Jakarta 雅加达

last leg of his current southeast Asian tour 此行的最后一占

与。。。进行了会谈 held talks with

counterpart 与对方地位作用相当的人(或物)

cooperation pacts 合作协定

preferential policy  优惠政策

China-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement(Association of South-East Asian Nations 东南亚国家联盟)

both sides 双方

give full play to local comparative advantage 充分发挥本地竞争优势

census 人口普查

国家审计局 National Bureau of Statistics

Demographer 人口统计学家

is along with international standards 迎合国际标准

policymakers 政策制定者

refine management policies 完善管理政策
surges ahead 蓬勃向前

swarm into/flood into 涌入

gradation 分级

take into effect 开始生效

mental retardation 智障

mental disorder 精神病

Disabled Person's Federation 残联

makes up/accounts for 6% of the overall population 占总人口的6%

inspire them to reach their full potential 激励他们发挥更大的潜能

fitness and legitimacy 合理性与合法性

counterterrorism 反恐

have been kept in dark about 一直被蒙在股里

raid 突袭

chant 吟诵,叫喊

rail 责骂

compound 大院,基地

unilateral/bilateral 单边/双边的

undermine 暗中破坏

ally 同盟国

incompetent 无能力的,不能胜任的

Military Academy 军校,军事院校

West Point 西点军校

infantry, artillery 步兵,炮兵

intelligence apparatus  情报机构

elude 逃避

baseless speculation 没有证据的推测

fray 摩擦

militant 激进分子,斗士

imprisonment 监禁

Tightens Supervision on 加强监管

shatter 粉碎,破灭

safeguard 保护,维护

tainted pork 瘟猪

dyed steamed buns 染色馒头

melamine-tainted milk 三聚氰胺牛奶

The State Council 国务院

credit records 信用记录

raw materials 原材料

quality supervision 质量检查

receipt 收据

punitive measures 惩罚措施

penalty 处罚

violate regulations knowingly 故意犯罪

be dismissed or demoted from their posts 被解雇或调离原有岗位

the Supreme People's Procuratorate 最高人民检察院

circular 通告

procuratorates at all levels 各级检查机关

severely punish 严惩

misconduct 失职,不当行为

departments concerned 相关部门

cities and counties 城镇

punitive measures 处罚措施

referendum 公民投票

First-Past-The-Post 少数服从多数

poll 做民意测验

electoral 选举的
constituency 选区

lower house of the Parliament 下议院, 众议院

MP(member of Parliament) 国会议员

opinion polling organization 民意测验组织

Labor or Conservative 工党或保守党

a matter of controversy 一个有争议的问题

Liberal Democrats 自由民主党

consequence 后果

alternative vote(AV) 选择投票

eliminate 消除

radical reforms 根本变革

prime minister 总理, 首相

coalition government 联合政府

disregard 忽视

ballot 投票

collectively 共同地

floodgate 水闸

outcome 结果

plague 使痛苦,造成麻烦

onset 开始

spring plowingand planting  春耕春种

since the beginning of spring 自开春以来

has been far from adequate 远远不够

lotus and wild rice shoots 莲花和茭白

hit their lowest point ever 达到最低点

extreme weather 极端天气

dropped sharply  急剧下降

along the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River 沿长江中上游

Marine Department 海事处

drought resistance 抗旱组织

stricken areas 灾区

the Flood Control and Drought Relief Office 防汛抗旱办公室

livestock 家畜

power generation in reservoirs 水库发电

Atmospheric Science 气象科学

Generally speaking 一般而言

monsoon 季雨

sea moisture 海洋水分

inland areas 内陆地区

alleviate 缓解

trategic & Economic Dialogue 战略经济对话

launch  启动

top agenda 最高议程

security situation 安全形势

promote cooperation in the security sector 在安全方面促进合作

intellectual property right 知识产权http://write.blog.csdn.net/postedit/6628398

and so forth 等等;诸如此类

indigenous innovation 自主创新

state procurement 政府采购

council 委员会,理事会

hail 高呼,喝彩

beef up 加强

chew on  咀嚼

high-level talks 高层会谈

In the lead up to 在通往。。。

a veteran diplomat 资深外交官

Treasury Secretary 财政部长

Secretary of State 国务卿

government agencies 政府机构

exchange views 交换意见

New Era of Bilateral Ties 新时代的双边关系

Ambassador to China 驻中国大使

cooperative and comprehensive 合作和理解

a historic year of historic importance 具有历史意义的历史性的一年

striving to tackle the global economic recession 努力应对全球经济衰退

face both common challenges and opportunities 面临共同的机遇和挑战

address shared economic concerns 解决共同的经济问题

Commerce Ministry 商务部

acknowledge 承认

State Councilor 国务委员

thorny 多刺的

cooperation and coordination 协调合作

thriving 繁荣的

co-chairs 副主席

government agencies 政府机构

On the economic front 在经济方面

Comprehensive Framework 综合框架

guideline 指导方针

hold profound discussions 进行深入的讨论

carry out 进行

overarching perspective issues 大局问题

approach  方法

silver jewelry 银饰品

rural communities 农村社区

a shop attendant 商店服务员

artisan 工匠

craftwork 工艺品

ethic 道德

a win-win situation 双赢局面

pricy 价格昂贵

alleviate poverty 缓解贫困

sacrifice 牺牲

avenge 复仇

adapted the story 改编故事

National Centre for the Performing Arts (NCPA)  国家表演艺术中心

classical tragedy 古典悲剧

several states co-existed. 多国并存,群雄割据

tragedy 悲剧

The two did not get along 两人相处得不好

daughter-in-law 媳妇

swallows his grief 忍住悲痛

The orphan of the Zhao 赵氏孤儿

The story of The Orphan of the Zhao has been passed down for over three hundred years. 流传了3000多年了

composer 作曲家

a petty citizen 小市民

fulfills his promise 履行自己的承诺

small fry 小混混

lyrical lullaby 抒情的摇篮曲

virtuous 贤惠的,有道德的

Eliminate Discrimination 消除歧视

hospitals and clinics 医院和诊所

health care workers 卫生保健工作者

surgery 手术

medical treatments 医疗

infectious disease 感染病

routine medical services 日常的医疗服务

segregate 隔离

turn away 转走


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