0) { return ''; }return substr($this->doc, $pos, $len);}protected function copy_until($chars){$pos = $this->pos;$len = strcspn($this->doc, $chars, $pos);$this->pos += $len;$this->char = ($this->pos < $this->size) ? $this->doc[$this->pos] : null; // nextreturn substr($this->doc, $pos, $len);}protected function copy_until_char($char){if ($this->char === null) { return ''; }if (($pos = strpos($this->doc, $char, $this->pos)) === false) {$ret = substr($this->doc, $this->pos, $this->size - $this->pos);$this->char = null;$this->pos = $this->size;return $ret;}if ($pos === $this->pos) { return ''; }$pos_old = $this->pos;$this->char = $this->doc[$pos];$this->pos = $pos;return substr($this->doc, $pos_old, $pos - $pos_old);}protected function remove_noise($pattern, $remove_tag = false){global $debug_object;if (is_object($debug_object)) { $debug_object->debug_log_entry(1); }$count = preg_match_all($pattern,$this->doc,$matches,PREG_SET_ORDER | PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);for ($i = $count - 1; $i > -1; --$i) {$key = '___noise___' . sprintf('% 5d', count($this->noise) + 1000);if (is_object($debug_object)) {$debug_object->debug_log(2, 'key is: ' . $key);}$idx = ($remove_tag) ? 0 : 1; // 0 = entire match, 1 = submatch$this->noise[$key] = $matches[$i][$idx][0];$this->doc = substr_replace($this->doc, $key, $matches[$i][$idx][1], strlen($matches[$i][$idx][0]));}// reset the length of content$this->size = strlen($this->doc);if ($this->size > 0) {$this->char = $this->doc[0];}}function restore_noise($text){global $debug_object;if (is_object($debug_object)) { $debug_object->debug_log_entry(1); }while (($pos = strpos($text, '___noise___')) !== false) {// Sometimes there is a broken piece of markup, and we don't GET the// pos+11 etc... token which indicates a problem outside of us...// todo: "___noise___1000" (or any number with four or more digits)// in the DOM causes an infinite loop which could be utilized by// malicious softwareif (strlen($text) > $pos + 15) {$key = '___noise___'. $text[$pos + 11]. $text[$pos + 12]. $text[$pos + 13]. $text[$pos + 14]. $text[$pos + 15];if (is_object($debug_object)) {$debug_object->debug_log(2, 'located key of: ' . $key);}if (isset($this->noise[$key])) {$text = substr($text, 0, $pos). $this->noise[$key]. substr($text, $pos + 16);} else {// do this to prevent an infinite loop.$text = substr($text, 0, $pos). 'UNDEFINED NOISE FOR KEY: '. $key. substr($text, $pos + 16);}} else {// There is no valid key being given back to us... We must get// rid of the ___noise___ or we will have a problem.$text = substr($text, 0, $pos). 'NO NUMERIC NOISE KEY'. substr($text, $pos + 11);}}return $text;}function search_noise($text){global $debug_object;if (is_object($debug_object)) { $debug_object->debug_log_entry(1); }foreach($this->noise as $noiseElement) {if (strpos($noiseElement, $text) !== false) {return $noiseElement;}}}function __toString(){return $this->root->innertext();}function __get($name){switch ($name) {case 'outertext':return $this->root->innertext();case 'innertext':return $this->root->innertext();case 'plaintext':return $this->root->text();case 'charset':return $this->_charset;case 'target_charset':return $this->_target_charset;}}function childNodes($idx = -1){return $this->root->childNodes($idx);}function firstChild(){return $this->root->first_child();}function lastChild(){return $this->root->last_child();}function createElement($name, $value = null){return @str_get_html("<$name>$value</$name>")->firstChild();}function createTextNode($value){return @end(str_get_html($value)->nodes);}function getElementById($id){return $this->find("#$id", 0);}function getElementsById($id, $idx = null){return $this->find("#$id", $idx);}function getElementByTagName($name){return $this->find($name, 0);}function getElementsByTagName($name, $idx = -1){return $this->find($name, $idx);}function loadFile(){$args = func_get_args();$this->load_file($args);}




