Add a registry user account

npm adduser [–registry=url] [–scope=@orgname] [–always-auth] [–auth-type=legacy]

aliases: login, add-user

Create or verify a user named in the specified registry, and save the credentials to the .npmrc file. If no registry is specified, the default registry will be used (see npm-config).

The username, password, and email are read in from prompts.

To reset your password, go to

To change your email address, go to

You may use this command multiple times with the same user account to authorize on a new machine. When authenticating on a new machine, the username, password and email address must all match with your existing record.

npm login is an alias to adduser and behaves exactly the same way.


The base URL of the npm package registry. If scope is also specified, this registry will only be used for packages with that scope. scope defaults to the scope of the project directory you’re currently in, if any. See npm-scope.

Default: none

If specified, the user and login credentials given will be associated with the specified scope. See npm-scope. You can use both at the same time, e.g.

npm adduser --registry= --scope=@myco

This will set a registry for the given scope and login or create a user for that registry at the same time.

Default: false

If specified, save configuration indicating that all requests to the given registry should include authorization information. Useful for private registries. Can be used with --registry and / or --scope, e.g.

npm adduser --registry= --always-auth

This will ensure that all requests to that registry (including for tarballs) include an authorization header. This setting may be necessary for use with private registries where metadata and package tarballs are stored on hosts with different hostnames. See always-auth in npm-config for more details on always-auth. Registry-specific configuration of always-auth takes precedence over any global configuration.

Default: 'legacy'
Type: 'legacy', 'sso', 'saml', 'oauth'

What authentication strategy to use with adduser/login. Some npm registries (for example, npmE) might support alternative auth strategies besides classic username/password entry in legacy npm.


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