A )添加路由:


Route::group('html/suppplier', function () {Route::get('crawler_news', '/crawlerNews')->name('htmlSupplierCrawlerNews');//爬虫爬取资讯数据})->prefix('html.Supplier');

B )实现刚配置的接口函数:


    /*** TODO 爬虫爬取资讯数据* @return mixed* @author huidaoli* @day 2021-11-17*/public function crawlerNews(EchartRepository $EchartRepository){$data = $this->request->params(['page']);$res = $EchartRepository->getHtmlTags($data);return app('json')->success($res);}

C )爬取专栏相关信息:


    //爬虫爬取资讯数据public function getHtmlTags(array $data){$htmlObj = new simple_html_dom();   //工具类对象初始化$htmlObj->load_file('https://brands.cnblogs.com/');  // 从url中加载$data['page'] = $htmlObj->find('div div div div div div ul li a', 3)->innertext;$ret = $this->scraping_digg($data);$ret['titles'] = $htmlObj->find('div div div div div div h1 a', 0)->innertext;foreach($htmlObj->find('div.wrapper div.bannerpage div div div div p') as $e){$ret['subtitle'][] = $e->plaintext;}return $ret;}

D )爬取文章信息:


    //爬虫爬取资讯数据public function scraping_digg(array $data) {   $limit = 0;for($i=1;$i<=$data['page'];$i++){$URL = 'https://brands.cnblogs.com';$url = $URL.'/'.$i;$html = new simple_html_dom();$html->load_file($url);foreach($html->find('div.article-item') as $article) {$item['title'] = trim($article->find('div.title h2', 0)->plaintext);$item['details'] = trim($article->find('div.summary p', 0)->plaintext);$item['diggs1'] = trim($article->find('div.post-info div.author span', 0)->plaintext);$item['diggs2'] = trim($article->find('div.post-info div.views span', 0)->plaintext);$item['diggs3'] = trim($article->find('div.post-info div.likes span', 0)->plaintext);$item['img'] = trim($article->find('figure a img', 0)->src);$item['href'] = $URL.trim($article->find('div.title h2 a', 1)->href);$ret['list'][] = $item;$limit += 1;}$html->clear();unset($html);}$ret['limit'] =  $limit;$ret['page'] =  $data['page'];return $ret;}



{"status": 200,"message": "success","data": {"list": [{"title": "赶紧收藏!7大类400多种组件,鸿蒙三方库来了!","details": "目前,HarmonyOS三方库涵盖7大类400多种,并且还在持续壮大中。以下为三方库的介绍及资源地址,赶紧收藏!","diggs1": "eva3w","diggs2": "3075","diggs3": "0","img": "https://img2020.cnblogs.com/blog/2016690/202105/2016690-20210512143438411-894995434.png?v=20200821","href": "https://brands.cnblogs.com/huawei/p/2174"},{"title": "上云没错,上错了云,才是错!","details": "疫情更像加速器,加速了企业云化的进程。企业 IT 需要更弹性和稳定的基础架构、更先进并持续更新的技术栈、永远在线的体验和有保障的 SLA。 「上云」是不可逆转的趋势,但是,上云要找老司机,选择科学的方法和正确的步调。 上错了云,就像上贼船,...","diggs1": "小黑羊","diggs2": "1510","diggs3": "7","img": "https://img2020.cnblogs.com/blog/1/202102/1-20210224163516159-1710022906.jpg?v=20200821","href": "https://brands.cnblogs.com/aws/p/2081"}],"limit": 3,"page": "1","titles": "博客园品牌专区","subtitle": ["你的远见,被千万开发者看见","Stay with developers. Build your brand."]}




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